Shadowrun 5 Run Faster Pdf Download
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General Information
The Runnerhub House Rules are custom rules which streamline the game experience for players and GMs alike, with a particular focus on reducing bookkeeping, improving game balance, and clarifying ambiguous editing by CGL. The House Rules are created by our Rules Division, and are in part sourced from the community. If you have a question of concern about the rules, please feel free to submit a ticket or ask questions in the #rules-questions channel on Discord.
Runnerhub uses non-optional gameplay rules as detailed in official Shadowrun 5th Edition material. In the event of a ruling conflict, Runnerhub House Rules take precedence over the official published rules. Occasionally, new House Rules will be added, and changes will be announced in a regular update post on /r/Runnerhub.
Which Shadowrun material is used on RunnerHub?
Runnerhub allows use of all official Shadowrun 5E books and supplements. Exceptions to this will be listed explicitly below.
What books do I need?
Generally, you should always have access to the books that you are using content from.
Due to the expansive nature of the available Shadowrun material, not every GM will have access to all content themselves. Should any questions arise, every player is expected to be able to present the actual rules text for any content they are using when asked by a GM.
This doesn't necessarily mean you need to buy an entire book if you're only using a single piece of content from it, but you need to somehow be able to look up the rules text and share it with the GM if necessary.
If you're not able to get access to the rules text for something, don't use it.
Custom Content
Players can only use content that is included in the official Shadowrun 5E books and supplements or Runnerhub House Rules (including contacts).
Unofficial, custom or homebrewed content as well as content from previous Shadowrun editions cannot be used by players on Runnerhub.
This limitation does not extend to GMs - a GM can, for example, use critters published in Shadowrun 4E material in their games.
Newly Released Material
Newly released material in sourcebooks and supplements are subject to a review period, typically 30 days but sometimes longer, by the relevant division. Approved rules content falls under the purview of Rules Division, while Thematic Division is responsible for approving new lore.
Content which has not been reviewed and approved should not be used by players or GMs. If it is unclear whether or not a new book's content has been approved, please contact the relevant division.
Official materials also include any errata that are released for Shadowrun 5E material.
New errata posted by CGL's Errata team must be vetted by RD and the GM community first.
Specific Exceptions
There are some things that Runnerhub does not use. These are specific and targeted, and when we have a reason that can be fully articulated, it will be published. Sometimes, the reasons are due to complexity that the Hub cannot handle where a home table can. Where possible, bookkeeping has been automated on the main Runnerhub subreddit; some bookkeeping is more complex than a thread can handle, and that can be why some published items are not allowed.
Specific Books
The contents of the sourcebooks and supplements listed below are not in use on Runnerhub, except where noted.
- Lockdown
- The contents of this supplement are not available for use by players.
- Court of Shadows
- Book of the Lost
- The Lion and Wise Raven mentors, as well as the Trompe L'oeil commlink, are in use.
- Shadowrun 2050 (5th Edition)
- Hong Kong Sourcebook
- German-exclusive content from the 5th Edition Core Rulebook, Street Grimoire, Rigger 5.0, and Run Faster.
- German-exclusive content including, but not limited to, the books listed below. Generally speaking, if it is published by Pegasus in German, we don't use it.
- Schattenhandbuch
- Schattenhandbuch 2
- State of the Art ADL
- Krime Katalog
- Metahuman adaption is ignored on the RunnerHub
- Any Recoil Compensation listed in parenthesis apply to weapons with their intergral mods (bipods, folding stocks) deployed. Otherwise their base RC is 0
- Listed Recoil Compensation values include bonuses from pre-installed mods and accessories.
- This book lists normal Recoil Compensation values as negative numbers. The negative sign can be ignored.
Underage Players, Characters, & Content Policy
Players and characters under the age of 18 are permitted on RunnerHub. However, we have a zero-tolerance policy for any content that sexualizes minors or involves minors in sexual content in any way.
Violation of this policy will result in immediate punitive action.
There are no grey areas due to player country, character metatype, setting lore, or other caveats. Any player or character under the age of 18 or who is described as appearing underage is considered a minor, in all circumstances. While the RunnerHub cannot force players to disclose their age, it is the responsibility of everyone (minors and adults) involved to avoid situations that sexualize minors or involve minors in sexual content.
It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that the GM and any other players interacting with an underage character or player are aware that the character or player is underage. Failure to inform GMs or other players of a character or player's underage status is not acceptable.
Players or GMs who do not immediately cease sexual advances or sexual content with a player upon being informed that the player or their character is underage are subject to immediate punitive action.
Any GM whose table inadvertently hosts content that sexualizes a minor, or involves a minor in sexual content, must immediately retcon the scenario and inform the Interpersonal Division.
This policy includes all RunnerHub community areas, including but not limited to RunnerHub subreddits, RunnerHub Discord servers, and GMs' tables.
This policy is non-negotiable in accordance with the Terms of Service of both Reddit and Discord.
Character Creation
General Notes
The character creation process is overseen by the Character Creation Division (CCD). The legality of any submitted character is ultimately determined by them, and any questionable aspects of a character are subject to their approval. Characters submitted to r/hubchargen must retain their original links to the character sheet (in PDF and chummer/herolab formats) or be subject to an audit. This link must be at minimum a link to the character sheet as submitted, though a link to a running update is also permitted. These records must be retained for at least 30 days after a character's retirement or death.
If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding CCD practices, please send them a modmail.
Runnerhub uses several systems for character creation. New players may use the standard Priority or the Sum-To-Ten build systems. After some time playing, Karmagen will become available. These rules are detailed in the Shadowrun 5th edition Core Rulebook and Run Faster sourcebook. If you are using Chummer5a, be sure to set it to the correct character creation method. For Runnerhub characters, Chummer settings should be set to what are shown in these setting photos.
Each player may only have one character up for submission at a time, and there is a one week cooldown period between approval and submission of a new character. This does not apply to players with only one character slot, whose character was forcibly retired/died.
The order of steps in character creation - EG Attributes, Skills, Gear, etc. - are not fixed and may be completed in any order, returned to, or left for later as desired. It is, however, generally recommended to work from top to bottom or left to right. While buying attributes and skills with points and karma can be done in any order, the cost in karma for ranks is always calculated after points are put into the skill or attribute. Any explicit limitations or requirements, such as only one maxed Attribute at gen or a Skill with at least 4 ranks for the Loss of Confidence quality, are checked at the very end of character generation, on submission to r/hubchargen, except where otherwise noted in RAW or the House Rules.
Recordkeeping Standards
CCD reserves the right to decline names that are too similar, meaning names which have the same meaning and slight variations of spelling.
In the interests of maintaining openness and ease of auditing for those unfortunate times when CCD needs to do so, it is now required that all new characters on the Hub follow these two rules from this point on (2018-11-10):
- As long as a character is active, the chargen version of the sheet must be available at the original links provided in the chargen thread. If for some reason these links change, they must be updated to point to the new location of the chargen versions of the PDF and .chum5/.por files again for as long as a character is active. You may place this into a chargen folder and have it be out of the way of your in-play sheets, but we need the records available to us.
- For a period of at least 30 days after a character is retired, the chargen files must be retained for the retired sheet just in case we need to go back and check on them. After 30 days have passed, people will be free to delete them if they want to.
Beyond that, it's mostly up to you how you want to structure things. Please keep in mind that Google Drive offers basic version control, so you can simply upload a new copy of a file with the same name and it will retain the older versions for you.
Slots and Snowflakes
All players on Runnerhub may have a maximum of 7 active characters, represented as slots.
- The first slot is unlocked by default.
- The second slot is unlocked after 5 completed runs. After unlocking this slot, players may use the Karmagen character creation method on all future characters.
- The third slot is unlocked after 10 runs, and is the first slot which may be used for a Common Metavariant character
- The fourth slot is unlocked after 15 runs.
- The fifth slot may be purchased for 15 GMP after the fourth slot is unlocked.
- The sixth slot may be purchased for 30 GMP after the fourth slot is unlocked.
- The seventh slot may be purchased for 45 GMP after the fourth slot is unlocked.
- The ability to use a slot for a Snowflake is unlocked after 20 runs.
Note that GMing a run counts as completing a run, for the purposes of unlocking slots and snowflake creation. Purchased slots do not grant additional metavariant or "snowflake" characters.
When submitting the fifth, sixth, and seventh characters, the post in r/hubchargen must note that a character slot is being purchased, and the source(s) of the GMP being used to purchase said slot.
Shelving Characters
A player who does not have the maximum number of slots may only have 1 (<5 runs), 2 (<10 runs), or 3 (<15) characters. However, a situation may arise in which you wish to play a different character without permanently retiring a current character. Thus, they may "Shelf" a character who has already been approved. A "Shelved" character is not available for play, advancement, etc., but still exists, approved by CCD and in their current state as of the shelving. You may only have one shelved character at a time. The normal rules about how frequently you can submit characters still applies. A character is shelved when the new character is approved, and the current character can be played while waiting for the new character's approval.
Returning a Shelved Character
A shelved character is returned to active availability when you unlock a character slot with your 5th, 10th, or 15th run. If you wish to use a different character for your second slot, you may shelve either of your characters again when you apply the new one. This continues at your third slot. If you wish to play a different character at your fourth slot, you must choose a PC to retire permanently, as normal.
- When using Priogen to create a Technomancer, change the number of Complex Forms in each row as follows:
Priority | Change |
Priority A | Increase from 5 to 7 |
Priority B | Increase from 2 to 4 |
Priority C | Increase from 1 to 3 |
Players with at least 5 complete runs on the Runnerhub may submit characters created with (800) Karmagen instead of the Priority system.
The karmagenned character counts towards your maximum of 4 characters, but does not take up your snowflake slot unless they would otherwise qualify as a snowflake (e.g. rare metavariant, prototype transhuman, etc).
This should go without saying, but the same restrictions apply - a maximum of 25 karma spent on positive qualities, a maximum of 25 karma from negative qualities, at most 1 attribute at metatype maximum, maximum 6 in a skill, etc., etc.
You still get the free contact points from CHA and knowledge skill points from INT and LOG - this may require you to change the default setting in Chummer.
Players may choose to create characters with Sum-To-Ten instead of Priority system on the Rubberhub.
The Sum-To-Ten characters count towards your maximum of 4 characters, occupying one character slot each, but do not take up your snowflake slot unless they would otherwise qualify as a snowflake (e.g. rare metavariant, prototype transhuman, etc).
Sum-To-Ten characters follow the same restrictions as all others - a maximum of 25 karma spent on positive qualities, a maximum of 25 karma from negative qualities, at most 1 attribute at metatype maximum, maximum 6 in a skill, etc., etc.
Character Resubmit
A resubmit is intended to allow a player to correct gaps in their skill set that are causing significant issues, such as a Rigger without any Pilot skills, a Mage without Counterspelling, or a Matrix character without Hardware. It is not intended to allow for pure optimization tweaks, although corrections for drastic underperformance are allowed within reason. CCD reserves the right to decline a resubmission in rare circumstances.
A Player may resubmit their character for approval following changes assuming the following conditions are met:
- The character has between 0 and 5 runs completed.
- The character must not be in limbo either waiting for a run's Part 2, or for Thematic Division consequences following run fallout.
- The player has received permission from either the Game Master of one of their runs, or a full member of the Character Creation Division. This is to ensure that there is a legitimate reason to request the changes. Resubmits with 0 runs require express permission of the original reviewer and will be given priority over other reviews. They should also be specifically noted as [Run 0 Resubmit] in the title.
- The planned changes do not constitute creating an entirely new character, by drastically changing existing thematics and/or by outright building a completely different character concept. See: Converting an Elf Mage into an Ork Street Samurai, or switching a character's background from a street-wise go-ganger to a corporate brat.
A resubmit should be posted in the Hubchargen subreddit, following the same basic guidelines as the original submission. However, it must also be made clear in the header that it is a Resubmit, the name of the GM/CCD member that authorized the resubmit must be stated, and a link to the original thread be present, along with links to the updated PDF and Chummer or Hero Lab files. It is advised that the person who authorized the resubmit is pinged in your post as well, as they will have to verify they authorized the resubmit.
Players who are resubmitting characters are allowed to continue to apply to runs with their pre-resubmit build. All run rewards and nuyen/karma purchases will be applied immediately after the resubmit is approved. The 5 run resubmit limit applies when the resubmit is posted; if the character gets past 5 runs while waiting for it to be taken, they are not automatically denied the resubmit.
Minimum Attributes
Characters may have a single Physical or Mental attributes at rating 1. All other Physical and Mental Attributes must be above Rating 1, unless permanently augmented to a higher rating. Full Limb Replacements (2 Arms, 2 Legs) or Full Body Replacements (2 Arms, 2 Legs, 1 Torso) count as permanently augmented, while all other permutations of cyberlimb replacement do not.
Augmented Attributes
Anything that increases an attribute above its natural rating is considered an augmentation. This includes cyberware, bioware, magic, adept powers, drugs, and anything else that adds to a character's attribute rating. Incompatibilities generally refer only to the particular conflict. E.g. using the Growth spell with Muscle Toners: You pick which one grants the AGI boost, and the other effects of the Growth spell still apply. The maximum augmentation bonus to any attribute is +4.
Initiative/Reaction Stacking
Ignore all RAW statements about stacking multiple sources of Reaction or Initiative, as well as all statements about incompatibility between augmentations (as defined above in "Augmented Attributes") that provide Reaction or Initiative.
Reaction Stacking - Any reaction provided by an augmentation will stack with any reaction provided by other augmentations, to a maximum of +4. The sole exception to this is when using a wireless-on Wired Reflexes system alongside a wireless-on Reaction Enhancers system, which may stack with each other (and no other sources) to a maximum of +6 reaction. Having an Internal Router system installed allows your Wired Reflexes and Reaction Enhancers to stack as if they were wireless-on, even when wireless-off.
Initiative Stacking - A character can benefit from the initiative of only one augmentation that provides any flat initiative score or any initiative dice. This does not affect any other benefits such augmentations provide, including reaction or other attribute boosts. In addition to the initiative benefits of a single augmentation, a character may receive additional initiative score in a combat turn from each of the following sources. - The Calibration action (Kill Code, 37) - The Rally action of the Leadership skill (Core Rulebook, 142) - The Shoot First, Don't Ask Questions quality (Better than Bad, 161) These three sources of initiative will stack with a character's single initiative augmentation, as well as with each other, but not with themselves - a character receives only the benefit of the highest single Calibration or Rally action that would benefit them in a combat turn.
Any changes to a character's base initiative from being a non-metahuman entity (such as a Shapeshifter, or other Critter) are not subject to these restrictions, and fully stack with initiative augmentations.
Astral initiative is affected only by magical sources; Drugs and ware based boosts do not apply. Matrix initiative is affected only by things that specifically apply to Matrix Initiative, such as the Multidimensional Coprocessor, or the Overclocking Echo. Changes to base attributes (such as Reaction, Intuition, or Data Processing) from drugs(i.e. Cereprax and Betameth), spells(i.e. Increase [Attribute]), and ware(i.e. Cerebellum Boosters) always apply.
The +1 Initiative from the Reaction Enhancer Optimization geneware is considered part of the Reaction Enhancers augmentation for the purposes of these rules, and stacks with the Initiative dice from Wired Reflexes whenever their Reaction bonuses would stack.
Using Edge to Blitz is not subject to these restrictions in any way, and will always set your initiative dice pool to 5d6.
Magic/Resonance Attribute and Essence Loss
If a character's Magic or Resonance attribute reaches 0, they are permanently burned out. This means that they have lost their magical or technomancer abilities and cannot raise the Magic or Resonance attribute above 0 again (see p.250, SR5 and errata).
During character creation, apply any special attribute points or karma used to raise either of these attributes before applying reductions from Essence loss.
After character creation (i.e. in play), the Karma cost for raising the Magic attribute is based on the attribute's current rating, after any reductions from Essence loss have been applied.
Linked Attributes
Linked Attributes are the attributes that are tied to a skill by default. An overview of active skills and their linked attributes can be found on p.151, SR5.
Drugs, items, powers, etc. that provide bonuses or other effects to tests involving skills linked to a specific attribute (e.g. the PuSHed and Qualia geneware) always apply their bonuses to all tests involving skills linked to those attributes, even if they are rolled in a test with a different attribute than the linked. Conversely, these bonuses don't apply for tests where the dice pool includes the specified attribute, but not a skill linked to it.
- The PuSHed geneware grants a +1 modifier to Logic-linked skill tests.
- The Computer skill is linked to Logic, thus even when making a data search test (Computer + Intuition) the bonus from PuSHeD applies.
- The Gunnery skill is linked to Agility, so even when making an attack with a remote controlled mounted weapon (Gunnery + Logic) the bonus from PuSheD doesn't apply.
There are a lot of rules about qualities, and to make reading the rest of this easier, they are in their own Rules entry.
Special Characters
Special Character, colloquially known as "Snowflake", refers to metavariants, metasapients, shapeshifters, changelings, and infected characters, characters with the Prototype Transhuman, Megacorporate Fame, or Global Fame qualities, and characters which make use of the Necromantic magical tradition.
Some metavariants are relatively common, and are available for use in character creation after a player has completed 10 runs. Each player may only have one of these characters active at any time, and Common Metavariant characters count to the cap of 4 characters per player.
Once a player has played in at least 20 games on the Runnerhub, they are able to submit Special Characters. Every player may only have one Special Character active at any time. Special Characters count towards the overall maximum of 4 characters per player.
Players may concurrently have an active character with a Common Metavariant and an active Snowflake character.
Unless otherwise specified below, metavariants are legal for usage on Runnerhub if the player meets the general criteria for Special Characters.
The following metavariants are considered Common:
- Dwarf: Gnome, Hanuman, Koborokuru, Menehune
- Elf: Nocturna
- Human: None
- Ork: Hobgoblin, Ogre, Oni, Satyr
- Troll: Cyclops, Fomorian, Giant, Minotaur
Increased Lifestyle Costs
Metavariants keep the increased lifestyle costs of the parents metatype, if applicable. For example, a Gnome (parent metatype Dwarf) has to pay the same +20% lifestyle cost increase as a regular Dwarf.
Extravagant Eyes are treated as the Distinctive Style quality.
They have the standard Dwarf Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins (as indicated on the table, despite what it says in the fluff) until this is addressed by errata or similar. Note that Chummer has a bug giving them metagenetic improvement (intuition) which is also incorrect.
Nartaki have a cost of 8 Karma.
Please note that "Allergy: Sunlight" encompasses more than just direct exposure to natural sunlight. See Run Faster, p.134 "Walking in Shadows" for a more detailed description.
Unless otherwise specified below, metasapients are legal for usage on Runnerhub if the player meets the general criteria for Special Characters.
Centaurs pay doubled lifestyle costs to represent the additional expenses of adapting everything they use to their unique physique.
Pixies are not allowed as player characters on the Runnerhub.
Sasquatch pay doubled lifestyle costs to represent the additional expenses of adapting everything they use to their unique physique. Remember that Sasquatch are not able to verbally communicate or use their mimicry to emulate spoken language.
The Hub does not use the Shapeshifter errata for player characters. NPC shifters remain under GM discretion
Shapeshifter Attribute Table
Shapeshifter Attribute Table
Please note that the "Metavariant Attribute Table" for shapeshifters (Run Faster, p.105) is incorrect. Use the table to the right when creating shapeshifter characters for Runnerhub.
Special Attributes
Rating and maximum of special attributes are shared between the two forms.
The last sentence of the "Creating a Shapeshifter" section (Run Faster, p.103) can be ignored. Use the Edge values listed in the table to the right instead.
The initiative dice listed in the shapeshifter attribute table are in addition to the usual one die. This bonus die applies in both forms, and does not count as an augment.
Falconine Shapeshifters
The flight power cannot be used in metahuman form.
Distinctive Style
Remember that shapeshifters keep some features of their animal form when shifting into their human form. A distinctive style related to the character's shapeshifter nature would therefore mean an even more pronounced form of these features.
Only SURGE Class III is allowed for player characters on the Runnerhub. The SURGE quality does not count against the positive quality karma limit.
Specific Metagenetic Qualities
- Broadened Auditory Spectrum
- Please note that even though a character may be able to detect communications in the chosen spectrum, that doesn't necessarily mean they are able to decipher them.
- Corrosive Spit
- Characters cannot bottle, share, or sell their own spit.
- Defensive Secretions
- Characters cannot bottle, share, or sell their own secretions.
- Impaired Attribute
- Cannot be taken for an attribute at 1, an attribute at 2, or your lowest attribute if no attributes are a 1 or 2.
- Nasty Vibe
- Keep in mind that the character's aura might be hindering in situations where they are attempting friendly interactions.
- Natural Venom
- Characters cannot bottle, share, or sell their own venom.
- Ogre Stomach
- The lifestyle discount only applies to medium lifestyle and below.
- Satyr Legs
- The damage bonus only applies to unarmed attacks using kicks (does not require the 'Kick' martial art technique), but not other attacks using the unarmed combat skill (e.g. shock gloves, foot/leg mounted cyber-implants, etc.), and stacks with the bonus damage from bone lacing cyberware or bone density augmentation bioware.
- Symbiosis
- The
BOD + WIL (3)
test is rolled in the monthly rent thread using Dicebot.
- The
The only Infected allowed for player characters on the Runnerhub are Ghouls and Gnawers. All other Infected types are not allowed. Infected player characters on Runnerhub cannot infect other player characters, whether it's intentional or unintentional. Infected NPCs, on the other hand, are not necessarily sterile - ye have been warned!
Infected characters may not burn out to 0 Magic voluntarily. If they reach a magic Rating of 0 in play they are retired.
Attribute reductions incurred through an infection quality's weaknesses are applied at the same time as attribute points are spent. For example, all Ghoul variants have a minimum charisma of 1, and incur a charisma reduction of -1 due to the weaknesses of the Ghoul quality. Therefore, a Ghoul character has a Charisma of 0 by default, and must spend 1 attribute point to raise their Charisma to meet Runnerhub's minimum requirement on attribute scores(or 2 points if another attribute at 1).
Optional Powers
Optional Powers can only be purchased once every two months, and Advanced Optional Powers such as Corrosive Spit or Tunneling Claws require two other Optional Powers to be purchased first.
- Armor
- This power cannot be of a rating greater than the Ghoul's Essence rating. If their Essence drops below their Armor, their Armor drops to match their Essence rounded down.
- Corrosive Spit
- As an exotic weapon, this power requires the exotic skill to be bought, and you cannot buy the exotic skill until you have the power.
- Characters cannot bottle, share, or sell their own spit.
- Wildcard Chimera
- Banned
AIs and E-Ghosts
AIs and E-Ghosts are currently not allowed as player characters on Runnerhub.
Necromantic Mages
Due to their complexity, major mechanical differences from other magical traditions, and thematic oddities, characters who take the Necromantic Magic tradition are counted as Special Characters.
Quality Rules
Qualities are one of the main tools in adding flavor to a character, which makes them more fun to play. Qualities below have been clarified, changed, or banned for use when making characters for Runnerhub.
General Rules
Negative qualities must have an actual negative effect on your character. Attempts to work around this and have no real negative impact are not allowed. Negative qualities may be bought off whenever the conditions to do so are met. See the Negative Qualities section for rulings on buying off specific qualities.
Characters may take one new Positive quality per month without an associated contact or solo run, but must meet any stated or implied prerequisites in the text. Doing so costs no downtime, but should be marked in the appropriate Rent thread posts. Qualities purchased through contacts do not count towards this monthly limit, but do still require their karma costs to be paid. GMs may also waive the restrictions on picking up a quality if the character's actions justify it during a run (e.g. proving themselves to be a reliable member of a syndicate may allow them to pick up Made Man, a successful infiltration may justify Catlike, etc.). Qualities with multiple ranks (such as High Pain Tolerance or Focused Concentration) must be bought one rank at a time.
Characters may not take the same positive or negative quality multiple times unless the quality has specific provisions for being taken repeatedly.
Metagenetic Qualities
Metagenetic qualities can only be taken during character creation by characters with the SURGE quality. They are not regular qualities, but a fundamental part of that character. Therefore, it's not possible to buy new positive metagenetic qualities or buy off negative ones in play, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the quality's description. The only exception to this are extraordinary events that cause a non-SURGE character to SURGE in play. Such changes should always be discussed with TD first.
GMs may decide to not apply a character's social penalties from metagenetic qualities (Freaks, p.123, Run Faster) in certain situations (e.g. when their abnormal looks would be beneficial in intimidating somebody). However, this should be the exception rather than the norm.
Specific Metagenetic Qualities
See the Changelings section in the Chargen rules.
Positive Qualities
Characters receive a +2 modifier on Con tests when they have plausible evidence (per the Social Modifiers Table, p. 140, SR5).
Astral Bouncer
The additional information may be selected from the following list:
- All assensable Positive Qualities (as determined by the GM)
- All assensable Negative Qualities (as determined by the GM)
- Physical Attribute Ratings
- Mental Attribute Ratings
- Initiate Grade
- An Initiate Power
- An Adept Power
Battle Hardened
This quality gives its bonus to Composure Tests that occur immediately prior to or during active combat. At GM discretion, the bonus may be applied to Composure Tests in other hostile situations.
Characters may purchase Biocompatibility post gen using normal quality purchase rules. It instantly applies to all installed 'ware, granting an appropriately sized essence hole.
Better on the Net
Only available to technomancers.
Brilliant Heuristics
Only available to technomancers.
Candle in the Dark
Only the 15 karma Codes of Honor count for this quality. Loyalty gained from this quality is capped at 6. Contacts whose loyalty is reduced to 0 are lost. If the associated Code of Honor is broken and the option to correct the break in a run, a solo must be completed to earn forgiveness.
Corporate Loyalist
Only available to characters with the Limited or Corporate SINner Negative Quality.
Black Market Pipeline
This applies at chargen, but only to items within a given category. For example, with the category of Vehicles, vehicle mods would not count; with the category of Electronics, modifications for glasses or cameras would count.
Players may purchase Black Market Pipeline for their characters after character creation like other qualities. Doing so is subject to Thematics Division review to ensure that the contact lines up with the chosen category of the quality.
Purchases applied to a pre-existing contact should be mentioned in the monthly Rent Thread, along with a link to the sheet in question and the contact's name, to be signed off on by a member of Thematics Division. Purchases applied to a new contact may be attached to that contact's entry in the Contact Purchase thread.
Dealer Connection
This applies at chargen, but only to the base costs of the vehicles/drones a character purchases, not any modifications or accessories
Dual-Natured Defender
Toggling Astral Perception with this quality is a simple action as normal.
Elemental Focus/Master
For these powers, Air corresponds to the Electricity damage type, Water to Cold, Earth to Acid, and Fire to ... Fire.
Limited to the Local and National fame levels for regular characters. Megacorporate and Global fame are available to "Snowflake" characters.
Focused Awakened (Seer)
This quality requires that the character be able to use Astral Perception. Adepts, both Physical and Mystical, must have the Astral Perception power to take this quality.
Fractal Punch
Allowed for all character types.
Gifted Healer
This quality provides a simple +1 dice pool bonus to all First Aid tests.
Hold the Door
Allowed for all character types.
Home Ground
The selected benefit applies to an entire district of Seattle (Renton, Bellevue, Snohomish, etc.)
When using the Digital Turf option, players cannot own a Host, but do have full legal access at either the user or sysop level to the Host with all the applicable boons and considerations. The Host in question is considered to be an R1 Data Hosts with stats decided by the player at time of purchase.
Note that you need to have visual sight on the target in the physical world to get the bonus.
Jack of All Trades, Master of None
The karma discount from this quality does not stack with any other cost-reduction quality, such as College Education or Linguist.
Lightning Reflexes
The cost of this quality does not double post-chargen.
Lone Wolf
Allowed for all character types.
(Massive) Networker
Do not stack with each other in any way, shape, or form. The price reduction from this quality does not apply to Runnerhub contacts purchased post-gen.
Made Man
The free crime syndicate group contact has a Connection rating of 4 and a Loyalty of 3. For mechanical purposes, treat the group contact the same as an individual contact. See also the notes on group contacts.
Approved Organizations for Made Man are any branch of the following groups:
- Cutters
- Laesa
- Mafia
- Seoulpa Rings
- Tamanous
- Triads
- Vory
- Yakuza
Note that no quality is required to be a low-level member in any gang. It may simply be indicated on a character's sheet.
Made Men have an effective +1 line on the NPC Attitude Table in Cutting Aces. They must take care to keep their Rep above -9, or they lose the benefits of this quality, and may experience other in-character issues as well.
Master Debater
This quality allows the character to substitute Logic for Charisma in their Negotiation rolls.
Mystic Foreman
Industrial Engineering is a Knowledge skill (Industrial Mechanic the active skill can be used in place of this knowledge skill) and Chemistry is an Active skill.
Natural Hacker
Only available to technomancers.
Null Wizard
Add Summoning to the list of skills that are not usable.
One with the Matrix
Only available to technomancers.
Otaku to Technomancer
This quality can only be taken at Character Creation (Chargen) and characters which possess it must either have a datajack or an Essence Hole of at least 0.1
Pacifist Adept
This quality may only be taken at rank 1.
Perfect Time
The second benefit of this quality only provides an additional Free Action during each of the character's own Action Phases.
Practice, Practice, Practice
This quality only applies to the the Physical, Social, or Mental limits of a skill. Any Hub contacts with the Aptitude quality can provide this quality for any of their associated skills.
Prime Datahaven Membership
The benefits of this quality only apply to acquiring data, not gear. Use of the membership does not automatically grants access to the data sought, rather, it is using one's membership to perform legwork. Treat the Datahaven as an individual contact – see the notes on group contacts.
Any canon Datahavens (such as the ones listed in the quality's text, or the Usenet Groups from Street Grimoire) are valid options for this quality.
Privileged Family Name
"Home sprawl" is defined as a single district of Seattle (Renton, Bellevue, Downtown, Tacoma, etc).
Prototype Materials
This quality is only available as a run reward, and may not be taken at chargen or purchased in play. When given as a run reward, this quality is the equivalent of 5 GMP.
Prototype Transhuman
This quality is only available at chargen, and characters with it count as Special Characters, with all of the restrictions listed in that section applying. The bioware chosen as a benefit of the quality cannot be Used, and can neither be removed nor upgraded. Assensing performed on the character should treat the implants as if they are Deltaware.
The following negatives are also available for use with PTT:
- Allergy (Uncommon, Moderate)
- Blighted (12 Months)
- Blind
- Deaf
- Dimmer Bulb II
- Illness II
- Incomplete Deprogramming
- Low Pain Tolerance
- Paraplegic
- Phobia (Common, Moderate)
- Poor Self Control (Combat Monster)
- Poor Self Control (Compulsive III, Public Broad Aspect)
- Poor Self Control (Compulsive IV, Personal)
- Reduce Sense (Touch)
- Weak Immune System
Quick Healer
This quality only applies to healing tests made on the character with the quality, and not to any healing tests the character performs on anyone else.
The Strength and Agility bonuses apply to all of the character's cyberlimbs, without affecting their meat stats. Keep in mind that the augmented attribute maximum also applies!
Restricted Gear
This quality requires explicit CCD approval and may be denied without further comment. In general, it is more likely to be approved when used for flavorful gear that ties well into a character's background, whereas attempts to simply use it to maximize a character's power are very likely to be denied.
As a reminder, Technomancers cannot take this quality, but it is available to all other character types
Only contacts that are used with this quality have access to the Sensei Archetype Power. This quality is not required in order to purchase Runnerhub contacts which have the Sensei Archetype.
This quality applies both its benefit and drawback to melee attacks.
Special Modifications
Elemental weaponry cannot be changed to Acid, Radiation, or Pollution damage types. Weapons which do not intrinsically possess an elemtental damage type cannot have one applied as an effect of this quality.
The Damage, AP, Concealability, and Reach stats on any weapon may be modified. Reach only affects Melee attacks, such as strikes with the butt of a rifle, when applied to Ranged weapons. Modifying Concealability or Reach does not alter the actual size of a weapon.
Recoil Compensation may only be applied to Ranged weapons.
Ammo capacity may only be modified on Ranged weapons, or on Melee weapons with a battery capacity.
Characters may change the weapon the quality is applied to, the bonus(es) the quality provides, or both simultaneously, once per month. All bonuses must be applied to the same weapon after any changes. This change costs no karma, but counts as the character's monthly quality, and may only be performed in downtime.
Bonuses from this quality apply to any configuration of a single weapon which has multiple options (such as the HK XM30 or Collapsible Spear). Secondary attack modes (such as the Lemat 2072's shotgun barrel, or use as an improvised weapon) and underbarrel weapons are treated as separate weapons and do not receive any benefits.
Spirit Hunter
Innate powers that cannot be deactivated do not go away (sapience, energy aura, astral form, etc..), but actively used powers are disabled (accident, confusion, elemental attack, etc.)
Sprite Affinity
Only available to technomancers.
Strive For Perfection
The character must make called shots, unless using some other form of special attack such as Suppressing Fire, multiple attacks, or Nerve Strike. They may use any weapon, including unarmed attacks, with the advantage that it halves the penalty for any called shot. When combined with other ways to reduce the called shot penalty, apply this quality's effects after the other reductions are applied.
Stalwart Ally
"A Long Time" is counted as 6 months.
Team Player
Allowed for all character types.
Trust Fund
This quality may only be taken at Gen or as a run reward from a GM. The character must have the National, Limited Corporate, or Corporate SINner Quality as a prerequisite; losing the SIN removes this quality.
Advanced lifestyles may be used with this quality, but any extra nuyen expenses incurred in modifying the lifestyle still come out of the character's pockets. And decreases the the cost of a lifestyle does not increase the amount of nuyen gained from this quality.
The additional nuyen offered through this quality must be noted through the monthly rent thread by using the u/rollme bot to roll the dice. Months in which the character would not pay rent are not eligible for nuyen rolls.
Trust Data not Lore
Allowed for all character types.
Trust Lore not Data
Allowed for all character types.
Unique Avatar
Allowed for all character types.
Banned Positive Qualities
- Barehanded Adept (from Forbidden Arcana)
- Better to be Feared than Loved (from Chrome Flesh).
- Community Connection (from The Complete Trog).
- Dark Ally (from Forbidden Arcana).
- Erased (from Run Faster).
- Friends in High Places (from Run Faster).
- Groveler (from Kill Code).
- Revels in Murder (from Chrome Flesh).
Negative Qualities
A player may buy off any one Negative Quality per month by paying the appropriate karma value. Negative Qualities revolving around personal choice, like Distinctive Style and Signature, can be bought off without needing to satisfy any additional requirements, signifying the character has changed their mind.
Some negative qualities have additional requirements that a character must also satisfy before paying them off, such as:
- Connection to a contact of the appropriate archetype
- An astral quest or similar, in the case of magical negatives like Spirit Bane or Spirit Pariah
- Gene therapy to remove allergies and other genetic defects. Note that SURGE qualities require explicit TD approval to remove with gene- or other therapy
- Having >7 Street Cred and 0 Notoriety to buy off social negatives, such as Bad Rep and Liar.
- In the specific case of Bad Rep, the character must have >7 Street Cred AFTER buying off the 3 Notoriety provided by the quality.
- Records on File can only be bought off through a run or solo run involving data sabotage
- Removing Wanted requires in game action explicitly approved by TD ahead of time.
Addictions must be to a statted, 'Hub-legal drug, with an addiction rating. Alcohol does not have any addiction rating on Runnerhub, so it is not a legal choice for Addiction. Addictions to simsense (cold- and hot-sim) as well as skillwires are not enforced on Runnerhub, and therefore aren't allowed as subjects for the addiction quality. Please see the rules on drugs usage and addictive substances for more information about the effects of the addiction quality.
Characters may have one instance of this quality per substance to which they are addicted.
Dwarf and Elf characters may not take this quality.
Albinism is not a Distinctive Style.
Asthma is not compatible with Allergies to inhaled irritants. This quality is subject to review by CCD.
A "safe place" is specifically a location marked as a safehouse, or a residence owned by the character as part of a lifestyle.
Bad Rep
Characters do not want this quality! Bad Rep is Bad News, and this quality may not be taken at chargen. Characters who had this quality at chargen prior to 4 September 2017 are grandfathered in and keep their rep.
Big Baby
Subject to CCD approval per sheet.
Big Regret
Subject to CCD approval to ensure it is something reasonably able to be discovered.
Brittle Attribute
Only available to technomancers.
Code of Honor
Codes of Honor based on metatypes, genders, ethnicity, and other groups may be taken. This includes specific corporations (AA or AAA are recommended), social groups (Humanis, Anarchists, etc.), ghouls in particular, Infected in general, and so on. All Codes of Honor of this type must have a short description of one or two sentences that explains the requirements of the Code. Sapient Paracritters are not a valid group.
Magicians may take Codes of Honor relating to spirits, which means that "A magician can legitimately choose to not destroy or disrupt any type of spirit from which their Mentor Spirit bestows a bonus for summoning. This Code of Honor respects their Mentor Spirit and is worthy of the Karma."
Existing Codes of Honor may also be customized on a limited basis. All changes must be clearly explained, and are subject to CCD approval to prevent the creation of completely custom Codes of Honor masquerading as RAW ones.
Violating a Code of Honor carries the following penalties:
- First infraction: Loss of 1 Karma point (if the character does not have a point of good Karma, then a reduction of 1 Karma from the Mission reward).
- Second infraction: No Karma reward for the run, and the player cannot Work For The People with the nuyen reward.
- Third infraction: One Edge burnt, immediately.
- Fourth infraction: The character cannot use Edge for the remainder of the run, at all.
- Code of Honor: Assassin's Creed
Characters do not gain Public Awareness from breaking this Code of Honor. All other consequences and penalties of breaking a Code of Honor still apply.
- Code of Honor: Like a Boss
- The Code of Honor is also violated if a sprite or agent under the player's control causes matrix damage to a target. It doesn't extend to physical actions that cause matrix damage (e.g. using electric attacks against drones).
- Code of Honor: Nationalist
- This quality is allowed for UCAS only, and it is strongly advised that characters with this quality also have the National SINner: UCAS quality. CCD may deny characters with this quality without comment.
- Code of Honor: Thug Life
- The expenses (half of the character's income) are treated the same way as a SIN tax: they apply to their direct run rewards, and do not affect Working for the Man/People.
Corporate Pariah
The 7 Karma version of this quality is only available to characters with the Limited or Corporate SINner Negative Quality.
Cyber Snob
The bonus for this quality is 6 Karma, and the required augmentation grade is Alphaware.
Data Hog
Only available to technomancers.
Alcohol and Smoking are no longer allowed to be taken as Dependents instead of Addictions. Being addicted to either one as a character trait should be purely roleplayed. Characters with Dependents to either one prior to 24-01-2019 are grandfathered in.
Distinctive Style
Characters with this quality are always easier to find and remember, regardless of disguises or attempts to cover what makes the character disctintive. GMs are encouraged to have NPCs make Memory tests when appropriate and remember that a character with this quality is distinctive (i.e. memorable) in some way.
Requires CCD approval. Generally speaking, a Driven character's goal must be something concrete and reasonably achievable within about a year (real time) of the character's first run. Characters who have gone beyond a year without progressing on their Driven quality should consider buying the quality off.
Escaped Custody
Allowed for all character types.
Registering is not a valid option
Incomplete Deprogramming
This quality requires approval by CCD. On submission of the character, players must provide a description of the alternate identity.
Buying off Infirm does not restore attributes that it lowered when the quality was acquired.
Know Your Limit
Only available to technomancers.
Lazy Fingers
Karma bonus is now 6 karma, not 10.
On the Wagon
Allowed for all character types.
At the 15 karma level, the character is unable to directly facilitate violence at all - including paying for violence to happen or helping someone else procure the means of committing violence.
Poor Self Control: Sadistic
This quality requires explicit CCD approval and may be denied without further comment.
Records on File
This quality is limited to 3 ranks (or 3 corporations) at character creation, and may be taken for any canon AAA- or AA- rated corporation. Ranks in this quality taken for a AA-rated corporation at character creation require CCD approval.
On submission of the character, players must provide a list of the corporation(s) that have the files along with what specific information the corporation(s) have about the character and why they possess that information. This list must be adequately explained in the background section of the character sheet, and must be thematically appropriate to the character's background.
Reduced [Sense]
This quality requires explicit CCD approval, and may be denied without further comment.
Dual Citizenships: When taking the SINner quality to represent a dual citizenship take the quality at the highest level amongst issuing bodies the character holds citizenship with and make a note that it is a dual citizenship. If the character loses citizenship with one of the issuers, and the remaining SIN is of a different level than is currently represented by the quality, the quality is replaced with the appropriate level and the character immediately pays off the karma difference, going into karmic debt if necessary. Characters who buy off the SINner quality which represents a dual citizenship remove both citizenships as a single purchase. For example, Connie CorpSam has dual citizenship with the Seattle Free City and Renraku. She takes the SINner quality to represent this. Her SFC SIN is a National SIN and her Renraku SIN is a Full Corporate SIN so she takes the 25 point negative quality version and makes a note that it is also an SFC National SIN. Connie pays taxes as outlined in the 25 point version of the quality, and when she is fired by Renraku and has her SIN from the corporation revoked she must pay the 40 karma (20 karma difference, doubled for postgen buy off) to go from a Full Corp SIN to a National SIN immediately, going into karma debt if she doesn't have the 40 karma on hand.
This quality requires CCD approval, and on character submission the player must provide a description of the signature. It must be uniquely used as a signature, and cannot be an item or action which would regularly serve another purpose in combat, as a tool, etc.
Sloppy Code
Applies to Logic+Sleaze
tests and the Hide action
Spirit Bane
The selected spirit must be approved by CCD.
Sprite Combustion
Only available to technomancers.
Stay Out Of My Way
This quality requires CCD approval, and may be denied without further comment. The composure test related to this quality may not be applied to other players.
Superhuman Psychosis
This quality requires explicit CCD approval, and may be denied without further comment. Characters with this quality cannot receive bonuses from leadership or teamwork tests.
Taint of Dissonance
Only available to technomancers.
The Goat
The dice pool modifier is changed to -2 from -1.
Thousand-Yard Stare
This quality requires CCD approval, and may be denied without further comment.
Trog Traitor
Keep in mind that characters with this quality take a negative modifier to their Social Limit equal to their Notoriety. Expect what constitutes an ork- or troll-majority area to vary by GM.
Ugly and Doesn't Care
A character with this quality must still meet the Attribute minimums specified by the RunnerHub Houserules.
Unsteady Hands
It is up to GM discretion whether this quality triggers at the beginning or end of combat.
Weak Immune System
This quality applies its effect to Toxins as well as Diseases, increasing their Power by +2.
Wired User
Allowed for all character types.
Banned Negative Qualities
- Alpha Junkie (from Cutting Aces)
- Amnesia (8 Karma) (from Run Faster).
- Bi-polar (from Run Faster).
- Borrowed Time (from Run Faster).
- Carrier (from Run Faster).
- Code of Honor: Avenging Angel (from Hard Targets).
- Code of Honor: Black Hat (from Kill Code).
- Consummate Professional (from Assassin's Primer).
- Data Liberator (from Data Trails).
- Day Job (from Run Faster).
- Dead Emotion(from Chrome Flesh)
- Dead SIN (from Better than Bad).
- Designated Omega (from Cutting Aces)
- Earther (from Run & Gun).
- Echo Chamber (from Kill Code).
- Elevated Stress (from The Complete Trog).
- Emotional Attachment (from Run Faster).
- Every Man For Himself (from Street Lethal).
- Faceless (from Hard Targets).
- Force of Chaos (from The Complete Trog).
- Hung out to Dry (from Run Faster).
- Impassive (from Hard Targets).
- In Debt (from Run Faster).
- Information Auctioneer (from Kill Code).
- Latest and Greatest (from Data Trails).
- Leeroy Jenkins (from Data Trails).
- Pie Iesu Domine. Dona Eis Requiem (from Run Faster).
- Pregnant (from Bullets & Bandages).
- Quadriplegic (from Better than Bad).
- Resonant Burnout (from Kill Code).
- Stolen Gear (from No Future).
- This Is Your Last Chance (from Street Lethal).
- Tough and Targeted (from Chrome Flesh).
- Wanted (from Run Faster).
- 'Ware Intolerance (from Kill Code).
Gameplay Rules
General Notes
There is no "Rule of One" in SR5. If your dice pool, or the dice pool of an NPC, is reduced to 0 or less, the character in question achieves 0 hits with whatever effects would follow from that result. Characters may still choose to spend Edge and Push the Limit, rolling a dice pool equal to their Edge attribute.
Ambient Background Count/Noise
The guidelines for Background Count, Noise, and Spam Zones are not followed. GMs may still choose to have a location with high BGC/Noise as part of opfor security on runs.
Berserk States
Each source of a Berserk State's duration is independent of other sources of Berserk States, and overlaps unless otherwise specified (such as the Berserker Temper power, or the Berserk Imbuement). Attribute bonuses from different Berserk States (such as Woad or the Berserk Adept Power) are treated as Attribute Augmentations, and stack up to the Augmented Maximum bonus of +4. Any effects that are triggered by being in a Berserk state (such as Woad or Berserk Imbuement) are triggered by berserk states from any source.
Example: An Adept with the Bear Mentor Spirit, a Berserk weapon, who is under the effects of Woad must make a Simple Charisma + Willpower [Social] (3) test at the start of combat. Failure of this test triggers the Imbuement's Berserk state for the appropriate duration. If at any point their teammate is badly injured they must make the Charisma + Willpower test, and hits will reduce the impending (3+IG) Mentor Spirit Berserk State duration. Should the Adept take Physical Damage, the Woad's Berserk state will automatically trigger, lasting until the drug wears off or the enemy is pacified. If any of these states trigger, the character benefits from the extra Agility from Woad and the Berserk damage value increase. If any of these states trigger simultaneously, the character will remain in a berserk state until the longest individual duration has ended.
Live Performances
The No Future rules for Creating Art, Playing Gigs, Artist Status, and Expression Points (pages 58-62) are not in use on the Runnerhub.
Passage of Time
The current date of the Runnerhub world is the current real-time date advanced by 62 years. In-game time is considered to be equivalent to real time for downtime activities (e.g. contact advancement, acquiring gear, etc.).
When going on a run, the real-time day of the run cannot be used for downtime activities that require the character to actively spend their time (Genetech installation, contact advancement, etc.). For simplicity's sake this only extends to the real-time day, even if the run takes multiple days in-game.
Real-time advancement progressions are only paused and are not reset when they are interrupted by going on a run or similar.
Player Economy
No exchanges of goods or services between player characters, voluntary or otherwise, can result in a player character adding to their sheet any gear or nuyen that was on another player character 's sheet or was paid for by something on another player character 's sheet.
The free exchange or use of temporary goods or services (giving out drugs, ammunition, etc.; negotiating purchase of goods or services) may occur only during a run and for the purpose of completing that run, as arbitrated by the GM.
For instances where a character is wanting to benefit from another PC's skills (e.g. coding a Synthskin Mask), this is allowed, but still needs to happen on the table of a third-party GM, who must still note down the outcome as per normal.
Players may not sell or fence crafted items.
Edge Use
Edge may never be used on a roll performed by a contact, or or a roll performed in downtime.
If a single action would involve multiple tests by one character, any or all of those tests may be affected by edge independently. Regardless of how many tests a single action requires, only one point of edge may be spent per test.
As written in the Core Rulebook, Burning Edge to Survive only means you survive, but is not a blanket to save you from all consequences. GM's are free to hand out Negative Qualities to characters that burn edge to survive, in order to symbolise the trauma they suffered. In some cases, this can also result in ending up owing favours to a powerful NPC/group, and having to repay said favours or end up dead anyhow. This will most often be run by TD to ensure that the consequence matches the situation, and TD may deem that a different consequence is necessary than one initially given.
Edge Tests
A GM is free to call for an Edge Test when they feel that the outcome of a situation should be determined by pure luck. It is also up to the GM whether one, multiple, or all of the teams members get to roll their Edge for this.
Skill Use
Diving and Swimming
Players may roll either diving or swimming whenever either is called for.
Flight is treated as the sky equivalent of the Running skill.
- For characters affected by a spell, the Flight skill is 1/2(Force), rounded up.
- For adepts flying from an adept related ability, the Flight skill is equal to Initiate Grade.
- For PCs with innate flight capabilities (namely, falconine shifters), you must learn Flight as a normal skill. For these characters, Flight is part of the Athletics skill group.
Gymnastics is used whenever Freefall is called for.
When bypassing Alarms using the Hardware skill, the door/window/etc. will be opened. As long as the Hardware test succeeds, the alarm is bypassed without it going off.
Characters may default on Palming tests.
Exotic Weapon Skills
All individual exotic weapons are assigned to either an existing weapon skill as a specialization, or a new Exotic Weapon skill, as per the tables below. Specializations in existing skills, and ranks in new Exotic Weapon skills are purchased as normal.
New Exotic Weapon Skills are Bio-Sprays, Chainsaws, Directed Energy Weapons, Flame Weapons, Lasers, Monofilament Weapons, and Spray Guns.
Characters may choose to take Exotic Weapon Skills as per RAW, in addition to these changes.
Exotic Weapon Specializations
Archery | Blades | Clubs | Heavy Weapons | Longarms | Pistols | Throwing Weapons | Unarmed Combat | |||||
Grapple Guns | Grapple Gun | Bladed Skatedboard | Shields | Ballistic Shield | Shiawase/Nemesis Mancatcher | Gun Canes | Knockoff Gun Cane | Shooting Bracers | Shiawase Arms Simoom | Bladed Yo-Yos | Bladed Yo-Yo | Frog Tongue |
Grapple Hand | Chakram (Melee) | Riot Shield | "Trafalgar" Gun Cane | Tiffani Élégance S.B. | Hardened Yo-Yo | Garrote | ||||||
Underbarrel Grapple Gun | Injector Pen | Blast Shield | Parashield Dart Rifle | FN-AAL Gryojet Pistol | Bola | Goring Horns | ||||||
Tactical Grapple Gun | Rolling Blades | Briefcase Shield | Micro Flare Launcher | Bullwhip | Oral Slasher | |||||||
Net Guns | SA Retarius Net Gun | Ares FlaShield | Parashield Dart Pistol | Chakram (Throwing) | Proboscis | |||||||
SA Retarius Net Gun XL | Battering Rams | Standard Ram | Net | Quills | ||||||||
Blowgun | Fluid-Motion Ram | Throwing Syringe | Thagomizer Tail | |||||||||
Underbarrel Bola Launcher | Pneumatic Ram | Gunstock War Clubs (Thrown) | ||||||||||
Shock Ram | ||||||||||||
Hardened Skateboard | ||||||||||||
Krime Stun Lance |
Specific Exotic Weapon Skills
Bio-Sprays | Chainsaws | Directed Energy Weapons | Flame Weapons | Lasers | Monofilament Weapons | Spray Guns |
Bio-Sprayer | Ash Arms Combat Chainsaw | Ares Screech Sonic Rifle | Flame Bracer | Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser | Monofilament Bola | Ares S-III Super Squirt |
Chemical Gland (Exhalation | Ash Arms Monofilament Chainsaw | Fichetti Pain Inducer | Halloweener Barbecue Lighter | Ares Armatus | Monofilament Garrote | Atomizer |
Chemical Gland (Spitter) | Non-Combat Chainsaws | Narcoject PEP | Shiaware Arms Incinerator | Ares Lancer MP Laser | Monofilament Whip | Modified Spray Pen |
Corrosive Spit | Underbarrel Chainsaw | Shiawase Blazer | Ares Redline | Monofilament Yo-Yo | Narcoject Gas Gun | |
Natural Venom (Exhalation) | Underbarrel Flamethrower | Underbarrel Laser | Narcoject Trackstopper | |||
Natural Venom (Spit) | Pepper Punch Pen | |||||
Spidersilk Gland | Hold Fast Sprayers |
Weapons that fall under an existing skill (such as Archery, Unarmed Combat, etc.) require a Specialization in that skill to use them. Weapons listed as a group (e.g. Grapple Guns) are all covered under the same specialization (e.g. a Grapple Guns specialization in the Archery skill). A character must have a specialization in the appropriate skill to use the listed weapons, even if the skill can normally be defaulted on. Exotic weapons do not receive the traditional +2 dice pool modifier from specializations, only the ability to use the weapons. Specializations purchased for exotic weapons do not break skill groups.
Weapons that fall under new skills (Lasers, Spray Guns, etc.) can be used once at least one rank of the relevant skill is purchased. These skills grant the ability to fire all weapons in that skill category (e.g. the Flamethrowers skill will allow the user to fire all listed Flamethrowers). These skills cannot have specializations, and cannot be defaulted on.
Converting Existing Characters
Characters with an Exotic Weapon skill lose that skill, then gain an equivalent skill and specialization. A character with 6 ranks of Exotic Weapon (Monofilament Whip) would gain 6 ranks of Monofilament. A character with 6 ranks of Exotic Melee Weapon (Garrote) would gain 6 ranks of Unarmed Combat, with a free specialization in Garrote. If the character already has equivalent ranks, or more ranks in the new skill, they only receive the specialization.
Usage in Chummer and HeroLab
Players can add specializations to existing skills as normal, however Chummer will not calculate the dice pools for exotic weapons correctly as this exceeds the ability of our team to currently implement without a Chummer modification. For the new skills, players should purchase ranks in Exotic Weapon($New Weapon Skill)
. This will allow all of the Exotic Weapons skills to show up in the skills list.
To use the new rules in Herolab, players will need to download the latest release archive, following the installation instructions included there.
As a rule of thumb, looting is not allowed on the Hub.
One exception is that if an item is used by OpFor and you have the chance to take it from them, you may do this in order to avoid the availability roll normally required, but not the nuyen cost. The full nuyen cost will still have to be paid - this can be done with Run Rewards, given GM approval.
Another is that some GM's plan for looting as part of the Run Rewards. This will, ultimately, not change the total reward amount, however, and any nuyen earned from looting will be reduced from the negotiated pay from Johnson, or reduce the SC reward to compensate. The GM has the final say of whether or not it will be allowed on any given run.
Availability Rolls
Players are allowed to acquire any non-restricted, non-forbidden gear of availability 6 or lower without a roll. Standard delivery times apply. GM's are allowed to speed up gameplay on their tables by expanding this allowance to restricted or higher availability gear, if they feel it is appropriate.
The rewards that characters receive for going on regular runs are usually in the form of Karma and Nuyen, although some runs may also award contacts, gear, or other forms of rewards.
Contact Advancement
See the Contact Advancement section in the Contacts rules. The methods for increasing the Connection and/or Loyalty of a Contact introduced in Better than Bad are not in use.
Working for the Man, People, or Faction
Once per run, characters can exchange Karma or Nuyen earned from that run for more Nuyen or Karma, respectively, or for Faction Rep. These are termed Working for the Man (WFTM), Working for the People (WFTP), and Working for the Faction (WFTF). This exchange rate changes based on the direction of the conversion.
- Working for the Man, you may change 1 Karma or 4 Faction Reputation for 2,000 Nuyen, up to a maximum of 5 Karma or 20 Faction Reputation for 10,000 Nuyen.
- Working for the People, you may change 4,000 Nuyen or 4 Faction Reputation for 1 Karma, up to a maximum of 20,000 Nuyen or 20 Faction Reputation for 5 Karma.
- Working for the Faction, you may change 2,000 Nuyen or 1 Karma for 4 Faction Reputation, up to a maximum of 10,000 Nuyen or 5 Karma for 20 Faction Reputation
Karma gained from WFTP does not count towards Career or Player Karma, and Karma used in WFTM or WFTF is not subtracted from Career or Player Karma.
General Merit Points (otherwise known as GMP) are another form of reward players can earn for various forms of participation on Runnerhub, such as GMing games. A detailed explanation of how GMP is earned and spent can be found here.
Career Karma
Career Karma (CK) is the sum of Karma a character has accumulated over their career as run rewards, and determines the character's Street Cred. Karma gained through conversion of GMP or Nuyen does not count toward CK.
Depending on the program used for a character sheet, it may be necessary to manually track Career Karma. If doing so, note the character's actual Career Karma on their sheet.
Street Cred
Street Cred (SC) is a measure of a character's positive reputation in the shadows. It is earned at a 10:1 ratio based upon a character's Career Karma – for every 10 full points of CK, that character gains 1 SC. Street Cred can also be awarded by GMs for particularly successful, noteworthy or otherwise outstanding runs. However, a character's ''effective'' Street Cred is determined by subtracting their Notoriety and Public Awareness from their total Street Cred, termed Effective Street Cred (ESC).
Both SC and ESC have multiple uses. First and foremost, SC may be used to buy off Notoriety and Public Awareness at a permanent cost of 2 SC per point of Notoriety or 4 SC per point of Public Awareness. Secondly, when acquiring gear, the availability of the item is reduced by (ESC) ÷ 10. Third, a character may add their ESC as a positive modifier to their social limit in appropriate social interactions at GM discretion.
Depending on the program you use for your character sheet, it may be necessary to manually track your Street Cred. If you are doing so, note the character's actual SC ''and'' ASC on their sheet.
Characters which were in play before April 29 2015 are encouraged to track their SC and ASC retroactively. However, doing so is not required due to the potential difficulty in tracing all gains in SC and ASC backwards in time. However, all characters new and old must adhere to these rules as of April 29 2015.
Notoriety (Noto) is a measure of a character's negative reputation, gained as described in the Shadowrun 5th Edition Core Rulebook, and can be harmful to a character in social situations where their poor reputation is known. The exact details of if and how a character is hindered by their Notoriety is left to GM discretion, but Notoriety always imposes a penalty in social situations: The limit of Social tests where a positive outcome (EG: Negotiation) is desired is reduced by the Notoriety of the character with the highest amount of Noto.
Notoriety can be removed through the expenditure of Street Cred, use of certain Runnerhub contacts, purchase of qualities, and exceptional circumstances (subject to approval by Thematic Division).
Depending on the program used for a character sheet, it may be necessary to manually track Notoriety. If doing so, note the character's actual Notoriety on their sheet.
Public Awareness
Public Awareness (PA) is a measure of a character's "mind share" among the media, authorities, general public, etc., and is gained as described in the Shadowrun 5th Edition Core Rulebook. It can potentially affect a character in social situations where they are recognized, though the details of if and how the character is affected are at GM discretion.
Public Awareness can be removed through the expenditure of Street Cred, use of certain Runnerhub Contacts, purchase of Qualities, and exceptional circumstances (subject to approval by Thematic Division).
Depending on the program used for a character sheet, it may be necessary to manually track Public Awareness. If doing so, note the character's actual Public Awareness on their sheet.
Character Advancement
General Notes
Characters must have completed at least one game before dedicated Karma to advancements. Advancing a Skill, improving an Attribute, mastering new Martial Arts techniques, and learning new Spells or Complex Forms takes no time. Characters simply pay the Karma cost, and the advancement is available, though advancements cannot be purchased mid-run. These rules also apply to using GMP.
Initiations, Submersions, Binding Spirits, Registering Sprites, Genetech Installation, Contact Advancement, pet training, and delivery times for purchased items track in real time. Initiations and Submersions cannot be backdated prior to the completion of the last Initiation or Submersion. Pet training may be backdated to the last trick trained. Binding Spirits, Registering Sprites, Genetech Installation, Contact Advancement, and delivery times cannot be backdated prior to the date of the last run performed by the character. The completion date of an Initiation or Submersion is defined as when the character finishes the final interval of the Extended Test, rather than the date they paid the karma for the Initiate/Submersion Grade. Any other Extended downtime test or actions which takes time is tracked in real time and may not be backdated prior to the date of the last run performed by the character.
The last run for a player is the last time they were present on a table. The last run for a character is the last time that specific character was a on a table. In instances where a run gets split into two distinct parts, the first part is counted as the last run until the second part is run, then that counts as the last run. Any applicable runs that might happen in between two parts will update the last run time until the next part happens.
Improving Skills
The purchase cost for Knowledge skill specializations is 4 Karma.
Edge Recovery
A character's spent edge is completely recovered between runs.
Buying Information
Some services, such as Psych Profile, take time to compile before the information is made available to the character(s) who purchased it. It's up to GM discretion for exactly how long each service takes (recommended minimum 2 days, +72 hours suggested).
In regards to Market Scan, note that it is a flat -2 to the availability index. Refer to the following table for pricing.
Availability | ←12 | 12-23 | 24→ |
Cost | 100¥ | 200¥ | 300¥ |
How a runner lives is a complex subject. Please see the in-depth explanation.
Players may return characters that were voluntarily retired (i.e. not retired as a result of becoming illegal or in response to a run consequence) for one week after announcing their retirement as part of the submission of another character. The new character may be retracted, or an extra character slot may be purchased if the player is able to. To request a retired character be returned, send a Modmail to CCD.
Once a character is past this period they are effectively gone from the Hub world. Under no circumstance may they become or be used as Contacts, Johnsons, or any other form of NPC of power/importance, regardless of how or why the character was retired.
Lifestyle Rules
General Notes
Each character needs to pay the full cost of their lifestyle, even if they are sharing a residence with other characters.
The Bolt Hole lifestyle from Run Faster is allowed, but characters must maintain an actual lifestyle in addition to any Bolt Holes they have access to. Rent for a Bolt Hole is only paid in the month(s) in which it is used.
Characters may, if their player so chooses, have no permanent address and instead live out of a vehicle, provided that vehicle is equipped with the correct amenities and that they still pay for the cost of a full, fixed-location lifestyle.
Rent is paid monthly, on the last day of each month you have had a run in. If a character does not have a run during a month, that character does not need to pay rent. A Rent Thread is put up when the time for rent comes near, both as a reminder and so players can state which characters pay rent and how much. This does not indicate a 'cut-off' for whether future runs need to be considered the current or next month.
Commercial Lifestyle
Commercial lifestyle tests are CHA + Etiquette
. Specs in Corporate or Commercial may be applied, but only one of them. This roll will be done in the rent thread using the /u/roll_me bot.
The maximum discount is the cost of the lifestyle, nuyen cannot be gained. Karma cannot be spent to reduce this lifestyle's costs, as it does not have a lower lifestyle level.
Commercial lifestyles cannot be categorized as "Industrial": no factories, refineries, etc. Small storefronts or the kinds of businesses in a strip mall are recommended. Commercial lifestyles should make sense for the area it is located in: In Downtown where space is at a premium, it's recommended to lean toward physically smaller businesses like coffee shops, bars, or small nightclubs. In less dense environs, larger businesses are more reasonable.
Commercial lifestyles using unmodified base stats may be located in a D Zone or better, while modified statlines must be in a zone appropriate to their Neighborhood Rating. The description of a commercial lifestyle should take its location into account; a bar in an A Zone will have drastically different clientele than a bar in a D Zone.
Having attached living quarters, such as an apartment above a coffee shop, is allowed. Depending on the physical layout of the building, the apartment may cut into the size of the business space - or the apartment may be a bit cramped for the sake of the business space. In either case, using a Commercial Lifestyle in this manner requires that the living space and business space be in the same building, even if they are accessed through different entrances. Keep in mind that some businesses are unsuited to having an attached apartment, and this cannot be resolved by having an apartment across the street. Runners living in apartments attached to a business treat their Comforts and Necessities as equal to the level they have available; unmodified Commercial Lifestyles are equivalent to a Middle lifestyle.
Traveler Lifestyle
Advanced Lifestyles
The advanced lifestyle rules from Run Faster (PG 212) are allowed on Runnerhub. However, since not all players own Run Faster or want to customize their lifestyle, these rules are optional to an extent. Each lifestyle has assumed stats, and characters must still resist Lifestyle fatigue damage at the beginning of each run. Thus, the assumed (and base) stats for your lifestyle are presented below, including their max limits for ease of reference:
Lifestyle | C&N | Security | Neighborhood | Points | Notes |
Bolt Hole | 1 [2] | 1 [4] | 1 [4] | 4 | Not A Home |
Street | 0 [1] | 0 [1] | 0 [1] | 2 | 6 Stun |
Squatter | 1 [2] | 1 [2] | 1 [2] | 2 | 4 Stun |
Low | 2 [3] | 2 [3] | 2 [3] | 3 | 2 Stun |
Medium | 3 [4] | 3 [4] | 4 [5] | 4 | 0 Stun |
High | 4 [6] | 4 [6] | 5 [6] | 5 | No Allergy Effects |
These are, again, the base stats of each Lifestyle. Comforts and Necessities (C&N) reduces the Stun damage from Lifestyle Fatigue (see below), Security is a measure of how safe your place is, and Neighborhood determines where a character lives if they make use of any portion of the advanced lifestyle rules. Characters which make no customizations to their lifestyle are not required to live in a security zone as determined by the Neighborhood rating.
Comfort, Necessities, and Fatigue
At the start of each run, all characters must roll to resist 6 Stun using the normal soak dicepool (Body + Willpower). However, each point of Comforts and Necessities reduces the amount of Stun that must be resisted by 2. Thus, any character who has a lifestyle with a C&N rating 3 or greater will by default need to soak exactly 0 Stun.
However, Allergies are now rather potent negative qualities for characters whose lifestyle has a C&N rating of 3 or lower – characters in High lifestyles never deal with Allergy-related issues. For each level of a Common Allergy above Mild, the DV of the Stun damage is increased by 1, and for each level of an Uncommon Allergy above Moderate, the DV of the Stun damage is increased by 1. Additionally, Common food-related Allergies add an additional 1 DV above Mild, and Uncommon food-related allergies add an additional 1 DV above Moderate. See the table below for easy, quick calculations:
Stun Damage Calculations by Lifestyle | ||||||
Lifestyle | Bolt Hole | Street | Squatter | Low | Medium | |
Base Stun DV | 4 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 0 | |
Base Stun DV with Common Allergies | Moderate | 5 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
Severe | 6 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 | |
Extreme | 7 | 9 | 7 | 5 | 3 | |
Base Stun DV with Common Food Allergies | Moderate | 6 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 |
Severe | 8 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 4 | |
Extreme | 10 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 6 | |
Base Stun DV with Uncommon Allergies | Severe | 5 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
Extreme | 6 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 | |
Base Stun DV with Uncommon Food Allergies | Severe | 6 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 |
Extreme | 8 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 4 |
- Danny Decker lives in a Low lifestyle. With a base C&N score of 2, until he raises it to 3 he must resist 2 Stun damage at the beginning of each run.
- Michael Mage lives in a Medium lifestyle. With his base C&N score of 3, he does not need to resist any Stun damage at the beginning of each run.
- Rosie Rigger also lives in a Low lifestyle, and has a Moderate Allergy (Common) to pollen. The lifestyle's base C&N rating of 2 reduces the Stun damage she must resist down to 2, but her allergy increases that by 1, so she must resist 3 Stun damage at the beginning of each run. If Rosie were to upgrade to a Medium lifestyle, she'd only need to resist 1 Stun damage, and if she upgraded her C&N she could rest easy and soak no damage.
- Sally Street Sam lives in a default Medium lifestyle, but has a Severe Allergy (Common) to krill. Normally, her Medium lifestyle would result in 0 Stun damage to soak, but that severe food-related allergy adds 4 Stun damage total – 2 for being 2 levels above Mild, plus 2 more since it is a Severe food-related allergy. If Sally moved up to a High lifestyle, she would never have to worry about her allergies again and soak no damage at the beginning of each run.
First and most importantly, Runnerhub does not use the Security stat of a character's lifestyle to determine if things are randomly stolen from them. However, GMs are encouraged to use the Security stat to help determine if a character is able to arrive on time to Johnson meets, runner operations, and so on.
This statistic relates to what security zone a character lives in. Response times listed in the table below are for normal law enforcement, medical services, and fire/rescue services, not HTR. Characters which use the base, unmodified Lifestyle stats listed above are not limited to specific Security Zones by the Neighborhood rating.
Neighborhood | Zone | Response Time |
0 | Z | 2d6 hours |
1 | E | 1d6 hours |
2 | D | 1d6 * 12 minutes |
3 | C | 1d6 * 10 minutes |
4 | B | 1d6 * 5 minutes |
5 | A | 2d6 + 3 minutes |
6 | AA | 1d6 + 4 minutes |
Customizing Lifestyles
Characters may buy the Assets and Services listed in Run Faster (PG 220), as well as the Lifestyle Options (PG 224). Assets or Services which are only applicable to the Commercial or Traveler lifestyles are not allowed. The following negative modifications are allowed:
- Angry Drunk
- Cramped (Garage/Workshop)
- Household Gremlins
- Rolled on a GM's table on the first run by the character each months, and applies before Comforts & Necessities stun is calculated.
- Not A Home
- Maid is Out
- Safety Third (Garage/Workshop)
- Rough Neighborhood
- W-Zone
Players may permanently reduce the cost of a given Lifestyle using the rules presented in Better than Bad by a single level, with a floor of Squatter. Sorry, no free lunches allowed! Karma or Street Cred allocated to this use is spent before purchasing the Lifestyle.
Points, Nuyen, and Minimum Lifestyle
Services and Assets have a minimum lifestyle, monthly nuyen cost, and point cost attached. What these three pieces of information mean can be confusing, so take the Gym Asset as an example. It has a point cost of 2, a monthly nuyen cost of 300 nuyen, and a minimum lifestyle of Medium. What this means is that if a character has a Medium or better lifestyle, they pay only the one-time point cost. Characters with Low or worse lifestyle must pay the one-time point cost and the 300 nuyen per month.
Grid Subscriptions
Grid Subscriptions, both Local and Global, do not represent the free subscription a character has by default for maintaining a lifestyle. These subscription options are in addition to a lifestyle's free grid subscription.
For example, a character with a Low (or worse) lifestyle would need to dedicate 1 point and pay the 50 nuyen monthly fee to access the Emerald City Grid. A character with a Medium lifestyle would have free access to the Emerald City Grid, and could buy a second "local" subscription (Neotokyo, Cara'sir, etc.). A character with a High lifestyle would have access to Emerald City Grid, one global grid of their choice (Horizon, Saeder-Krupp, etc.), and could buy a second local or global grid subscription.
Stables are added to lifestyles on a per-pet basis, and cost the same as a basic lifestyle one level below the animal's minimum lifestyle requirement. The minimum lifestyle requirement for a stable is also one level below the animal's minimum lifestyle requirement. See the list of pet lifestyle requirements for more information.
For example, if a character living a Medium lifestyle wished to use stables to care for an Eagle (requiring High) and a Horse (requiring Luxury), the stable for the Eagle would be covered under their lifestyle (or the character could pay 5,000 nuyen a month if they wished to keep the lifestyle point), and the stable for the Horse would cost 10,000 nuyen a month. If this same character lived in a High lifestyle instead, both stables would be covered under the lifestyle.
Contact Rules
The Contact rules in the Shadowrun Fifth Edition Core Rulebook (pg 386-392) and Run Faster Splatbook (pg 172-195) are built for a static team-based ongoing story, instead of the flexible team-based interconnected format used in Runnerhub's living world setting. To account for the differences on Runnerhub, the following sections will explain how to Acquire Contacts, Use Contacts in game, and Advance Existing Contacts. Unless otherwise noted below, use the rules as written in the SR5 Core Rulebook and Run Faster.
That said, Runnerhub does not use the Group or Organizational contact types (RF177), and instead treats Contacts which consist of more than one actual person as a singular Contact, with a slightly different flavor. Additionally, the Blackmail (RF178), Family (RF178), or Maintaining Contact Relations (RF178) rules are not used, nor are Player Characters allowed to have each other as Contacts.
Acquiring Contacts
Contacts can be gained in several ways and have different costs. Character Creation, Run Rewards, Hub Contact purchases, and Contact Networking (CRB388) are all ways that a player can gain new Contacts.
When a Contact is gained by multiple characters during a run, it may be added to the Runnerhub NPC Index by the GM. This document is used by GMs to involve NPCs from other runs to create a living setting. Contacts met ingame may be shared by other players. Be careful when putting Contacts in dangerous situations, as their friends might come looking for payback.
Contacts are separated into three different types of contacts on Runnerhub, but all must have the following descriptors:
- Ethnicity, Metatype, and Gender
- Archetype (Examples: Fixer, mechanic, reporter, arms dealer)
- Affiliation (Examples: Yakuza, Halloweener, Aztechnology, UCAS, Unaffiliated)
Character Contacts
Contacts created by players during character creation or during solo runs are not shared with other players or added to the NPC Index. These are usually unaffected by other players' actions.
Players creating contacts at character creation must assign Connection, Loyalty, basic vital stats (or just a physical description), an Archetype (if applicable and desired), and a backstory. The backstory should be sufficiently detailed to give GMs who read it clear guidance on what kind of things a contact can do. Players should avoid overly broad contact backstories that grant an excessive amount of power. Sheet checkers and CCD have final authority when evaluating the validity of contacts. These contacts should not have listed proficiencies, as these will be determined during games by GMs based on the contact's archetype, backstory and the nature of the request being made.
Character Contacts are limited to a maximum Karma cost of 7 (after any discounts from Networker and Massive Network), and a maximum Connection of 6 at character creation.
A player may create and buy one new contact per character, per month without an associated run, using the monthly "Contact Purchases" thread on r/runnerhub. These contacts are bought at a total cost in GMP of Connection + Loyalty + 1
, and are subject to the same rules as contacts created during character creation. Players must provide the details of the contact they wish to create as replies on the monthly "Contact Purchases" thread and will be able to add the contact to their character's sheet after they are reviewed and approved by TD (or RD/CCD upon TD's request).
Shared Contacts
Contacts gained as run rewards for full runs, Player sponsored runs, during character creation* or otherwise created by GMs and awarded in gameplay. These Contacts are listed on the Runnerhub NPC Index and can be affected by other players' actions. These Contacts may be Faction Contacts.
- Note: You may only take Shared Contacts during character creation if the Shared Contact has C/L total of 7 or less, and you have permission from the contact's creator listed on the Runnerhub NPC Index.
Runnerhub Contacts
Contacts gained via purchase from the Runnerhub Contacts wiki page or as part of a run reward. These contacts are trusted by the Runnerhub admins, listed on the Runnerhub NPC Index and can be affected by other players' actions.
Using Contacts
When a Contact needs to perform an action that requires a roll, the GM will use the description of the Contact to determine how proficient the Contact is for the task, and use the table below to determine how many dice the Contact will roll.
Proficiency | Dice Rolled |
High | 12 + Connection |
Medium | 9 + Connection |
Low | 6 + Connection |
This is what the Contact is best at, and their expertise in these fields is likely the reason a character chose to associate with them in the first place:
- A Drug Dealer attempting to buy drugs.
- A Mechanic fixing a vehicle.
- A Corp Executive making a Knowledge Test about their corporation.
This may not be what the Contact does every day, but is easily related to their abilities and influence:
- A smuggler giving safe directions around security areas
- A scientist's understanding of a different, but similar field to theirs.
- A club owner networking a meeting with a syndicate member.
This is something the Contact does not have much experience with at all, and the only reason a character might call them about it is that it is very loosely linked to their actual skills:
- A squatter facilitating a safe house
- A Decker attempting to buy an assault cannon
- A journalist attempting to forge tickets to a live show
Knowledge Tests
Contacts will usually give a character their Loyalty Rating in hits scored for free, and charge a character for any extra hits they score. If the information a character is seeking is compromising or suspicious, the character may need to succeed at a negotiation test against the Contact with a bonus equal to their Loyalty Rating. What information is withheld and prices for extra hits are GM's discretion.
Services and Favors
Sometimes a character need a Contact to perform a task to make the run easier. Typically a Contact is capable of performing services up to their Loyalty Rating on the Favor Rating table on CRB389 (also reproduced below). Services higher than their Loyalty Rating, or that would endanger or compromise the Contact, may (at GM discretion) need a Negotiation test against the Contact with a bonus equal to their Loyalty Rating. Do note that the Services/Favors must be something that a Contact of that Connection Rating can do, regardless of Loyalty Rating.
The rules presented in Better than Bad for getting a favor from a Contact are not in use.
Rating | Classification | Examples |
1 | Minor | Deliver a message to someone. Provide access to a low-level restricted area such as an airport boarding area or police station. |
2 | Low Risk | Loan use of specialized equipment up to ¥5,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a first-line supervisor. |
3 | Medium | Provide access to a mid-level restricted area, such as a standard corporate research lab. |
4 | Moderate Risk | Loan use of specialized equipment up to ¥50,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a middle manager. |
5 | Serious | Provide access to a high-level restricted area, such as FBI offices, AA megacorporate headquarters, or AAA regional headquarters. |
6 | Major Risk | Loan use of specialized equipment up to ¥500,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a senior manager or junior executive. |
Archetype Powers
Certain kinds of contacts have special abilities, termed Archetype Powers. These powers are available to any contact which is assigned an Archetype allowing use of the power.
Most powers count as a favor, and can be paid for in chips or straight nuyen.
Fixers are contacts who are generalists and can usually find anything, given time. They have medium proficiency in all legwork, swag, and favor rolls. However they have high proficiency in their specialty, networking.
Paying Contacts
Contacts may charge for Services, Favors, or Information. The typical price is the Contact's Connection Rating x [¥100 to ¥1,000] - (Loyalty x 10% of the initial amount)
. The GM will decide the initial amount depending on the Service, Favor, or Information.
At GM discretion, instead of paying a Contact for Services in cash, the character can instead owe the Contact a Favor. The GM gives Chips to the Contact equal to the rating of a Favor using the Favor Rating Table. The Contact may make requests of the character who owes them chips on later runs. Refusing to honor a Favor from a Contact will prompt a Loyalty Test.
GMs will track the Chips that characters and Contacts owe each other using the Runnerhub NPC Index. Players must also note these Chips on their character sheets.
Chips are repaid, by contacts and players alike, on a 1:1 basis.
Loyalty Tests
Sometimes character actions or requests may compromise a Contact or their interests. In these situations, the GM may call for a Loyalty Test: (Contact Loyalty + Character Negotiation OR Character Etiquette) [2]
. Failing this test will reduce the Contact's Loyalty by 1. This cannot occur more than once per Contact per run. This test cannot benefit from Edge or other modifiers (social, quality or equipment).
Contact Advancement
The methods for increasing the Connection and/or Loyalty of a Contact introduced in Better than Bad are not in use. Runnerhub uses a custom system, as described below.
Faction contacts cannot have their Connection raised as described in Cutting Aces, however, characters may exchange 5 points of Faction Rep for 1 chip to apply to a faction contact.
To raise the loyalty of a contact, the character must spend a number of Chips equal to the new rating, and wait Days x (New Rating)
up to level 4 or Weeks x (New Rating)
for 5 and above. This waiting time can be skipped through a solo run or PSR. To advance a contact to loyalty 6, the character must also complete a solo or player sponsored run.
To raise the connection of a contact, the player must spend Chips equal to the new Connection Rating, and Days x (New Rating)
for ratings up to 4 and Weeks x (New Rating)
for 5 and above. This waiting time can be skipped through a solo run or PSR. To advance a contact to loyalty 6, the character must also complete a solo or player sponsored run. For Rating 6 and above, the character must also complete a solo or player sponsored run. All other players that have this Contact may update their character sheets to reflect the Contact's new Connection Rating, but do not change the Loyalty Rating. Contacts may not have a Connection Rating greater than 8. Official Runnerhub Contacts cannot have their Connection raised with chips.
Combat Rules
Applying Toxins
Applying a dose of a toxin to a weapon takes a Simple Action. An applied dose lasts until an attack successfully hits the target (i.e. gets a glancing blow or has net hits), or until wiped off.
Interrupt Actions
Interrupt Actions are Actions, and as such Edge can be used to Smackdown on them.
Characters that are Prone move at 25% of their normal move speed. GMs may reduce the movement rate further based on the situation.
Run For Your Life
This action may be taken against all Area of Effect (AOE) attacks that do not allow a defense test - Thrown or Launched Grenades, Rockets, Missiles, and Area Combat Spells. If any of these is fired at a single target as a standard ranged attack, anyone in the Area of Effect except the designated target may use this action.
Suppressing Fire
Remember that this action does not impose a penalty to defense tests, only to actions taken while inside the area of effect, per CRB179.
Drivers of vehicles under suppressing fire may make a REA + EDG
test to get the vehicle and its passengers out of the cone of fire. This action uses part of the movement available to the vehicle on the driver's next turn.
Called Shots
Bullseye Double-Tap/Burst
This does not provide a defense pool penalty or a DV modifier, it simply increases AP in exchange for a -4 to the attacker's pool.
Keep in mind the following clarification from the Run & Gun errata:
The last sentence under the Effects sub-header should be changed from "The attack results in an AP increase equal to the base AP multiplied by the number of bullets in the burst with a maximum modifier of x3" to "The attack results in an AP increase equal to the base weapon AP multiplied by the number of bullets in the burst with a maximum modifier of x3."
Location: Engine Block
The modifier for the called shot is -6. The attacker must be able to target the vehicle's engine. For most vehicles with the engine in the front, this means they need to be in front of or side by side with the vehicle.
Blasts in Confined Space
The Blasts in a Confined Space, aka Chunky Salsa, rules are not in use. GMs may choose to use them, or approximate their effects to simplify explosions.
Multiple Simultaneous Detonations
The first explosion causes full damage, the next causes half (rounded down), the following half again (rounded down), etc., until you reach zero. Each explosion improves the AP by 1 for every additional explosion. Two different grenade types cannot mix for additional damage or AP.
Scattering Multiple Explosives
Attacks that fire multiple grenades/rockets at a single target in a single attack scatter to the same spot. This includes semi-auto burst/burst fire/full auto grenade launchers and rocket launchers, throwing multiple grenades at the same target, drone swarms, and any other situation that would require rolling explosive scatter more than once for a single attack.
GMs may roll scatter individually at their discretion.
Physical and Stun damage taken during a run that is not healed during the course of the run automatically heals as a function of downtime.
First Aid
When using Edge to Push the Limit on a First Aid test, ignore the limit on the test as usual. In addition, the maximum damage that can be healed is increased to twice the First Aid skill's rating, plus specialization if applicable.
Martial Arts
In order to take a Martial Art as a specialization, the character must have a Martial Arts style. Once they have the style, they may then take the Specialization. The +2 bonus applies to attacks using the style or the techniques learned within the style, but does not stack. When used with combat skills, it only applies to skills and weapons appropriate to the martial art. The table on pg 135 of RG is a useful guide, but GMs have discretion for when a specialization applies. The optional rule where some Martial Arts allow characters to have two different Specializations is not in use.
For example, if a character has a specialization in Carromeleg and the appropriate techniques, they gain +2 on Gymnastics tests to use Shadow Block as well as weapon skills tests associated with the other techniques. Similarly, a Ninjutsu specialization applies to Dim Mak attacks and Trick Attacks performed with any weapon appropriate to the tradition, including unarmed attacks, swords, throwing knives, and shuriken.
For the sake of marking it on a sheet, since neither HeroLab nor Chummer have a free-standing specialization slot, just apply the specialization to whichever skill the character is likely to use most, but the specialization bonus may still be added to any applicable tests
Characters only get +2 from specializations to any given dice pool, before splitting for Multiple Opponent Combat. If a character has a specialization in Machine Pistols and in Gun Kata, they still only get +2 on Gun Kata techniques performed with Machine Pistols.
Specializations in a martial art cost 7 Karma; this is a separate cost from the 7 Karma to learn the art and acquire the first technique in it.
Adept powers that grant abilities similar to a Martial Arts technique supersede the technique without stacking, unless otherwise specified (EG: Blind Fighting).
Touch combat spells, while they are resolved as melee attacks, are not a Close Combat Attack action for the purposes of martial arts like Kip-Up either. They can still be used on an opponent who is clinched or otherwise grappling; in that case, they do not get a defense test, they simply resist the effects of the spell (net hits = hits on the spellcasting test, limited as normal).
Characters can use a spell like Magic Fingers to fight an opponent with some martial arts, but there are numerous restrictions as seen on Run & Gun p. 137.
For information on how martial arts interact with cyberarms, cyber weapons, and skillwires, see R&G p. 136.
Weapons, powers, or actions that use the Unarmed skill can generally be combined with the Counterstrike martial art technique. However, as it is a purely reflexive move, everything that has a specific form of starting condition cannot be used.
Specifically, this means the following weapons/powers/actions can be combined with Counterstrike:
Normal unarmed strike attacks, knucks, Shock Gloves, Shock Frills, cyber melee weapons, previously activated Killing Hands, Penetrating Strike, previously activated Elemental Strike/Weapon/Body, previously activated Spirit Claw/Ram, Nerve Strike, Transmit Damage, Ti Khao, Push.
Elemental Body still hits an attacking enemy only once.
Hits scored on a Counterstrike roll reduce the enemy's hits like any other defense action, but a tie is lost by the defender.
The Gymnastics + Agility
test to establish the clinch is not a regular attack, and the opposed Reaction + Intuition test is not a regular defense test. This means that the usual modifiers and options for defense tests (e.g. Combat Sense, Full Defense, etc.) are not applicable.
Any attacks performed while in a clinch are resolved as normal.
Hapsum-Do costs only 7 Karma to learn as like any martial art, not 15. Harmonious Defense and Reflection remain banned.
The Mana Strike and Mana Choke martial arts techniques may not be acquired or used unless the character is Awakened.
Kick Attack
If a character has the Kick Attack technique and are using a complex action to do an Unarmed Attack, regardless of how they're enhancing it with free action modifiers, they get the technique's bonus for reach.
May be used for ranged attacks, but only as part of martial arts linked to Firearms - Gun Kata, Firefight, or Cowboy Way - or via the One-Trick Pony Quality.
Multiple Attacks Free Action
Barring the use of the Multiple Attacks Free Action (MAFA), characters may not take a second offensive action towards another character during their Initiative pass. This means throwing grenades, shooting guns, casting spells, or any other action that could be construed as a physical or mental attack.
- Multiple Attacks Free Action can only be used with one offensive action type per action phase, at one level of action economy.
- Fire Weapon - Simple or Complex (Including Semi-Automatic Burst and Long Burst)
- Melee Attack - Complex
- Cast Spell - Simple (Reckless Spellcasting) or Complex
- Throw Weapon - Simple
Characters may attack a number of different targets equal to the lowest skill rating involved divided by two, except Spellcasting which is limited to a number of spells equal to the caster's Magic attribute. If an involved weapon skill is less than 3, a character may not use it with MAFA.
Area of Effect attacks (AoEs) cannot include the targets of any other attacks when declared, including other AoEs. Scatter rules may cause AoEs to overlap and hit the same target.
Characters create their dice pool for each attack individually, using the skill appropriate to the method of attack, including all modifiers specific to the attack being made (environmental, recoil, background count, etc.). Then divide the individual dice pools by the number of attacks (or simultaneous spells) and round up to get the individual pools.
Characters may combine the MAFA with a Called Shot if they have perfect time, and the action being taken supports Called Shots. Only one attack receives the penalty or effect of the called shot.
The use of the Push the Limit Edge effect before rolling dice applies the character's Edge attribute as a dice pool bonus before division and causes all pools to use the Rule of Six. The use of Push the Limit after rolling gives each pool a number of dice equal to the characters Edge attribute divided by the number of attacks, rounded up. Dice from all pools can be re-rolled with a single use of the Second Chance edge effect.
All attacks are resolved simultaneously.
Quick Draw
Characters may attack with a previously readied weapon when making a Quick Draw action in addition to the weapon(s) being drawn, but they must attack with the weapon(s) being Quick Drawn. The Quick Draw [Weapon Skill] + Reaction pool is still split according to the number of attacks being made, regardless of how many weapons are being drawn.
Failing the Quick Draw test means any attacks reliant on the weapon(s) being drawn automatically fail. The number of attacks being made is not changed for the purposes of dice pool calculations.
Characters are additionally limited to a number of targets equal to the number of bullets to be fired.
Semi-Automatic Burst, Burst Fire, Long Burst, Simple Full Auto, and Complex Full Auto fire modes may be used to make multiple attacks at any range using only one weapon.
Quick Draw attacks are always treated as Simple Action attacks for determining the number of bullets fired. Quick-Drawing a weapon increases the number of bullets to be fired for the purposes of declaring targets, regardless of whether the quick-draw test is a success.
When using two or more weapons, each may be fired in their current fire mode as appropriate to the type of action taken. Single Shot weapons always fire one shot, regardless of action type. Cumulative Recoil Penalties apply to every pool before dividing.
Characters may assign bullets to targets as desired when declaring attacks. Any given target may only be hit by one firearm per set of attacks - no double dipping.
Defense penalty for a given target is (Number of Bullets-1).
Medium and Wide Choke settings on shotguns may not be used with MAFA.
Characters may use any readied melee weapons for MAFA against any number of different targets they choose, subject to skill rank requirements.
Throwing Weapons
Characters may make multiple attacks with readied throwing weapons on a single target at Short/Medium range. This may not be combined with attacks on other targets. When used with Area of Effect weapons (such as grenades), all attacks must be made at the same point or target and cannot be combined with single-target attacks.
Characters are additionally limited to a number of targets equal to the number of readied throwing weapons. Declaring a Quick-Draw action increases the number of possible targets by the number of weapons to be drawn.
All modifiers from foci, mentor spirits, specializations, background count, etc. are applied to the individual pools before dividing.
The Drain Resistance test is not split, regardless of how many spells are being cast.
Social Maneuvers
GMs may deny use of Social Maneuvers at any time they feel necessary.
Hustling the Mark
To successfully perform this maneuver, the character using it must pass at a Con test with a -6 dicepool modifier. If they succeed, they have deceived their opponent and receive a +2 dicepool modifier on their next Con or Negotiations test against their opponent. If they fail, their opponent has seen through their deception or is otherwise suspicious.
Informed Opinion
If, in a social situation, a character has a Knowledge skill applicable to the topic at hand, at GM discretion they may roll that skill at no penalty and add hits up to their ranks in the skill to their relevant social skills dicepool for as long as the Knowledge skill remains applicable during that encounter.
Saving Face
GMs may deny use of this maneuver at their discretion. Characters may only attempt this maneuver once per failed Social test and may not attempt to Save Face if they fail at Saving Face.
If the character succeeds on an opposed Etiquette test (at -4), they may make the original failed test again with no additional penalties. Any penalties affecting the original test still apply.
Repairing Matrix Damage
Self-repairing Matrix damage costs no nuyen, merely time, and otherwise follows the rules on CRB228. The relevant portion is copied below:
"If you have a device with Matrix damage, you can repair it with a toolkit, an hour of work, and a Hardware + Logic [Mental]
test. Every hit you get can be used to either remove one box of Matrix damage or cut the time required in half; the first die spent toward time reduces the time to half an hour, the second to 15 minutes, and so on, to a minimum of one Combat Turn (3 seconds). Bricked or not, the device is off-line and unusable during the repair process."
Additionally, you can consult the Repair Thresholds, Costs, and Intervals Table for an all-inclusive overview of repair-related statistics.
Matrix Actions
Teamworked Actions
Matrix Actions can be teamworked as normal. The quality Team Player allows you to gain marks when the person you're teamworking does.
Full Matrix Defense
This action works to defend against any attack actions, including actions by IC which are limited by their Attack rating. It does not apply to other Matrix actions, nor to Resonance actions.
Denial Of Service
Uses Cybercombat + Logic [Attack]
Reckless Hacking
Can only be used for actions that require a dice roll.
A device that performs a reckless hacking action will accumulate OS as if they had performed an illegal action, even if the action itself is not normally an illegal action. This does not alert the target unless the action would already do so.
Spoof Command
For the purposes of using this action, devices slaved to a Host are owned by that Host.
Although Squelch uses Attack as a limit, and thus the user is technically alerted something has happened to their device, they still cannot call or send messages with it if Squelch is successful
Invite Marks
Marks obtained through the Invite Marks action do not travel upwards like marks obtained through illegal actions per the provisional errata
Crystal Leviathan Shatterstar
This deck is legal for use on Runnerhub.
MCT Trainee
The built-in biofeedback filter doesn't take up the deck's one program slot, but is installed in addition to it.
Shark Hunter
The Shark Hunter Deck's program list should read: Track, Shell, Hammer, Decryption, Mugger, Fork.
Tiger Hunter
The Tiger Hunter Deck's program list should read: Track, Shell, Hammer, Decryption, Mugger.
Upgrading Cyberdecks
It is possible to upgrade a cyberdeck, RCC, or TacNet to the equivalent of a better (more expensive) model. To do so, characters must succeed on a standard Availability roll for the device they are upgrading to, then pay the price difference between the new and old device. It's also possible to downgrade a device, though characters who do so won't get anything back and still need to succeed at a standard Availability roll for the new device.
Delivery times are the same as buying a brand-new version of the new device.
Cyberdeck Modules
Program Carrier
The Program Carrier cyberdeck module may not contain the Virtual Machine program.
Custom Decks
Custom Decks cannot be upgraded to, cannot be upgraded from, and if you own one you cannot upgrade it 'internally'.
EX Series
These decks have a static attribute array.
Agents have their own persona in the matrix, but share their condition monitor with the device they are running on, as well as Overwatch Score and marks with the persona tied to the device. Actions by an agent that generate Overwatch Score add to the owner's OS, and marks placed by an agent can also be used by the owner, as well as the reverse. Additionally, any marks placed on the agent are also marks upon the device the agent is running on, and vice versa.
Standalone Agent programs may be upgraded. Characters must succeed at an availability test for the new rating of Agent, and pay the difference in cost. The Nixdorf Sekretär's built in Agent cannot be upgraded.
When using this program to delete a file, the Edit File action counts as an Attack action and thus generates Overwatch Score (which is doubled, as noted in the program's description).
This program's dice pool penalty is not Noise penalty and thus cannot be cancelled by Noise reduction, but does not apply to defense tests. This program generates Noise while running to mask the user's presence, thus the Noise must be in place to gain the benefit. Using this program is a defensive tactical option and not a default choice.
Keep in mind that the Noise from this program only affects actions performed with the deck it's running on. Actions performed by other sources that are targeting the deck don't suffer from this Noise, except for the Trace Icon action.
If used in a Foundation, this program applies a negative modifier to the dice pools of all actions within the Foundation. This modifier is equal to the Sleaze attribute bonus granted to the character running the program.
Cry Wolf
Is considered to have an availability of 12F, the same as Nuke-From-Orbit.
Commlink Dongles
Adding a dongle to a commlink is a complex action, as is removing it. Commlink dongles cannot be used with RCCs, cyberdecks, or any other device with the appropriate port which is not a commlink.
Attack and Stealth Dongles
Please note that the price for Attack and Stealth dongles is ((Rating * 2) * 3000¥).
They are limited by the rating of the commlink they are attached to. For example, a rating 6 attack dongle attached to a MetaLink (rating 1) could only work with a rating of 1, since the MetaLink just doesn't have enough power to utilize all of the dongle's capabilities.
Any marks acquired using an attack or stealth dongle are lost when that dongle is removed from the commlink.
Matrix Perception, Spotting, & Device Interaction on Host WANs
Remote Spotting
Any non-silent icons within 100 meters of your physical location (per Spotting, KC 33) can be automatically spotted without a Matrix Perception test, unless they're inside a host. Any icon that is running silent, or outside 100m can be spotted with a Matrix Perception test with sufficient hits. Any icon that is inside a host, running silent or otherwise, must be Matrix Perceived from inside that host.
LOS Spotting
Any icon or persona to which you have physical line of sight to the corresponding physical object may be spotted automatically, or with a Matrix Perception test if running silent, regardless of whether or not it is inside a host.
Devices slaved to a host are not automatically inside a host. Device Icons can be either inside or outside of a host, depending on what makes sense for usability and security. This allows for important icons to be inside the host, while allowing trivial remote access (which retain host defense pools) for less critical icons. Personas are not generally slaved to a WAN. Company-owned devices such as commlinks and security weapons may be slaved to the company's WAN instead of the user's PAN, but this is a security risk so it will normally only be the case for on-duty guards/spiders and on-site personnel.
Commlinks and other devices (i.e. forming a Persona) actively in use CAN be slaved to another device (such as a Commlink or Deck) and still be used. While the icon of a persona and a device merge when being used, the device running the persona is still capable of being a slave and benefiting from the relationship. A persona slaved to another device still cannot act as the master of another PAN. No daisy chaining.
The Matrix is a straight overlay on the real world (KC 25 'Getting Around the Matrix'). Anything outside of 100m/eyeshot can be traversed to if the person knows the approximate physical locations and gets a hit on a Matrix Perception test, where everything in a new physical area is automatically spotted if not running silent. A Unique Identifier (such as a commcode) for an icon cuts out any searching for the device, but still requires a Matrix Perception to spot if running silent. Spotting an icon does not give you a device or persona's physical location, just a vague direction. A successful Trace Icon test is required for an exact location.
Any Persona can make a general Matrix Perception test to see if there are any running silent icons within 100m or within the host they are in. This is not an opposed test; they simply get a yes or no answer. Spotting is a separate Matrix Perception test, as follows.
Any Persona can make an opposed matrix perception test to find a random running silent icon or, if they know a feature of the icon they are trying to spot, they can try to find that one specifically. Features include anything on the Matrix Perception table on p. 235. e.g. "I am looking for anything with an attack rating of at least 1." "I am looking for the Persona that just performed an Attack action." "I am looking for anything that is a Persona." etc. They can ask questions about the target equal to their net hits.
A device can run silent even if it doesn't have a Sleaze rating. It rolls a single-stat roll equal to the user's Logic or its Device rating (or its master's device rating), whichever is the highest.
Does the +2 bonus from Hot Sim get added to Foundation rolls?
Do you use Hot Sim 4d6 or 1d6 for Foundation initiative?
Characters use their base initiative dice (i.e. usually 1d6) in the Foundation.
Does Multidimensional Processor (Overclock Echo) give the extra 1d6?
Yes, and if a character using either of those options carries hitchhikers with them, the bonuses apply to them too.
How do you calculate dice pools in a Foundation?
Dice pools for actions that would be physical in the real world are formed by the same attributes and skills in the foundation - only that physical attributes are replaced with their corresponding foundation attribute, and the rating (see p.111, DT) of any active skills is replaced with the rating of the corresponding foundation skill.
For example, shooting a pistol would usually be an Agility+Pistol roll. In the Foundation, Agility is replaced with Sleaze, and Pistols, as a combat skill, is replaced in rating with Cybercombat.
What do Hitchhikers default to?
For tests that normally involve a mental attribute (e.g. perception, tracking, survival, navigation, first aid, etc.) the character would default on that attribute, if the Foundation skill involved is defaultable (cybercombat, hacking, computer).
For tests that would normally involve a physical attribute (shooting, melee, climbing, sneaking, etc.) the character would default on the equivalent Foundation attribute, if the Foundation skill involved is defaultable (cybercombat, hacking, computer).
Can you use Active Skills as Knowledge Skills making them Active Skills?
No. Active Skills can be used in place of a Knowledge Skill, but do not become Knowledge Skills.
What Drug Effects carry over into the Foundation?
All drug effects that are of a mental nature apply within a foundation (e.g. increases to mental attributes, dice pool bonuses to skills linked to mental attributes, mental qualities such as High Pain Tolerance, etc.) If the nature of a drug effect is not clear, the GM has final say which effects apply.
Skimming & The Dox
The Dox is not currently in use. Skimming the Node is a GM Tool and is available for use by GMs in Foundation runs.
Essence Loss and Burning Out
If a character's Magic or Resonance attribute reaches 0, they are permanently burned out. This means that they have lost their magical or technomancer abilities and cannot raise the Magic or Resonance attribute above 0 again (see p.250, SR5 and errata).
During character creation, apply any special attribute points or karma used to raise either of these attributes before applying reductions from Essence loss.
After character creation (i.e. in play), the Karma cost for raising the Magic attribute is based on the attribute's current rating, after any reductions from Essence loss have been applied.
Living Personas
Living Personas and Noise
When in a situation in which the Noise Rating (excluding Noise from distance) is higher than the Living Persona's device rating (i.e. Resonance) it cannot use wireless functionality – that is, the character can't use any Matrix or Resonance actions through wireless connections. Matrix or Resonance actions through direct connections are not affected.
Living Personas on the Matrix
A character's persona exists in the Matrix as long as they are conscious, unless they deliberately jack out. The persona disappears if the character falls unconscious, as per CRB235, except if link-locked in hotsim VR.
Link-locked personas in hotsim VR take physical biofeedback resisted solely with Willpower, otherwise, the persona is switched to AR and gracefully logged out.
Resonance Actions
Resonance Actions do not suffer penalties from Noise, unless stated otherwise in the description of the specific action. Specifically, the Threading action is affected by Noise penalties.
Direct Connections
Characters can establish direct connections to devices when using gear that has the capability to do so and has incurred any amount of Essence loss.
Characters cannot establish direct connections devices via trodes unless they have the Skinlink echo. The Skinlink echo allows them to gain a direct connection to devices with hard-to-access UDP jacks and be less conspicuous.
Complex Forms
The maximum number of Complex Forms allowed at gen are equal to the character's Resonance * 2
. The number of complex forms after gen is unlimited.
All Forms
For all CRB Fading values, subtract 3 from the value: L+4 becomes L+1 and L+2 becomes L-1 and so on. This does not apply to Fading Values outside of the Core Rule Book.
Editor can bypass the encryption on a file, but not data bombs attached to it. This means that any data bombs attached to the target file need to be defused first, or will trigger when attempting to use Editor on the file.
When targeting a file with intact encryption, the level Editor is threaded at needs to be at least equal to the file's encryption rating.
If used to copy an encrypted file, the copy is not encrypted.
The same Complex Form cannot be used more than once in a single Hyperthread, and Complex Forms in the same Hyperthread do not affect each other.
Misread Marks
IC affected by this Complex Form target a random persona/icon/device/etc. in the Host that the casting character has marks on, for the number of actions as specified in RAW. The four marks on the casting character has on their own persona and any marks they have on the Host itself are ignored.
In order for the Complex Form 'Overdrive' to work on a piece of 'ware, the 'ware must be wireless on. The total Resonance restored by this stream's Daemon is equal to half the Submersion Grade of the character, rounded up. Resonance is not restored by this amount every time the character Submerges, but the amount does change if the Submersion Grade does.
Pulse Storm
The duration of this Complex Form is Sustained.
Host Emulator
This Complex Form is banned, due to incredibly confusing and nonsensical rules.
Primed Charge
Only 1 Primed Charge can apply to your next Matrix Action.
Draining Spike
This echo cannot heal Fade, and only works on personas.
Mind over Machine
Despite functioning as a Control Rig, this Echo does not grant a datajack or any length of UC Cable.
Despite functioning as a Control Rig, this Echo does not grant a datajack or any length of UC Cable.
Neural Synergy
This echo is subject to the augmented maximum, if relevant.
The area of effect for this echo is centered on the character's physical body, and the effect is also applied to the character using it.
Resonance [Program]
This Echo can be activated and deactivated as a Free Action, and characters may concurrently run as many Resonance programs as they want.
Active Resonance programs can be revealed with a successful Matrix Perception roll on the attached Living Persona. The regular rules for Matrix Perception still apply.
The Virtual Machine program cannot be taken as a Resonance program
Resonance Riding
Characters may utilize other echoes while using this one. Resonance programs may be used in parallel to programs on the cyberdeck and do not take up program slots on the cyberdeck, however, users of this Echo may still only run one instance of any given program at the same time.
Resonance Scream
The area of effect for this echo is centered on the character's physical body, and the effect is also applied to the character using it.
Will of the Resonance
This echo is subject to the augmented maximum, if relevant.
Sprites and Sprite Powers
Each task allows one combat turn's worth of actions. When not in initiative, GMs are advised to allow three actions per task, to best represent the average number of passes a sprite would roll as per CRB254.
Active Analytics
This power alerts the user when their OS is 30, instead of 35
Assist Threading
A character can only benefit from a single Assist Threading task on a single Threading action.
Sprites have mental attributes according to their matrix attributes, like a technomancer. Their skill ranks in trained skills are equal to their Level.
Condition Monitors, Overwatch Score, Marks
Sprites have their own condition monitors, Overwatch scores, and marks. Owners and sprites do not share marks, and must place their own marks on devices they wish to affect.
Entering Hosts
Sprites can follow their owner into a Host without having a mark on the Host themselves by tunneling in through Resonance channels as a Complex Action. This action requires the owner to order the sprite to follow them into the Host, and spends one of the tasks available in doing so.
Keep in mind that being in a host without a mark is very dangerous in the case of detection.
This power cannot target Hosts and the ownership privilege it provides over devices is the same as normal ownership (i.e. 4 marks).
The final sentence of Sacrifice should read: "... the target takes no matrix damage during the combat turn that the sprite uses this power."
Diagnostics may never be used on Cyberware.
Sprite Registration Limit
Technomancers may choose the higher of LOG or CHA to determine the maximum amount of sprites you may have registered.
The Karma cost to submerge is (10 + (New Grade x 3))
. This cost cannot be reduced by ordeals, solo submersion runs or similar.
The test to submerge is an extended Software + Intuition [Resonance] (New Submersion Grade, 7 days)
test. The new Submersion grade is gained once the total time for the test has passed. This time can be interrupted (e.g. by runs), and during this time the character may concurrently bind or register Sprites, improve a Contact, or perform similar advancements that require time.
Alternatively, the character can bypass this test by going on a solo Submersion run. In this case, the character gains the new Submersion grade upon successful completion of the run. The character then must wait 7 days to Submerge again. Mechanics aside, solo Submersion runs are also a great way to do some character development.
The total Resonance restored by this stream's Daemon is equal to half the Submersion Grade of the character, rounded up, with a maximum of ([Resonance Lost]-[Essence Lost to Non-Cyberware Sources]) rounded down. Changes to a character's Submersion Grade, Resonance Lost, or Essence Lost to Non-Cyberware Sources update this restored Resonance in real time, instead of at each Submersion.
Dissonant Streams
Dissonant Streams are not available for player usage.
Paragons will remain karma costless for an initial period. If it is observed this is causing balance issues, Rules will revisit.
Virtual Tribes
Runnerhub does not currently allow Magical Groups to help reduce Initiation costs, and so Virtual Tribes will not be able to reduce Submersion costs.
Flash Tribes
When summoning/calling a flash tribe, the number of dice the flash tribe rolls for teamwork gain is equal to (Dice pool / Leadership threshold) * 3
Rigging and Driving
Avoiding Attacks
Drivers use Intuition + Reaction
(or, optionally, Intuition * 2
in VR) to avoid attacks, not Reaction + Vehicle skill
. Full Defense allows them to add their choice of Reaction or Intuition again (CRB205, Attacks Against Vehicles, Evasive Driving). Qualities which allow substituting other things for Full Defense do not apply.
Control Rigs (and their Booster nanites) do not apply their rating as a bonus to defense tests.
Drones avoid attacks with Pilot * 2
, or Pilot + Maneuvering autosoft
at GM discretion, and follow the same rules as other characters (CRB270) except for their Armor functioning the same as vehicle armor.
VR Attributes
Riggers may choose between REA or INT when in VR and rolling a test for a skill linked to REA in meatspace. Gunnery is linked to LOG instead of AGI.
Rigger Command Console
Upgrading RCCs
See the related section in the Gear Rules.
Cyberprograms on RCCs
RCCs are able to run any cyberprogram, but they must be purchased separately from programs for Cyberdecks. RCC stats never include Attack or Sleaze, unless Oddmodded, and RCCs cannot make use of commlink dongles.
RCCs can run a total of (Device Rating) programs - this includes Autosofts to be shared or cyberprograms to be used.
RCCs have Sharing / Noise Reduction rating equal to DR. Sharing is for Autosofts or Autosoft-like programs only
Remember, if a drone is running any of its own autosofts (but NOT cyberpgroagrams), it cannot benefit from the RCC's autosofts.
Control Rigs
The benefits of multiple control rigs do not stack, including Technomancer Echoes which grant the effects of a control rig.
Defining Vehicle Actions While Jumped In
A Vehicle Action is any action that uses the pilot's driving attribute in place of the normal linked attribute while piloting a vehicle, in addition to any explicitly listed Vehicle Actions. This includes Piloting tests, Vehicle Sneaking, Vehicle Etiquette, and similar.
Electronic Warfare Actions
Target Device
This action must be executed using an RCC, using that RCC's stats, and only provides a bonus to devices slaved to the same RCC. The maximum bonus that can be gained through this action is equal to the recipient's rank in the used weapon skill, or the rating of the targeting autosoft for drones.
A swarm must include at least two drones in order for the Swarm program to work and apply its benefits.
Vehicle Crashes
The target, or whatever the vehicle crashes into, must resist damage equal to [Vehicle Body * Speed Multiplier]P AP -6
(R5 177).
The vehicle and any passengers must resist damage equal to [Target/Object's Hits on Soak Test]P AP -6
Vehicles soak normally, with [Body + Armor]
, taking the vehicle armor rules into account. Passengers soak with their [Body + Armor + Vehicle Armor + Passenger Protection System rating]
, and do not benefit from the special rules for vehicle armor.
Vehicle Modifications
If a modification does not alter the Speed, Handling, Acceleration, Pilot, Sensor, Body, or Armor rating of a vehicle, and the modification exists at multiple ratings, the rating of the modification may be upgraded for the difference in price between the new and old rating.
Basic and Advanced Modifications
Players may make modifications according to the modification rules introduced in Rigger 5.0 (p151), but doing so is not required. Player who do not own Rigger 5, and do not use any modifications from that book, use the basic modification rules from the CRB instead.
However, using any modifications from R5 on a vehicle mean that all modifications on that vehicle must conform to the modification rules in R5. Previous versions of the same modification, such as the smuggling compartments or spoof chips from Stolen Souls and the weapon mounts listed in CRB, are superseded by their R5 counterparts.
When adjusting from CRB to R5 modification rules, the cost of any superseded modifications is fully refunded before the new modification from R5 is purchased at full cost.
Standard Upgrades
Modifications that are listed as standard in the vehicle's stat block (or on p.155, Rigger 5.0 for vehicles from SR5) do not use up any of the vehicle's mod slots and are already factored into the attribute ratings of the vehicle. For example, a Toyota Gopher has standard Off-Road Suspension. The +1 to handling off-road and -1 to handling on-road are already reflected in its Handling score of 5/5.
Legal or Restricted vehicles with stock Forbidden mods use only the vehicle's listed availability code. This does not apply to Forbidden modifications (including Forbidden weapons in an otherwise legal mount) made in addition to stock modifications.
This and GridGuide are considered to be two facets of the same system, much like the Smartgun system and the Smartlink. Vehicles using the Rigger 5 rules (vehicles from that book or using modifications from that book) come standard with GridLink at no additional cost, even if it is not listed in their entry, unless they are a throwback, a Big Bob's vehicle, or otherwise specifically lacking GridLink. Characters which have previously bought a GridLink system for a vehicle which has the system as standard equipment may refund the full purchase price of the modification.
GridLink can be overridden with Gridlink Override, Manual Override, or Rigger Interface modifications. It is a good idea to have at least one of these modifications if the owning character wants to avoid any situation where the vehicle might be remotely controlled by the authorities – such as a car chase or rolling firefight.
Ram Plates
A Ram Plate takes up 2 protection mod slots, costs 1500 nuyen, is availability 8, and requires a threshold 6 Armorer test to install.
Body Modifications
Ejection Seats
Modification | Type | Slots | Threshold | Tools | Skill | Availability | Cost |
Ejection Seat | Body Mod | 1 | 10 | Workshop | - | 8R | 750¥ |
Parachutes are included in the price, if desired.
Nanomaintenance System
This modification allows characters to repair a vehicle between runs at no cost, like a garage, in addition to its RAW functionality.
Powertrain Modifications
Gyro Stabalization
The vehicle will automatically stay upright in most conditions and can be driven in VR - providing it has a secure seat. For vehicle tests that require balance, the driver receives a +2 dice pool bonus. This modification is only available for Motorcycles.
Modification | Type | Slots | Threshold | Tools | Skill | Availability | Cost |
Gyro Stabilization | Powertrain Mod | 1 | 1 | Workshop | - | 8 | Body x 1000¥ |
Weapon Modifications
Drone Racks
Drone Racks are immediately visible when installed, but without looking inside or performing a detailed scan, characters only know that the modification exists. Stored drones are considered inactive until removed or launched.
Manual Weapon Mounts
Manual and Armored Manual Weapon Mounts may be operated with the mounted weapon's normal skill in place of Gunnery.
Vehicle Weapon Mounts Capacities
Light Weapon Mounts can hold 100 rounds of ammo. Standard Weapon Mounts hold 250 rounds of ammo. Heavy Weapon Mounts can hold 500 rounds of ammo, Body missiles/rockets, and Body x 3 Grenades.
Electromagnetic Modifications
Pilot Enhancement
The description of this modification incorrectly states that Pilot programs can have a rating of 1 to 9, this should be 1 to 6.
Cosmetic Modifications
Metahuman Adjustment
This modification, and the penalty to all non-human metatypes introduced in its description, are not used on Runnerhub.
This modification is required for a character to live in a vehicle, per the Lifestyle rules.
Vehicle Repairs
The vehicle repair rules introduced in Rigger 5.0 (p.29) are not used on Runnerhub. Refer to the section on repairing gear instead.
Advanced Driving Rules
The Advanced Driving Rules introduced in Rigger 5.0 (p.173 - 182) can be used on Runnerhub, but are considered to be optional due to their complexity. GMs that intend to use them are encouraged to note that fact in their job postings, and players who intend to use them should ask permission from the GM first.
Vehicle Armor
Vehicle (and drone) Armor is not hardened armor; however, the DV of an attack (before soak) must be greater than or equal to the vehicle's modified armor rating (after AP) to cause damage.
For example, a weapon with a damage code of 7P AP -2
gets 2 net hits, for a total of 9P AP -2
, against a vehicle with 12 armor. The vehicle does not need to roll soak as the attack does not exceed the modified armor value of 10 (12-2); the attack simply didn't penetrate and dealt no damage. If the same attack had 3 net hits, the damage code would be 10P AP -2
. The physical damage is equal to the vehicles modified Armor value of 10, and so the vehicle rolls soak which is [(Modified Armor) + Body]
Class | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Car | 4/3 | 6 | 3 | 12 | 11 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 76,000¥ |
Armor brings weight. Weight costs speed. Speed needs stronger engines. Engines bring weight. In their eternal search for the perfect mix of safety and speed, highway warriors and other criminal speeders have discovered the muscle car segment, which is shrinking in the age of gridlink and eco-conscious e-drive.
Massively built and massively processed, muscle cars such as the M8 are literally pushed forward by high-powered fuel engines - hybrid and electric motors are considered to be effeminate aberrations and unnecessary weight. Based on the BMW880, the M8 motorsport version offers a surprising amount of space for a sports car and enough room between and in front of the seats to store bags of equipment. This is one of the reasons why the M8 is a popular rogue car in the Trid and a preferred choice for all larger metahumans whose powersport dreams usually fail at the entry point of sleek race cars."
Similar Models: Eurocar Mirage 3500, Ford Mustang Turbo
Standard Equipment: None
BMW X Infinity
Class | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
SUV(Truck) | 5/5 | 4 | 2 | 14 | 14 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 72,000¥ |
With models such as the X One and the X Se7en, BMW has been offering a small but stable selling selection of SUVs for some time now. With the much bigger X Infinity, it seems that besides financially strong managers who are insecure about their penis size, those groups who use SUVs as real workhorses (i.e. security services, mercenaries and military personnel of all kinds) are now being targeted. The main competitor is the Ares Humvee, whose design and functionality has been copied more than just a little.
Similar Models: Ares Hummer H8, Citroen Aventurier 77
Standard Equipment: Off Road Suspension
Buell Spartan
An Automotive Mechanic Toolkit is included free with purchase.
Chrysler-Nissan Bobcat
Class | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Van | 3/3 | 3 | 2 | 15 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 8 | - | 25,000¥ |
Since Chrysler-Nissan was taken over by Sony, the vehicle division of the former car giant (Dodge, Jeep, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz) has been cut down quite a bit to free up production capacities for the rapidly increasing demand for drones. However, this has never prevented Chryler-Nissan from launching new models, which are usually based on earlier successful models of its own brand portfolio. A classic example of this is the Bobcat, which is a reinterpretation of Chrysler's earlier success, the Grand Voyager: an extremely flexible, convertible van concept aimed at soccer moms, carpools or literally "big" families, with a focus on affordable comfort and robust construction. Generous room layout, many discreetly placed storage compartments, multiple connections for consumer electronics or mini fridge and drone mounts integrated into the roof are valued standards of the model.
Similar models: Aztechnology Familia, Evo Capricorn
Standard equipment: Small Drone Rack (roof), Micro Drone Rack (roof)
Daihatsu-Caterpillar Horseman
Replace the "Enviro-Seal" standard equipment with Life Support Level 1.
Dodge Hurricane
Class | Model | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Pick-up Truck | Basic | 4/4 | 4 | 2 | 15 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 3 | - | 37,000¥ |
Crew | 3/3 | 4 | 2 | 16 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 6 | - | 43,000¥ | |
Security | 4/3 | 4 | 2 | 16 | 14 | 3 | 3 | 5 | - | 67,000¥ |
This successor to the Dodge Twister, and thus spiritual heir to the Dodge Ram, is a true pickup monster perfectly suited to both the road and wilderness conditions of the sixth world. The Hurricane line offers different pick-up versions for almost every need: small, relatively inexpensive two-door models, four-doors with extended cab, open flatbed or closed cab bodies, military versions for security services - the portfolio leaves nothing to be desired.
In Germany, Chrysler Nissan sells the same model under the name Mercedes-Benz Tornado. The design is practically identical, only the radiator is different and of course the star in the middle. Small design-upgrades, a higher quality interior, additional subwoofers for a more powerful True4D-HiFi-Sound and of course the name Mercedes are reflected in 20% higher prices for the Mercedes-Benz Tornado."
Similar Models: Landrover Behemoth, Volkswagen TT60
Standard Equipment: Off-road Suspension, Amenities (Middle) (only Mercedes-Benz Tornado)
Game information: All models are available with open platform or closed cab body (+2k compared to the respective base price). The cab body provides armour protection for everything on the platform.
Entertainment Systems Cyclops
Replace the Assembly Time Improvement mod with the Assembly/Disassembly mod
EVO Falcon-EX
Replace the Tracked Vehicle standard equipment with a Suncell.
Ford Broadcast
The built-in RCC cannot be upgraded.
Harley Davidson Nightmare
Improved Economy and Gyro-Stabilization come as standard equipment.
Horizon-Doble Revolution
Remove the Smart Tire standard equipment entirely. Instead choose from two options with their own statlines and included equipment when purchasing the vehicle.
Sidecar Option - Increased Seating Canopy Option - Passenger Protection System 2
Model | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Sidecar | 4/2 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 11,000¥ |
Canopy | 5/3 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 12,000¥ |
i8 Interceptor
The i8 Interceptor has an availability of 16R.
Krime Wageslave PMV
The Krime Wageslave PMV does not come with Grid Guide standard. The driver of this vehicle must have a minimum Body + Strength score of 14, otherwise any Maneuver test to do anything other than to drive casually or parallel park has its threshold doubled.
Mecury Cruiser, Car
Class | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Car | 4/3 | 3 | 2 | 14 | 11 | 1 | 2 | 5 | - | 21,000¥ |
Just as the Mercury Oort was initially ridiculed as a design mistake the Mercury Cruiser, which was trimmed for the retro look of American muscle cars, has long since established itself on the market. The "American dimensions" of this cruiser also make a significant contribution to this - a feature that is brought to the extreme in the Cruiser model series: wide, bulky shapes, over 1 meter of additional length, a more powerful engine, plenty of space for families and, in contrast to the Oort, city-friendly sliding doors make the Mercury Comet Cruiser an increasingly normal sight even on German roads.
The 900¥ more expensive Cruiser-S (S for Scenic) variant with continuous skylight from front to rear and integrated video display function is particularly popular with families and long-distance drivers the kids in the back - or you drive on autopilot right away, combine the seats into a continuous sunbathing area and relax under the steplessly switchable opaque roof display."
Similar models: Citroën L'Age d'Or, Mandarin 7
Standard equipment: None
Mercedes-Benz Citymog
Class | Model | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Truck | Base | 5/4 | 3 | 1 | 18 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 3 | - | 44,000¥ |
CM-X (Flatbed) | 5/4 | 3 | 1 | 18 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 5 | - | 42,000¥ | |
CM Traveller (Minibus) | 5/4 | 3 | 1 | 18 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 20 | - | 56,000¥ | |
CM Elite (Luxury Minibus) | 5/3 | 3 | 1 | 18 | 12 | 3 | 4 | 12 | - | 96,000¥ |
According to Mercedes-Benz, this light truck, which is sold in the UCAS under the name Dodge City, is "the perfect solution for all inner-city transport tasks". Powered by a hybrid engine with fuel cell and gridlink and equipped with a chassis that can cope with today's common road damage or the occasional absence of a road, the CityMog is available in a wide range of performance versions: As a minibus, a flatbed truck for building materials, a box van for shipping goods, even as a motor home or more or less bare chassis for assembly by outside companies for special tasks such as tree sawing.
Similar models: Dodge City, MAN Mikro Mobil
Standard equipment: Amenities (Middle) (CityMog Traveller), Amenities (High) (CityMog Elite)
Thundercloud Mustang
Off-Road Suspension and Off-Road Tires come as standard equipment. The statblock already include the effects of these mods.
"Amphibious Operation" Standard Equipment should be read as Secondary Propulsion (Amphibious, Surface)
Volkswagen Multicity
Class | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
Van | 3/2 | 4 | 1 | 12 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | - | 18,000¥ |
What the MultiCity lacks in terms of safety and speed, it makes up for with inconspicuousness: this Multivan has been marketed by VW for several decades - it is available in countless variants and is so inexpensive even when new that small and medium-sized companies are only too happy to fall back on this all-rounder. A look in every used car forum is enough to find a suitable MultiCity in every Plex of the ADL within hours, or even from 19% of the new price if recognizable defects and mileage beyond 200000 don't matter.
Similar models: Eurocat Blitz 3, Fiat "Vivi" Versatile Van
Volkswagen Urban Allrounder
Class | Model | Handl | Speed | Accel | Body | Arm | Pilot | Sens | Seats | Avail | Cost |
RV | Urban Explorer | 3/3 | 3 | 1 | 13 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 4 | - | 28,000¥ |
Urban Transporter | 3/3 | 3 | 1 | 13 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | 19,500¥ | |
Urban Traveller | 3/3 | 3 | 1 | 13 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 9 | - | 29,500¥ | |
Urban Watcher | 3/3 | 3 | 1 | 13 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 12R | 65,000¥ |
The resounding success of VW's leading motorhome "Urban Explorer" has led to the creation of an entire flotilla of van variations based on the Explorer design, which is now marketed under the name "Urban Allrounder": There is of course still the Urban Explorer Motorhome, but also the Urban Traveller Minibus, the Urban Transporter Delivery Vehicle or exotics like the Urban Watcher, a drone carrier designed for police use, which can be parked near riots or events and acts as a control center for the rigger or simply as a gas station and radio control for four MCT-Nissan Roto-Drones starting from the vehicle."
Similar models: Chrysler-Nissan Brumby, Toyota Omni
Standard equipment (Urban Explorer): Amenities (Middle), SunCell
Standard equipment (Urban Transporter): None
Standard equipment (Urban Traveller) : None
Standard Equipment (Urban Watcher): 4x Landing Drone Rack (Medium), Retrans Unit
Yamaha Kaburaya
Acceleration is 4. Cost is ¥8,500
Characters who wish to own a watercraft must maintain a Low or better lifestyle to reflect the cost of maintaining and storing the craft.
Aztechnology Profit
The Aztechnology Profit (pg 143 CT) costs ¥530,000.
Krime Barco De Pesca
The Krime Barco De Pesca has Speed 4
Characters who wish to own an aircraft must maintain a Medium or better lifestyle to reflect the cost of maintaining and storing the craft.
Avibras Nissan AN 822
The missing acceleration of this aircraft is 3
Cataline II
Replace Standard Equipment with:
Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) 3, Improved Economy, Heavy Weapon Mount (External, Fixed, Remote) on Nose, one Heavy Weapon Mount (External, Flexible, Remote) on the right and left waist, one heavy weapon holder (External, Fixed, Remote) below the wings
Catalina PBY
The turrets on this plane are External/Remote/Flexible. One is located on the nose facing forward, and the remaining two are located at the waist pointing outward.
Official Emergency Vehicles
The official emergency vehicles with increased stats, listed on Stolen Souls p187, are not available for purchase by player characters. The following vehicles have a banned variant:
- Ares Roadmaster
- Chrysler-Nissan Journey
- Conestoga Trailblazer
- Dodge Ram Industrial
- Espirit Ind. Watcher
- GMC Endurance
- GMC Sidewinder
- Honda Artemis
- S-K LT-21
Drone Repairs
The vehicle repair rules introduced in Rigger 5.0 (p.29) are not used on Runnerhub. Refer to the rules on repairing gear instead.
Drone Modifications
Drones are modified according to the rules on pg121 of Rigger 5. Installing or Removing a modification is always a [Logic + Mechanic (Type)]
Extended Test with an interval of 1 hour. The threshold of this test is 4 for any Drone Mod. Vehicle Modifications use their individual listed tests and thresholds - see the see the Installing Advanced Modifications section in the house rules.
The modification(s) can be performed by the character, a public drone shop, or through a contact. The initial installation of a modification after purchase can be handled by the seller.
Standard Upgrades
Legal or Restricted drones with stock Forbidden mods use only the drone's listed availability code. This does not apply to Forbidden modifications (including Forbidden weapons in an otherwise legal mount) made in addition to stock modifications.
Attribute Upgrades
One attribute per drone may be increased without spending a mod point, but that attribute cannot be the Body or Pilot attributes.
Drone Handling
If a drone has more than one handling attribute, upgrading Handling upgrades both versions by the same amount. The cost is based on the cost of upgrading the higher value of Handling.
Attribute Downgrades
A drone can endure a downgrade of any attribute, except the Body and Pilot attributes, to receive a maximum of 1 mod point from the downgrade. Downgrading a drone is a [Logic + Mechanic (Type)]
Extended Test with a threshold of 8.
Attribute Modifications
The Body attribute of a drone may be modified to gain mod points at a rate of 2 mod points per point of Body, with an Availability of three times the base number of mod points gained. These mod points are in addition to any mod points gained through downgrades, and are not subject to the same limit. The Body attribute cannot be lowered below half of the drone's starting Body, as per pg123 of Rigger 5.
Drone armor follows the same rules as vehicle armor, with one exception in the case of anthrodrones.
Drone Weapon Mounts
A drone must have a base Body attribute of at least 2, before any modifications, to support a weapon mount. As with all other drone modifications, installing a drone mount from Rigger 5 requires following all other rules in Rigger 5. This may result in some drones which were equipped with mounted ARs needing a downgrade to SMGs.
Micro weapon mounts are not allowed. Anthro drones are the only drone type which can use melee weapons with a reach greater than 0. Carbines (from Street Lethal) require a Large or better weapon mount.
Ranged Exotic weapons require Large or better weapon mounts, except for Lasers which require a Huge or Heavy weapon mount. Melee Exotic weapons with reach 0 may go on mini weapon mounts.
The MCT-Nissan Rotodrone has 3 extra mod points to spend only on weapon mounts & mount options.
Drone Weapon Mount Costs | |||||
Mini | Small | Standard | Large | Huge | Heavy |
800¥ | 1600¥ | 2400¥ | 3200¥ | 4000¥ | 4800¥ |
Other Modifications
Modifications in this category may need to be checked by a GM to see whether they are suitable for the drone in question. In unclear situations the GM should ask RD or TD for assistance.
Vehicle Modifications and Enhancements
Per the Missions errata as codified into Runnerhub House Rules, the Vehicle modifications and enhancements listed below may be installed on a drone. Drones are treated as having mod slots per category (Electromagnetic, Body, Powertrain, etc.) equal to their Body attribute after any modifications.
- Spoof Chips
- Road Strips
- Not available for drones below Medium size.
- Tool Kit
- Not available for drones below Small size.
- Gliding System
- Improved Economy
- Rocket Booster
- Secondary Propulsion Systems, all types
- Anti-Theft System
- Special Armor Modification
- Drone Rack
- Must be at least two size categories smaller than the drone, IE: Huge drones can mount up to Medium drone racks
- Missile Defense System
- Oil Slick Sprayer
- Road Strip Ejector
- Not available for drones below Medium size.
- Smoke Projector
- Assembly/Disassembly
- Chameleon Coating
- Extreme Environment Modification
- Nanomaintenance System
- Smuggling Compartment
- Valkyrie Module
- Not available for drones below Large size.
- Winch
- Weight capacity is limited by vehicle size
- Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
- Retrans Unit
- Satellite Link
- Signature Masking
- Suncell
- Touch Sensors
- Vehicle Tag Eraser
- Yerzed Out
- AKA Customized Drone
Software Modifications
Pilot programs may be upgraded after character creation to a higher rating by paying the difference in cost between the old and new ratings. The character must still succeed on a standard Availability roll as if they were purchasing the new Pilot rating outright, and installing the upgrade requires a [Logic + Mechanic (Type)]
Extended Test with an interval of 1 hour and a threshold of 4.
This modification does not grant movement on/in water. Adding the Amphibious Secondary Propulsion System from p156 of Rigger 5 is highly recommended.
Realistic Features
This modification is only available on the drones listed below, and they are limited to the maximum rating also listed below.
Drone | Max RF Rating |
Sony Goldfish | 4 |
Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly | 2 |
Festo Pigeon 2.0 | 4 |
Renraku Gerbil | 2 |
Renraku Scuttler Remote Cyberhand | 4 |
Festo Sewer Snake | 3 |
Proteus A.G. "KRAKE" | 2 |
Ares Cheetah | 2 |
Shiawase Kanmushi | 4 |
MCT Fly Spy | 4 |
Ares Duelist | 3 |
Single-Shot Grenade
Straps a suicide grenade in a non-obvious fashion to your drone.
Drone Software
Anthrodrones Holding Weapons
Targeting Autosofts used by Anthrodrones also apply when holding weapons that match the autosoft's type, providing ranks in the equivalent weapon skill as they normally would for Gunnery.
A drone may run any rating of autosoft, regardless of its Pilot rating. Autosofts without a [Model]
tag are not drone-model specific.
Cyberprograms on Drones
Drones may run all cyberprograms, but may not run Agents. Drones, like RCCs, universally lack Attack and Sleaze ratings, so they cannot make effective use of most hacking programs. Cyberprograms running on a drone use up the same slots as autosofts. This means the maximum number of autosofts and cyberprograms combined running on a drone is equal to its Device rating / 2.
Customization Software (Personality, Linguistics)
The Personality and Linguistics customization software for drones (p.127f, Rigger 5.0) does not use up any program/autosoft slots of a drone.
Drone Sizes
The size ranges for drones listed below can be used as a general guideline to judge a drone's size. They are not binding, for example if a drone's description offers a differing size, that description takes precedence over the size ranges below. Generally, the GM should decide whether a drone is large or small enough to have a significant effect in a specific situation.
- Microdrones (Body 0): Insect sized, less than 10 cm length.
- Minidrones (Body 1): Size of a large insect or small rodent, can fit in the palm of a hand or pocket, length between 10 to 25 cm.
- Small Drones (Body 1-3): Can vary in size from a small to a large dog, smaller examples can be hidden on a person's body, length between 25 to 100 cm.
- Medium Drones (Body 2-5): Can vary in size from a large dog to a motorcycle, generally can't be hidden on a person's body or carried by a regular human, and occupies the equivalent of one seat in a vehicle.
- Large Drones (Body 2-10): Can vary in size from a motorcycle to small car, generally can't be carried by a regular metahuman, and occupies the equivalent of one or more seats in a vehicle.
Anthropomorphic Drones
When using the drone's limbs in a way that requires a Strength or Agility attribute (e.g. opening a door with a crowbar) consider the drone's Strength to be equal to its Body attribute, and its Agility equal to the Pilot attribute. When jumped into an anthrodrone, a character should use their own Logic or Intuition, as applicable, in place of the drone's Pilot.
Anthro Drones are still drones, and thus still benefit from the effects of vehicle armor, though they may wear any humanoid armor - except in the case of the NeoNet Juggernaut, which may not wear humanoid armor.
Taking Damage With Humanoid Armor
When anthrodrones take damage, if the damage (before soak, but after AP) exceeds the Vehicle Armor, the drone must roll soak, with any damage unsoaked transmitting to their Physical condition monitor. Any damage that would normally always be Stun damage, with the exception of Electrical damage, is ignored.
AP reduces worn humanoid Armor until humanoid Armor and Vehicle Armor are the same value, at which point it begins to reduce both values.
The drone's Strength for the purposes of determining Armor add-on encumbrance is equal to its Body.
In the event that the drone's base Vehicle Armor is higher than the humanoid Armor, the humanoid Armor has no effect.
Specific Drones
Ares Garuda
The cluster munitions can be of the same types (and have the same stats) as are available for rockets and missiles (p.435, SR5).
Ares KN-Y0
The stat block for the Ares KN-Y1 (Phobos) has all values moved a column to the right. It should read as follows:
3 | 2G | 1 | 6(0) | 18 | 5 | 3 | 16F | 250,000¥ |
The Cybertooth is considered milspec and therefore not allowed. The Junkyard Dog, Roachdrone, RECONdor, and SkySpy are allowed.
Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly
Targeting (Melee) Autosoft is R3.
F-B Bumblebee
This drone is not permitted for use on RunnerHub.
Festo Pigeon
The Festo Pigeon uses the Pilot Aircraft skill.
Festo Sewer Snake
The Festo Sewer Snake uses the Pilot Groundcraft Skill while on land, and the Pilot Watercraft skill when in or on the water.
Horizon Noizquito
The maximum penalty a character may take through Noizquitos is limited to -4, regardless of how many Noizquitos affect them.
Krime Runner
The Krime Runner is a small drone.
Medusa Extensions
These cannot take the Drone Arm modification. However, in the interests of giving them versatility and usability, these drones ignore the House Rule requiring a minimum Body of 2 to install weapon mounts. Owners may install a single Mini Weapon Mount.
Secondly, instead of using the drone's Mod Points in the standard manner, the owner may instead opt to exchange them at a 1:1 ratio for capacity to install standard gear such as the items listed on page 87 of Run & Gun – not including armor modifications. Taking advantage of this ability requires the approval of CCD (at gen) or a GM (in play).
Mitsuhama Akiyama
Since this is an assassin drone styled to look like a young child, there is a lot of potential for usage that is simply inappropriate in a large, shared community such as Runnerhub. Therefore, TD reserves the right to retroactively deny any purchases of this item in cases of such inappropriate usage.
Renraku Scuttler Remote Cyberhand
The cyberhand is subject to all standard cyberware grade modifiers This drone cannot take modifications
- Handling: 4
- Speed: 1
- Accel: 1
- Body: 1 (1)
- Armor: 3
- Pilot: 1
- Sensor: 2
At purchase, choose if it is obvious or synthetic
Standard Upgrades:
- Realistic Features - When attached to the owner, use the rules for identifying synthetic cyberware (CRB p. 456) if synthetic. If Obvious, looks visually the same as a Modular Cyberhand. When detached, looks like a crawling hand.
Note: Due to its compact design, this drone cannot receive any drone up- or downgrades.
Smart Firing Platforms
The stat block for Smart Firing Platforms is as follows:
3 | 0 | 3 | 8 |
Smart Firing Platforms cannot be modified like drones or vehicles.
Pets can now be purchased and even augmented via the standard availability rules. Pets at character generation start with the maximum amount of tricks they can learn. Any trainign after character generation must occur via GM-witnessed rolls and can only be done once per seven real-time days. Training may be backdated to the last trick trained, and the rolls are subject to the threshold and dicepool modifiers on Howling Shadows 183. Augmentation may be performed like normal gear acquisition, and be rolled in the Gear Rolls channel, or on a GM's table.
The maximum you can raise a critter's skill via Animal Handling is equal to the higher of your ranks in Animal Handling or your ranks in the desired skill.
Pets with a logic of 0 or - may learn one trick.
The lifestyle listed is the minimum lifestyle required to care for the animal. Food and care costs are considered to be part of the lifestyle expenses. If a pet cannot be supported, it will generally be lost, one way or another. Characters are limited to a number of living pets equal to 5 or their Charisma, whichever is higher.
Mundane | |||
Critter | Availability | Cost | Lifestyle |
Goldfish | - | 2¥ | Squatter |
Cat, Domestic | - | 50¥ | Squatter |
Dog (cloned) | - | 75¥ | Low |
Snake (non-venomous) | - | 100¥ | Low |
Raccoon | 4 | 500¥ | Low |
Crow | 6 | 500¥ | Middle |
Ferret | 2 | 250¥ | Middle |
Alligator | 6R | 300¥ | Middle |
Snake (Venomous) | 8R | 1,000¥ | Middle |
Wolf | 12R | 1,000¥ | Middle |
Boar | 10 | 400¥ | High |
Cat, Great | 12R | 5,000¥ | High |
Eagle | 12F | 7,500¥ | High |
Horse | 4 | 2,000¥ | Luxury |
Giraffe | 12R | 10,000¥ | Luxury |
Orca | 12R | 15,000¥ | Luxury |
Chimpanzee | 12R | 20,000¥ | Luxury |
Sea Lion | 12R | 6,000¥ | Luxury |
Saber-Tooth Cat | 18R | 25,000¥ | Luxury |
Elephant | 12F | 55,000¥ | Luxury |
Bear | 16F | 9,000¥ | Luxury |
Exotics | |||
Critter | Availability | Cost | Lifestyle |
Devil Rat | 6R | 300¥ | Squatter |
Bandit | 8R | 2,000¥ | Low |
Deathspiral Butterfly | 8F | 500¥ | Low |
Snow Snake | 6R | 2,500¥ | Middle |
Gomatia | 8 | 5,000¥ | Middle |
Gabriel Hound | 8R | 2,000¥ | Middle |
Fenrir Wolf | 10F | 14,000¥ | Middle |
Basilisk | 14R | 40,000¥ | Middle |
Volleying Porcupine | 8R | 1,000¥ | High |
Shadow Hound | 8R | 3,000¥ | High |
Roc, Lesser | 9R | 11,500¥ | High |
Cockatrice | 10R | 3,500¥ | High |
Agropelter | 12F | 5,000¥ | High |
Nova Scorpian | 12F | 5,000¥ | High |
Deathrattle | 12F | 10,000¥ | High |
Spider Beast | 12F | 10,000¥ | High |
Rhodesian Razorback | 12F | 18,000¥ | High |
Abrams Lobster | 14F | 7,000¥ | High |
Death Rattle | 14F | 22,000¥ | High |
Hell Hound | 15R | 10,000¥ | High |
Barghest | 15R | 11,000¥ | High |
Phoenician Bird | 17F | 70,000¥ | High |
African Zipper | 18F | 20,000¥ | High |
Demon Rat (Alpha) | 22F | 30,000¥ | High |
Peryton | 10R | 45,000¥ | Luxury |
Unicorn | 12R | 8,000¥ | Luxury |
Pegasus | 12F | 5,000¥ | Luxury |
Gun Bunny | 12R | 40,000¥ | Luxury |
Horned Bear | 13R | 50,000¥ | Luxury |
Ozian Baboon | 13R | 65,000¥ | Luxury |
Blood Monkey | 16F | 10,000¥ | Luxury |
Martichoras | 16F | 40,000¥ | Luxury |
Mine Spider | 16F | 50,000¥ | Luxury |
Ozian Baboon | 18F | 25,000¥ | Luxury |
Wolverine, Greater | 18F | 46,000¥ | Luxury |
Piasma | 18F | 80,000¥ | Luxury |
Cerberus Hound | 20F | 80,000¥ | Luxury |
Gargoyle | 24F | 100,000¥ | Luxury |
Specific Pets
African Zipper
African Zipper's Movement power can only be applied to itself
Fenrir Wolf
Fenrir Wolves have 12 boxes in their physical condition monitor, instead of the 2 boxes listed the Howling Shadows statblock
Ozian Baboon
Ozian Baboon innate Levitate power is touch-range
Apprentices are counted as Aspected Magicians, so they get group skills at Magic B/C as other Aspected Magicians. Apprentices have access to Banishing, Binding, Counterspelling, and Ritual spellcasting; their limitation rests in school of magic and spirit types, not skills.
Blood / Insect / Toxic / etc. Magic
The above types of magic, as well as any spells, powers, spirits, metamagics, mentor spirits, etc., tied to them ("Dark Magic" chapter, p.78 Street Grimoire) are not allowed for player use on Runnerhub.
Blood Crystal Qualities
These are not available on Runnerhub.
Corpse Cadavre and Zombies
The Corps Cadavre (Hard Targets 128) and Zombie (Hard Targets 131) rituals, as well as the Zubembie Powder drug used to create Zombies are not allowed for use by player characters on Runnerhub. This ban does not include the Zombie Dust (Chrome Flesh 187) drug, which is not involved in the creation of Zombies and simply makes the creature dosed with the drug a Prepared Vessel for possession/inhabitation over the duration.
Essence Loss and Burning Out
If a character's Magic or Resonance attribute reaches 0, they are permanently burned out. This means that they have lost their magical or technomancer abilities and cannot raise the Magic or Resonance attribute above 0 again (see p.250, SR5 and errata).
During character creation, apply any special attribute points or karma used to raise either of these attributes before applying reductions from Essence loss.
After character creation (i.e. in play), the Karma cost for raising the Magic attribute is based on the attribute's current rating, after any reductions from Essence loss have been applied.
Focused Awakened
A character may choose one, and only one, of the types of Focused Awakened listed on page 42 of Forbidden Arcana.
Reagent Harvesting
Players may not harvest reagents in downtime. The harvesting of reagents during a run is allowed, using the rules on page 317 of the Core Rulebook, with the grade of reagents determined by the game master.
Saving Power Points
Adepts and Mystic Adepts may choose to leave Power Points acquired after character creation unused, and assign Adept Powers to these points at a later date. The permanent assignment of powers to these Power Points may only be done in downtime.
All Power Points must be used during character creation.
Reckless Spellcasting
All Drain modifiers are calculated at the same time. Thus, if casting a Force 2 spell that normally has a Drain value of F-4, the drain is modified to be F-1, or 1, and modified up to the minimum drain value of 2.
Stim Patches
Stim patches do not heal Stun damage. They temporarily remove the damage, so can be used to negate any Stun damage from Drain. However, when the patch wears off, the Stun damage returns plus one additional box of Stun damage. This additional box is counted as Drain damage, and cannot be healed magically
Fetishes & Limited Spells
These are limited to one spell per fetish. Fetishes can be replaced if lost, at a cost of 2,000 nuyen. Replacement fetishes must also be attuned to their new owner.
Learning Spells
To learn Spells / Preps / Rituals, you must have at least one rank of Spellcasting, Ritual Spell Casting, or Alchemy. Adepts may take rituals with the Adept tag if they have a rank of the linked skill. Anyone may take the Calling ritual if they have at least one rank of Arcana. These must be ranks as an active skill, NOT a knowledge skill.
Mental Manipulation Spells
The target(s) resisting a sustained Mental Manipulation spell do not receive a dice pool penalty equal to the spell's Force as found on CRB292.
When using a Mental Manipulation spell to force or coerce a target into performing a Notorious act (as defined on CRB368), the GM is free to award the magician the associated Notoriety.
The dice pool penalty for having a target under the effects of a Control Thoughts/Emotions spell on CRB140 should be treated as a bonus.
It is a Simple action to to give a victim of Control Thoughts/Mob Mind a command.
Detecting that a mental manipulation spell has been cast on you relies on the standard rules for perceiving magic (CRB280) and may be supplemented by knowledge skills at GM discretion. More obvious spells (such as Control Actions), and obvious orders (such as "Shoot yourself") may grant a bonus to these tests, or even grant automatic knowledge that one has been affected by mental control, at GM discretion.
Regardless of whether or not a target has noticed a mental control spell cast on them, they may make the roll to break free of mental control as described on CRB292. This roll takes place at the end of each of their passes, and may be made even if the target has no actions left for that pass. They may roll at the end of each of their passes as long as the spell is sustained. Mental manipulation spells which have become permanent are resisted per the text of the spell over time.
Multicasting (Casting Multiple Spells with a Single Action)
See the Multiple Attacks Free Action rules.
Touch Range Combat Spells
Attacks using combat spells with a range of Touch are resolved with a standard (Spellcasting + Magic [Force]) test, opposed either by the target's (Reaction + Intuition) for indirect spells, and Body or Willpower for physical or mana-based direct spells, respectively.
An unarmed attack to touch the target is not necessary. The defender's roll is treated like a defense against a melee attack. This means that melee specific interrupt actions and similar can be used. Since the spellcasting test represents a touch attack, the attack is still successful when attacker and defender tie on their rolls. However, the attacker does not gain the usual +2 bonus for performing a touch only attack.
Sustaining Spells
Sustaining one or more spells does not make you easier to detect Astrally - whether you are projecting or not.
Specific Spells
Astral Message
This spell does not have a range limitation given its specific target requirements; specifically the caster must have experience with the target's astral form or a material link.
Blood to Ichor
The Force of a Detox spell must equal or exceed the base Addiction Rating of a drug to have any effect. A single hit removes all ongoing drug effects on a person, either from active drugs or drug crashes. If Detox is used before a drug's crash has occurred, any damage that would be inflicted by the crash is suffered immediately. Damage inflicted by drug effects, crashes, or overdoses is unaffected by the spell. Detox has no effect on addiction tests.
False Impression and Manascape
Anyone who would try to observe the Astral Form of these spells must successfully resist them first. Failure to resist the spell's effect results in the spell's astral form being hidden from the observer, as if it wasn't there.
Gravity/Gravity Well
Rather than requiring the target to be held motionless for a full combat turn before they can make their resistance test, the target must be held motionless until the beginning of the caster's next initiative pass.
Hose and Tsunami
These are available with the stipulation that electronics are generally water-resistant; the anti-machine properties of it only apply if the GM says so. Also, please note that it does not actually do damage; water 'damage' just knocks people down.
This spell can be cast on both a single target and on multiple targets. Other people who look at the target(s) and fail to resist the illusion see an idealized version of that person.
Mind-Link, Mindnet, Mindnet Extended
These spells can only be used on metahumans and metasapients, and can be used to share communication (verbal, text, sensory, emotive, astral).
While it is possible to share sensory information with someone who doesn't have that sense themselves (e.g. sight with a blind person), they won't be able to properly comprehend the information. Therefore, it has no mechanical effect.
Multiply Food
Negative Health Spells
Health spells with the Negative keyword, such as Inflict Disease or Nauseate, are not limited to the Command alchemical trigger.
This spell is opposed by Body + Strength (+ Counterspelling)
instead of Body (+ Counterspelling)
. The Force requirement is unchanged.
Shape [Material]
When taking this spell, choose Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Plastic, or Wood as the element. When shaping a material with this spell use the element that is most appropriate for the material being shaped and for composite materials such as a concrete wall with metal rebar use the one that is most appropriate for the majority of the material being shaped. This spell works on non-living matter.
Shapechange/[Critter] Form
When a character is subject to a Shapechange/[Critter] Form spell, their Body and physical Attributes are replaced with that of the chosen Critter, and the effects of any implants or racial powers cease to function for the duration.
When used offensively (with the Taboo Transformer quality), these spells are opposed by the target's Body + Strength (+ Counterspelling)
, instead of just Body (+ Counterspelling)
. The Force requirement is unchanged.
Manablade is not allowed for use on Runnerhub.
Powerblade is a Sustained Combat spell which does not utilize any existing rules or tags specific to Combat spells. Instead, it creates a melee weapon with DV
and Accuracy
equaling Force
, AP equal to -(hits)
, and a Reach
of 1
. The weapon is created in the hands of the caster, requiring at least one hand (or other prehensile appendage) free, and exists only on the physical plane. The Astral Form of the spell exists on the astral plane as normal, but cannot be used as a weapon. The weapon lasts for as long as the spell is sustained, and cannot be removed from the wielder's grip. The melee weapon can be used with either the Blades or Clubs skill, and is capable of utilizing any techniques, actions, or effects that are usable with either Blades or Clubs.
This spell can also be made into an alchemical preparation, in which case the melee weapon is created with the lynchpin as the handle. The spell ends and the weapon disappears when the wielder's grip on the lynchpin is lost or the lynchpin is transferred to another individual, as well as under any other circumstances where a sustained spell from a lynchpin would be lost. Preparations of this spell may only be used by the caster, and if activated outside of the caster's grasp the preparation is wasted. It otherwise behaves as the regular spell.
Turn to Goo
This spell is opposed by Body + Strength (+ Counterspelling)
instead of Body (+ Counterspelling)
. The Force requirement is unchanged.
Attune Animal
The magical nature of the connection formed by this ritual allows characters to bypass needing Tricks for simple commands - as per the rules on Sense Link found in Street Grimoire pg 198 (SG198). Animal Familiars and Attuned Animals are not immune to the Animal Control power. At GMs discretion, they may make it an opposed test following the rules of Sense Link commands: An Intuition + Charisma Test, opposed by the critter's Willpower + Intuition, may be used to persuade the critter to obey.
Homunculi have the Dual Natured power. Homunculi have an Astral Combat damage of 1, like Watchers, and 0 Charisma.
Ritual Formula Cost
Since the official material doesn't list availability and price for Ritual Formulae, treat their Availability as 6R and price as 1500¥ until official values are released. This applies to formulae for all rituals, regardless of their type.
Necro Summoning
This ritual takes a number of hours equal to its Force to complete. These rituals are exclusive to practitioners of the Necro Magic tradition and are rendered unusable if the magician undergoes a Paradigm Shift.
Spirits share a specific link with their summoner and will not accept requests from other people unless specifically ordered by the summoner, which uses up a service.
If so ordered, a spirit will follow the original instructions of the summoner, which does not necessarily mean it will obey specific commands from the person it was ordered to assist. Commanding a spirit, or group of spirits, is a Simple Action.
Long-Term Binding and Fettering are not allowed for use by player characters.
Unconscious Summoners
When a summoner is rendered unconscious (but not asleep):
- Unbound spirits perform their currently issued action and then loiter near the summoner in the astral until sunrise/set.
- Bound spirits perform their currently issued action and then loiter near the summoner in the astral until they awaken or die.
- A GM may request a Test the Leash from a bound spirit if the summoner is unconscious and it would be appropriate given the summoner's actions and astral reputation.
Aid Actions
A character can only benefit from a single Aid Alchemy, Sorcery, or Study service on a single magical action.
Spirit Categories
Ignore the sentence on SG41 stating that assigning tasks to a spirit which are outside their area of specialization for the summoner's tradition will fail. These categories do not limit the ability of spirits to use their own inherent powers. The restrictions detailed on CRB302 under Aid Alchemy, Sorcery, and Study remain in force.
Necro Spirits
Necro Spirits are not subject to service rules (unless conjured with the Reckless Necro Summoning Metamagic), and cannot perform Bound Spirit Services. Because they are not subject to service rules, they are also not subject to service quantity limits, or the Remote Service departure clause (CRB 302).
The Reckless Necro Conjuring metamagic allows Necro Mages to summon Necro Spirits using the normal rules for summoning spirits, where they would be bound by services owed and subject to the same rules, with the additional caveats listed in the text for the metamagic.
Spirits summoned by the Necro Summoning ritual have a Spirit-Summoner link, and may be banished similarly to an Unbound Spirit. Necro Spirits oppose the banishing test with their Force, and every net hit on the Banishing test reduces the number of net hits on the sealing step of the Necro Summoning ritual by one, shortening the duration of service for the Necro Spirit. If the remaining duration of the Spirit's service is reduced to 0, the spirit departs.
Elemental Attack and Energy Aura Damage Type
For spirits with the Elemental Attack or Energy Aura powers, the summoner can choose which elemental damage effect these powers have at the time of summoning. If the spirit has both the Elemental Attack and Energy Aura powers, the chosen elemental damage effect must be the same for both powers.
While it is possible to summon a spirit with an Elemental Attack or Energy Aura that's opposed to its own element (e.g. a spirit of water with a fire elemental attack), this can result in a very unhappy spirit. Individual GMs are encouraged to determine if and how this discontent is expressed.
Energy Aura (Radiation)
Energy Aura (Radiation) also does MAG
Radiation damage as a normal Energy Aura.
Possession Spirits
GMs may determine, at their discretion, whether or not a character with the Possession tradition remains in the player's control or not while possessed. Abandoned Vessels (i.e. a projecting magician's body) use rules for dead/inanimate vessels. A possessed (or channeling) magician may not project out of their body until the spirit stops using them as a vessel.
Spirits with the Possession power summoned by a magician may not possess a Sapient Living Vessel unless it is a Prepared Vessel, or the target is willing.
Hermetic Elementals
Hermetic Elementals are loyal to a fault and do not to take their summoner's Astral Reputation into account when being Summoned, Bound, Banished, or engaged in Social Tests.
Ally Spirits
Inhabitation Spirits
For these kinds of spirit, the Essence of the spirit and the vessel are separate. The spirit's Essence and magical abilities are not diminished by any cyberware the vessel possesses. However, the vessel's Essence must remain above 0, and the vessel must follow the regular rules for metahuman Essence. Player Ally Spirits may not be Inhabitation Spirits.
Aid Alchemy
Ally Spirits may perform the Aid Alchemy service just as they perform Aid Sorcery/Study - they are considered valid spirits for every spell category.
Testing the Leash
On the first action per service, a spirit may Test the Leash. It can continue to attempt to gain its freedom as long as it meets the criteria to Test the Leash and wins the opposed check against the summoner. If either criterion is not met, the spirit will not Test the Leash for the remainder of the service.
Ally Spirits do not Test the Leash.
Wild/Spirit Index/Reputation
Wild Index/Reputation, as well as Spirit Index/Astral Reputation (Street Grimoire), is in effect. Please ensure this is tracked on applicable character sheets.
Dedicated Conjuror/Chainbreaker
The new spirit types earned from Chainbreaker/Dedicated Conjurer are limited to summoning only those spirits that are available to traditions that players are allowed to take.
Spirit & Critter Powers
Endowment cannot grant Possession, Materialization, or Great Form powers.
Energy Aura
Multiple instances of the Energy Aura power on a critter only provide extra elemental effects, and do not increase the Damage/AP granted.
Elemental Aura and Engulf Damage do not stack. A creature Engulfed does not take Elemental Aura damage and only takes Engulf Damage.
This power works exactly as Hardened Armor against the specified type of damage. Therefore, add the emphasized parts to the below excerpt from the description of the Immunity power:
This means that if the modified Damage Value of the attack does not exceed the Immunity's rating (modified by AP), then the attack automatically does no damage. If the modified DV exceeds the Immunity rating (modified by AP), perform a Damage Resistance test as normal, adding the Immunity rating (modified by AP) to the dice pool for this test. Additionally, half (rounded up) of the Immunity rating (modified by AP) counts as automatic hits on this test.
Immunity to Normal Weapons only acts as Armor (not Hardened Armor) against melee attacks, whether armed or unarmed.
Natural Weapon (Beast Spirits)
The natural weapon power listed for Beast Spirits has DV of F+4, AP -.
Adept Powers
Characters may take adept powers with multiple options, such as Improved Physical Attribute, multiple times for different selections, unless explicitly disallowed.
Adept Accident
This power can only be used on living things with an astral presence. This power is treated as a critter power, so Counterspelling is not effective as a defense against the power. The power itself cannot be noticed since it is not spellcasting, though the adept touching the intended target may very well be noticeable.
Body Sculpt
Each change takes ten minutes to complete.
Elemental Strike
Elemental Strike adds the chosen elemental effect (cold, electricity, fire, etc.) to the character's Unarmed Attack. It does not increase the Damage Value of the attack.
Elemental Weapon
Elemental Weapon adds the chosen elemental effect (cold, electricity, fire, etc.) to attacks with the character's weapon focus. It does not increase the Damage Value of the attack.
Improved Sense
This adept power cannot be used with variable rating sensory enhancements.
Heightened Concentration
This power fully negates a single modifier, all or nothing, and works on any modifier that is not part of the setting. The selected modifier is negated for the next applicable action – for example, if negating a wound penalty to perform a melee attack, the penalty is negated on the next Action Phase. As per the text of the aiming rules, this power interrupts aiming. This power also applies to wound modifiers as presented on CRB176. This power applies to one task per activation, immediately preceding that task – an extended test or a single shot is one task, a firefight would be several. GMs may, at their discretion, rule that a modifier cannot be ignored through concentration.
Activating this power requires a Simple Action and does not affect the adept using it. This power is treated as a critter power, so counterspelling is not effective as a defense against the power.
Using Kiai is obvious, and very likely to be noticed.
Adepts with this power may chose for it to not apply to resisting Assensing tests. This must be done before any defense test is rolled. The GM may decide that Kinesics affects other attempts to judge the character's truthfulness (e.g. using the Analyze Truth spell), and how it affects them.
Magic Sense
To use this power the adept must first make a (Perception + Magic [Mental]) test. The threshold for this test is half the Force of whatever the adept is trying to detect, rounded up.
The adept can use this power to detect the presence of foci (active and inactive), spells, wards, magical lodges, alchemical preparations, active rituals and spirits within range, but not awakened characters, critters, astral signatures, previously expired or triggered alchemical preparations, or the effects of permanent spells once they have become permanent.
The adept must spend 1 second in physical contact with the target, with each second increasing the quality of the copy.
The copies of the prints last for Adept's MAG
Missile Mastery
Missile Mastery uses Throwing Knife ranges when used with Improvised Throwing Weapons.
Nerve Strike
This power may only be used with an Unarmed Combat attack. It does not function with a melee weapon of any sort, including those that use the Unarmed Combat skill.
The adept must spend 1 second in physical contact with the target, with each second increasing the quality of the copy.
The replication lasts for Adept's MAG
hours before the adept's body reverts back to its natural patterns.
Rapid Draw
Rapid Draw may only be used to make attacks during the character's action phase.
State of Purity
Magician's Way does not reduce the cost of this power.
A test for Foci Addiction, using the Drug and Addictive Substances rules, occurs whenever a focus is activated which causes the summed Force of active foci to exceed a character's Magic, even if this summed Force already exceeds the Magic rating.
Focus Addition is always Psychological in nature.
Crafting Foci
In the process of making a focus, the final force of the focus can not exceed the formula used to craft it, regardless of limit modifications.
Power Foci
Power Foci add their Rating as a dice pool bonus to all tests that include the Magic attribute. They do not increase the Magic rating for other purposes, such as maximum spell Force, determining Drain type (Stun or Physical), etc.
Tattoo Foci
Any focus may be bought as a tattoo, using the normal focus costs. However, these foci are permanent magical markings on the character's body that cannot be hidden. They may be turned off, but still appear in the Astral plane as magical foci. As a result, they can make the owner very conspicuous, since the foci cannot just be left at home or locked up when the owner needs to be inconspicuous.
Upgrading Foci
Foci can be upgraded to a higher Force. Doing so requires success on a regular Availability roll for the focus at the new Force, then a payment of the price difference between the old and new Force, and a payment of the difference in Karma between the costs of bonding the focus at the old and new Force.
The delivery time for the new focus is the same as if buying a new focus at the same Force, and the time to re-bind the upgraded focus is equal to the new Force of the focus in hours.
Weapon Foci
Cyberimplant Weapon Foci are allowed, but may not be upgraded using the Foci or Cyberware upgrade rules, they must be replaced and re-bound outright. When selling a previously implanted weapon focus, the item must be fenced, with the base price determined by the combined cost of the cyberware, calculated as used, and the focus. They are hidden from visual detection like regular implant weaponry, but are still obvious to astral perception without the use of Masking. Bio-Weaponry cannot be made into weapon foci.
Background Counts (BGC)
Runnerhub does not use Street Grimoire's rules for when environmental background counts are present, or how strong they would be. This is left to GMs to implement on their runs as appropriate. All other rules regarding background counts from the official material are used as written.
Background counts impose a negative dice pool penalty on any action made while dual natured or purely astral, or on any test made using magic(such as tests affected by magical buffs, tests using magical powers, or tests using Magical Active skills other than Arcana)
Mentor Spirits
This mentor spirit is not allowed for use by player characters on Runnerhub.
Plague Cloud is not an option for Adepts.
The -2 penalty applies to tests involving Magic (much like a background count). Atonement for Dolphin requires a donation of time (karma) or money (nuyen) of around 5 GMP (GMs may increase or decrease this according to the severity of the transgression).
Holy Text
Horse's metamagic can be selected for an initiation reward, like any other metamagic.
Planar Entity
Adept Power bonus is a choice between Traceless Walk or 1 Level of Voice Control
Adepts only get 1 rank of Spirit Claw.
Tohu Wa-Bohu
This mentor spirit is not allowed for use by player characters on Runnerhub.
Atonement for Whale requires a donation of time (karma) or money (nuyen) of around 5 GMP (GMs may increase or decrease this according to the severity of the transgression). Characters which need to make atonement to Whale cannot raise their Magic until they atone.
The Karma cost to initiate is (10 + (New Grade x 3))
. This cost cannot be reduced by ordeals, solo initiation runs or similar.
The test to initiate is an extended (Arcana+Intuition [Astral]) (New Initiate Grade, 30 days)
test. The new Initiate grade is gained once the total time for the test has passed. This time can be interrupted (e.g. by runs), and during this time the character may concurrently advance contacts, await delivery of an item, or perform similar advancements that require time.
Alternatively, the character can bypass this test by going on a solo Initiation run. In this case, the character gains the new Initiate Grade upon successful completion of the run. The character then must wait 30 days to Initiate again. Mechanics aside, solo Initiation runs are also a great way to do some character development.
Schools of Magic
Magicians and mystic adepts can Initiate into a school of magic, allowing them to obtain its special rituals, metamagics and enchantments. Initiating into a school, unsurprisingly, requires the magician to dedicate an Initiation to the chosen school. For most schools, this means picking the prerequisite metamagic for that school as the metamagic for that initiation. Characters can then gain further metamagics within that school on subsequent initiations.
Some arts such as Geomancy and Necromancy have no metamagics. When initiating into those arts, a character may take a metamagic from a different art providing they have previously initiated into the art in question.
Arts such as Advanced Alchemy, Advanced Ritual Spellcasting and Advanced Spellcasting list several metamagics with no prerequisite metamagic. In these cases, the character initiates into the school by choosing any of the metamagics within that school for their initiation.
A character that Initiates into the Divination school may take the Danger Sense metamagic, provided they pay the additional 5 Karma to pick up the Augury and Sortilege Rituals.
Adept Ways
Physical Adepts(non Mystic Adepts) must follow an Adept way to purchase metamagics, rituals and enhancements. However, adepts can always choose metamagics, rituals and enhancements from the Undecided Way, even if they are already following another way or not following any Way at all.
Adept Ways cost 20 karma postgen. This is retroactive - anyone who purchased an Adept Way for 40 Karma before 28 June 2017 is entitled to a refund of 20 karma.
The Beast's Way
Adepts following The Beast's Way gain the benefits and drawbacks of following an animal totem. This effectively means they receive the Mentor Spirit quality for free (i.e. at no additional Karma cost) when purchasing the Beast's Way quality. As such, followers of The Beast's Way can't take a separate Mentor Spirit outside of the one provided by the quality itself. Mystic adepts must pick either the listed Magician or Adept advantage as usual.
The Street Grimoire Errata Sheet takes precedence over the Second Printing; Beast's Way does not allow the adept to discount a power not listed in its text.
The chosen Mentor Spirit must be an animal totem (e.g. Bear, Cat, Rat, etc.) and will have to be approved by either CCD (during character creation) or TD (after character creation).
If a character is purchasing The Beast's Way and already has a fitting mentor spirit, the Karma cost of the way is discounted by the cost of the Mentor Spirit quality (i.e. down to 15 Karma).
If a character wants to purchase The Beast's Way and already has a non-animal Mentor Spirit, they first need to remove the old mentor spirit as if it were a Negative quality, as outlined in the description of the Mentor Spirit quality.
The Spiritual Way
Adepts following The Spiritual Way gain the benefits and drawbacks of following a spiritual mentor spirit. This effectively means they receive the Mentor Spirit quality for free (i.e. at no additional Karma cost) when purchasing the Spiritual Way quality. As such, followers of The Spiritual Way can't take a separate mentor spirit outside of the one provided by the quality itself. Mystic adepts must pick either the listed Magician or Adept advantage as usual.
The chosen Mentor Spirit must be of spiritual nature (e.g. Dragonslayer, Fire-Bringer, Mountain, etc.) and will have to be approved by either CCD (during character creation) or TD (after character creation).
If a character is purchasing The Spiritual Way and already has a fitting Mentor Spirit, the Karma cost of the way is discounted by the cost of the Mentor Spirit quality (i.e. down to 15 Karma)
If a character wants to purchase The Spiritual Way and already has a non-spiritual Mentor Spirit, they first need to remove the old Mentor Spirit as if it were a Negative quality, as outlined in the description of the Mentor Spirit quality.
Astral Bluff
Astral Bluff is treated as a metamagic, and as such can be acquired through Initiation.
Replacement of Mental Attributes while channeling is capped to the Magician's original Augmented Maximum, and Special Attributes are unaffected. If the character cedes control of their body to the spirit as a service, the spirit's Mental and Special attributes are used as normal.
As an example, a summoner with 6 Magic and 5 Logic channeling a Force 10 spirit will have 6 Magic, and 9 Logic while in control of their body. If the character cedes control as a service, the spirit's 10 Magic and 10 Logic will be used. If the same character channeled a Force 8 spirit, they would still have 6 Magic, and only 8 Logic.
The exorcism metamagic does not provide a general bonus of Willpower to all banishing tests. It does allow the magician to use a Banishing skill test (Banishing + Magic) for Exorcism in lieu of Charisma + Willpower, and add their Willpower to that Banishing test.
Flexible Signature
The reference in Flexible Signature to changing the appearance of your Aura on page 325 of the core rulebook (pg 325 CRB) should refer to your Astral Signature. This metamagic has no impact on the appearance of the initiate's Aura or Astral Form.
Harmonious Defense/Reflection
The damage inflicted by this metamagic is unresisted stun damage, not drain.
Noble Sacrifice
Paradigm Shift
Characters who take the Paradigm Shift metamagic no longer benefit from their current Lodge, and their reagents will be out-of-tradition and unusable. Fetishes, Learned Spell Formulae, Foci, Bound Spirits (including Ally Spirits) and other magical equipment will remain usable.
Qi Sculpt
The damage inflicted by this metamagic is unresisted stun damage, not drain.
Quickening a spell requires rolling for the effects. If this is done during downtime, Edge may not be spent.
Spirit Expansion - Shedim
Astral Projection
As per the rules on astral projection, anything done to an astrally projecting mage's body also applies to the spirit. This includes health spells, damage/death, drugs, augmentations, etc.
Astral Combat
Against wholly astral entities (e.g. non-materialized spirits or projecting magicians), characters attack with the Astral Combat skill and their Mental Attributes as per the "Astral Combat" rules on CRB315, regardless of if they are unarmed or using a weapon focus.
The only exceptions are characters that have the Natural Weapon (Melee) Critter Power and are dual-natured, or adepts with the Killing Hands Adept Power. In both of those cases, the character uses the Unarmed Combat skill and their Physical Attributes for their attack rolls and damage calculations.
Be aware that in astral combat, characters soak damage with Willpower instead of Body. The only forms of armor that apply in astral combat are the Mystic Armor Adept Power and the Astral Armor spell.
Astral combat follows the procedures for Combat Resolution on p. 172-173, SR5, with the noted substitutions (e.g. Logic + Intuition
instead of Reaction + Intuition
to dodge). The only modifiers that apply to astral combat are those that would apply to all tests (such as Wound Modifiers), those that would apply to magic in particular (such as Background Counts), Running Modifiers (per CRB 314), and Reach (such as from weapon foci, or the Spirit Ram power).
Dodge uses Gymnastics, blocking uses Astral Combat, Full Defense uses Willpower, qualities that substitute other things for Willpower work as normal with the exception of Agile Defender which substitutes Logic because it is a character's Agility in the Astral plane.
Adept powers are generally physical in nature and do not apply to astral combat unless otherwise specified (e.g. Killing Hands, Mystic Armor, Cloak). When using Killing Hands against astral entities, the adept uses Unarmed Combat instead of Astral Combat, Physical limit instead of Astral limit, and Strength instead of Charisma for their Astral Combat DV.
Martial arts do not apply in Astral Combat per the sidebar on p.140 on Run & Gun. In fact, they may not even apply to spirits that have manifested, depending on how they manifest! No single martial art style deals directly with fighting spirits, except Neijia, which is always effective.
Spirits soak damage in astral combat, and from Neijia, with Willpower x 1 (which in all cases is Force), not Force x 2.
For physical combat, the Materialization power gives spirits immunity to normal weapons, which means they have Hardened Armor equal to (Force x 2) against attacks that are not somehow magical or composed of their 'allergy' (such as a fire spirit's allergy to water), which means they ignore attacks where [(Base DV + net hits) < Force x 2 – AP], and they get (Force) automatic hits on the soak roll even if it does exceed their hardened armor rating – but only against physical attacks while materialized.
Black Magic (Alt)
Buddhist (Alt)
Christian Theurgy (Vigilia Evangelica)
Christian Theurgy (Westphalian Theurgists)
Elder God
Islamic Alchemist
Islamic Alchemists are not required to take Quickening and Anchoring. They must still take Fixation and then Advanced Alchemy as their first two metamagics. All other requirements and restrictions remain unchanged.
Islamic (Licit Qur'anic Mage)
The Grade 3 Initiation is not required.
Due to their complexity, major mechanical differences from other magical traditions, and thematic oddities, characters who take the Necromantic Magic tradition are counted as Special Characters.
For more on Special Characters, please see the section regarding them in the Chargen Rules.
Norse (Alt)
If a character chooses the Norse Godi / Runemaster optional rule (FA 68), they receive the Durable Preparations quality for free. This does not stack with any other source of Durable Preparations.
Path of Pariah
The Drain stat for this tradition is [Logic + Willpower]. At Initiate Grade 2, the Reflection must be taken.
- The PC must have a Mentor Spirit to be part of the Planar Magic Tradition.
- The PC must have a 1/6 contact representing the Mentor Spirit to be part of the Planar Magic Tradition. This contact cannot be upgraded.
- The Planar Entity Mentor Spirit Mechanics are not in use. The PC must choose a legal, non-Planar Entity mentor spirit as their mentor, which they can reflavor as a Planar Entity while leaving the mechanics unchanged.
- The PC is not required to take a Spirit Pact; taking one is thematic and recommended.
- Planar mages do not use the special initiation rules specified in their tradition. They initiate as normal mages.
Temporary Lodges
The time required to construct a temporary lodge is (Force x 10 minutes)
Misc. Magic Rules
Mystic Adepts do not get Astral Perception for free as noted in the Forbidden Arcana rulebook. This is an official CGL typo.
Mystic Adepts may choose which magical skill group (Conjuring, Enchanting, or Sorcery) to lose at gen, and must mark which one in their post to /r/hubchargen.
Numinous Perception's range is ultimately GM fiat. The only information anyone passing it gets is "magic of some sort happened nearby". This can include, but not be limited to: Spirits doing things, a spell being cast, Adept with Mentor's Mask using an active power, or a ritual being performed.
Dispelling is a complex action.
When moving sustained AoE spells, the spell vanishes from it's origin point and reappears at it's destination. Spells may not be moved to a location that would cause an Astral Intersection.
Optional Rules
Hybrid Traditions
Mentor's Mask
If taken by a Mystic Adept, the character receives the benefit according to the choice made when they took the Mentor Spirit quality, and the corresponding downside, per Errata.
As per Errata, the use of Adept powers only triggers the mask for active powers, not passive powers. Additionally, anyone that could detect the Adept still needs to pass the Numinous Perception test, and the Adept's sneak test, if they are sneaking. These conditions also apply to Mages using magic.
Remember that this is a one-way door. A character can choose to accept the mask but cannot take it off once it is put on.
General Rulings
Bonuses from multiple of the same type of augmentation do not stack, unless explicitly specified.
Augmentations that are obviously outside of the metahuman norm (e.g. cybertails, extreme body modifications, etc.) may impose social penalties at GM discretion.
Cyberimplant Weapon Foci are allowed, but may not be upgraded using the Foci or Cyberware upgrade rules, they must be replaced and re-bound outright. When selling a previously implanted weapon focus, the item must be fenced, with the base price determined by the combined cost of the cyberware, calculated as used, and the focus. They are hidden from visual detection like regular implant weaponry, but are still obvious to astral perception without the use of Masking. Bio-Weaponry cannot be made into weapon foci.
When using a ranged cyberweapon, use the weapon skill normally associated with the weapon - Automatics, Longarms, Pistols, or the appropriate Exotic Ranged Weapon skill.
Augmentation Grades
Deltaware may be purchased using the standard rules for acquiring gear. The roll must be made by a contact that could plausibly acquire delta-grade cyberware. Failed rolls for deltaware are subject to a waiting period of double their normal delivery time before attempting another roll. The optional Gamma and Omega augmentation grades introduced in Chrome Flesh, as well as the Greyware augmentation grade introduced in Better than Bad, are not available to player characters.
Upgrading Cyberware and Bioware
Installed Cyberware, Nanoware, and Bioware can be upgraded to a better Grade (if applicable) or Rating, though the upgrade processes cannot be performed simultaneously.
To increase the Rating of a piece of 'ware, the character must succeed on a standard Availability roll as though they were purchasing the piece of 'ware in question outright, but they only pay the difference in cost between the old and new Rating. Delivery times for the upgrade are the same as if the 'ware was purchased brand new. 'Ware can be upgraded from any Rating to any higher Rating, with no need to buy the intervening steps.
Increasing the Grade of a piece of 'ware works similarly to upgrading Rating. The character must first succeed at a standard Availability roll as though they were purchasing a new piece of 'ware, and if successful the cost of the upgrade is the difference between old and new. The delivery time of the upgraded 'ware is the same as if the new Grade of 'ware was purchased brand new, and surgery damage is also the same as if installing the new Grade as a brand-new piece of 'ware.
Active Hardwires
This cyberware is available as Rating 1 to Rating 6.
Antenna Grill
Remember that this piece of 'ware requires an implanted commlink or cyberdeck to be of any use, as per the description. Obviously, you need to have the right parts - at least one tusk - as well. Ork/Troll Poseurs can have this installed if they have the Tusks bioware.
Hacked AutoVoice augmentations can be used to disguise or mimic voices and noises as per the rules for the Voice Modulator in the CRB. The listing for "Audiotune" on NF176 is supposed to be "AutoVoice".
The Datajack is treated as a Rating 0 Datajack Plus for the purposes of the Cyberware upgrade rules, and may be upgraded in rating accordingly.
Datajack Plus
The programs loaded onto a DJ+ are chosen by the player, with the exception of Nuke-From-Orbit and Cry Wolf; both programs are plainly unavailable through purchase of a DJ+. Having a DJ+ does not stack with Multiprogram Operating System, and multiple DJ+es do not grant extra programs. Configurator does not swap the programs loaded in a Datajack Plus.
The -10 penalty applies to all non-matrix, and non-resonance actions.
Implanted Commlinks / Cyberdecks
Cyberware grade only affects the cost of implanting a cyberdeck or commlink, not the cost of the cyberdeck or commlink to be implanted.
Internal Router
This piece of 'ware can only provide wireless functionality for a character's cyberware and devices with a direct physical connection, such as a smartgun system connected to a datajack via a cable. Wired Reflexes and Reaction Enhancers can be used together via an Internal Router.
Whether or not an individual wireless bonus applies through the Internal Router is up to GM discretion, but in general anything that gives a character better action economy is preserved (such as changing firing modes as a Free Action or turning Wired Reflexes on/off as a Free Action), while anything that grants a dice pool bonus still requires the device to run wireless.
Liminal Body: Centaur
Liminal Body(Centaur) is a torso mod. It has 80 capacity, and replaces the players existing legs with 4 stock, uncustomized, legs with 3 Strength, 3 Agility, and the same grade as the torso. Cyberlegs attached to the liminal body cost no essence. Any modification or replacement of these legs is done as normal. When averaging the player's stats, all 4 legs are averaged in. For example, an otherwise standard human would average whole body strength and agility as (Arm + Arm + Body + Leg + Leg + Leg + Leg) / 7.
Ocular Drone
The -3 penalty applies to all tasks except Vehicle Actions made with the drone.
One-Shot Dartgun
This cyber-implant weapon is missing stats for Essence / Capacity cost, Availability, and price. Until the release of an official errata, use the following stats:
Essence | Capacity | Availability | Cost |
0.2 | [02] | 8R | 2000¥ |
Retractable Climbing Claws
Each pair of Retractable Climbing Claws provides a +1 dice pool bonus to all Climbing tests.
The cost for a skilljack is (Rating * 1000) nuyen. The essence cost is a flat .1 essence.
Targeting Laser
Bonuses from this piece of 'ware can only be applied to weapons that would normally be able to mount a laser sight – thrown weapons, in particular, do not receive the bonuses.
Keeping in mind that the augmented attribute maximum also applies to cyberlimbs, the maximum bonus to a cyberlimb's (customized) attribute cannot exceed +4, unless mentioned otherwise.
When calculating Physical Limit, use the average Strength of all a character's limbs plus their torso: [(Right Arm STR + Left Arm STR + Right Leg STR + Left Leg STR + Torso STR) / 5]
, while the calculation for Physical limit is [((STR * 2) + REA + BOD) / 3]
, rounded up.
When calculating Movement Rate, use the average Agility of both of a character's legs and their torso: [(Left Leg AGI + Right Leg AGI + Torso AGI) / 3]
, rounded up.
For example, a character possessing a single Cyberarm with 9 Strength and a natural Strength of 2 would average these numbers together ([(2 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 2) / 5]
) and use the result of 3.4 in calculating their Physical limit. With that same character, who also possesses two Cyberlegs with 8 Agility and a natural Agility of 3, they would average their Agility scores together ([(8 + 8 + 3)/3]
) for a result of 6.33, which then is rounded up to 7, and makes their Walk/Run rates 14 and 28, respectively.
The head/skull, whether physical or cyber, should not be accounted when deciding physical limits or attributes for tests.
Keep in mind the official rules for tasks that involve more than one limb. Which tasks involve what limbs is up to GM discretion, since there are far too many possible cases to provide a complete list.
Cyberlimbs may only be added as replacements for existing limbs.
Cyberlimb Optimization
Cyberlimb Optimization may be taken on any cyberlimb and applies if the limb is used for the skill. Skills permitted are all Combat Active, Physical Active, Non-Matrix Technical, Vehicle Skills (when physically driving) and Performance. When used with weapon skills, it will apply to the weapon's accuracy.
Limbs should be considered involved in tests unless they clearly aren't - legs are involved in using weapons wielded in your hands as long as you are standing up and on your feet, all limbs will be involved in performance or disguise tests except where they're entirely unseen, and torsos are involved in almost all tests.
Cyberlimb Enhancement: Armor
Cyber hands / feet cannot receive the Armor Enhancement. Cyber lower arms / legs can receive the Armor Enhancement at a maximum rating of 1. All other forms of cyberlimbs have no restrictions on the use of the Armor Enhancement.
Cyberlimb Upgrades
As with upgrading cyberlimbs themselves, modifications to cyberlimbs can have their Grade increased. An upgraded cyberlimb's availability will be equal to the highest availability of a modification in the limb, or of the limb itself, whichever is higher.
Calculating the price of cyberlimb upgrades follows the same formula as increasing cyberware grades, with the difference that the costs involved are the sum total of both the limb and all contained upgrades.
It is also possible to change customizations as part of this process.
Modular Cyberlimbs
When a Cyberlimb has a Modular Connector, the attached modular lower limb/hand/foot uses the larger limb's attributes, rather than needing its own attributes or averaging the two together.
Chemical Gland
Gradual Release modification is banned.
The following drugs and toxins are legal for use in a chemical gland:
- Drugs: AEXD, Aisa, Betel, Bliss, Cereprax, Cram, Dopadrine, eX, Forget-Me-Not, G3, Guts, Jazz, Kamikaze, Long Haul, Nightwatch, Nitro, Novacoke, Oxygenated Flourocarbons, Push, Psyche, Red Mescaline, Slab, Sober Time, Soothsayer, Snuff Zen, Zero, Zone
- Toxins: Aconite, Atropine, Chloral Hydrate, Chloroform, CS/Tear Gas, Dog Asp Venom, Dread, Gamma-Scopolamine, Narcoject, Nausea Gas, Neuro-Stun, Pepper Punch, Picrotoxin, Recuronium, Seven-7, Tetrodotoxin.
The basic version of this augmentation uses the same rules as the Balance Tail cyberware (Chrome Flesh pg 82). The Prehensile Tail bioware uses the same rules as the Prehensile Tail Metagenetic Quality (Run Faster pg 115).
Muscle Toner & Muscle Augmentation
Bonuses from drugs stack with Muscle Toner and Muscle Augmentation up to the +4 Augmented Maximum.
Nephritic Screens
Nephritic Screens reduce the duration of a drug by [interval] amount per Rating. For example, an R1 Nephritic Screen would reduce the duration of Psyche by 1 hour, while the same Nephritic Screen would reduce the duration of Kamikaze by 10 minutes.
It is possible for Nephritic Screens to reduce the duration of a drug to 0 in this manner, even if the drug states it has a minimum duration. In this case, no Addiction test is made and the user suffers no crash effects.
Striking Callus
The damage bonus only applies to unarmed attacks using the callus, but not other attacks using unarmed combat (e.g. shock gloves, cyber-implants, etc.), and stacks with the bonus damage from Bone Lacing cyberware or Bone Density Augmentation bioware.
The DV bonus from striking calluses is capped at +1
Vocal Expansion
The fluff reflects the base Availability of this item, not the requirement to obtain it in Beta or Delta grades.
Allergy Resistance
30 days after buying this symbiote for a character, the related Allergy can be bought off at no Karma cost. However, if the symbiotes are removed at a later time, the character immediately regains the related Allergy quality.
Hard Nanites
Nanites cannot be reprogrammed into a different class of nanite – Taggants cannot become Implant Medics. Changing the settings of a character's nanites – such as instructing nanotats to rearrange themselves - is a Free Action. The process still takes a few minutes to complete but does not require conscious effort (or even consciousness) after the action is taken.
Implant Medic
Repairs performed by these nanites work as referenced and described on CRB228. Note that this function is an exception to the rules on repairing gear.
Nanogear Table
The column headers for the Nanogear table, p.154 Chrome Flesh, are incorrect. They should read "Nanogear | Type | Availability | Cost".
Treatment Times
Genetech with a listed treatment time of less than a month instead requires a week of real-time to install. All other Genetech requires two weeks of real time to install.
Multiple genetech treatments can be performed simultaneously.
During the treatment, characters cannot go on runs or perform any other downtime activities but are free to interact with other characters in Datahaven threads or IC chat from the safety of their vat.
This genetech may be bought post-chargen, and stacks with Biocompatibility (Cyberware). It is retroactive; Cyberware upgrades will leave an "Essence Hole" due to the reduced Essence cost of the new Cyberware.
Adapsin changes 'ware grade multipliers as follows without directly reducing the cost of implants:
- Used: x1.1
- Standard: x0.9
- Alphaware: x0.7
- Betaware: x0.6
- Deltaware: x0.4
When combined with Biocompatibility (Cyberware), the grade multipliers change as below without directly reducing the cost of the implants:
- Used: x1.0
- Standard: x0.8
- Alphaware: x0.6
- Betaware: x0.5
- Deltaware: x0.4
Cellular Repair
This genetech is intended as a nuyen-based method of removing the Blighted quality in one go. As such, characters who purchase this treatment may remove the Blighted quality for free.
For each dose past the first, treat the toxin's power as half it's base value, before cumulative dose bonuses. For example, a player with Immunization to CS/Tear Gas who is exposed to 3 consecutive doses would soak 0 stun, 4 stun, and then 5 stun.
Reaction Optimization
The +1 Initiative from this geneware is considered part of the Reaction Enhancers augmentation, so it stacks with the Initiative dice from Wired Reflexes whenever their Reaction bonuses would stack.
Tetrachromatic Vision
This augmentation has no effect on cybernetic eyes.
Gear and Items
Banned Items
The following items are banned, in totality, from use on Runnerhub. They may not be used by players or GMs.
- Milspec armor of any and all kinds, including the Ares Firewatch "Bug Stomper" armor in Street Lethal.
- Bumblebee Drones
- Dum Dum Grenades
- Stoner-Ares M-22A1 Vehicle Mounted Heavy Machine Guns
- Zapper Rounds
- Drain Away
- Krime Splash Self-Defense Ammunition
- Krime Party
- Krime Carpet
- Krime Calliope
- Krime Ripper
The following is a compacted list of licenses for use and what they cover:
- Firearms: All firearms and restricted military type weapons, including cyberweapons and ammunition.
- Melee weapons: blades, clubs, and other melee weapons, Including cyberweapons. Covers melee throwing weapons not including exotics.
- Magic: Spells, foci and spirits. This also includes magical reagents or alchemical ingredients and infusions.
- Matrix: Decks and Matrix programs.
- Drones: Drones, RCCs, software, and other drone related equipment.
- Vehicles: Operating licenses for groundcraft, aircraft, seacraft, or other vehicles.
- Explosives: For explosives and related tools.
- Augmentations: Cyberware, nanotech, geneware, and bioware augmentations. Weaponry is covered by the firearms and melee weapons licenses.
- Drugs/Toxins: Drugs, toxins and related equipment.
- Vocational: Tools such as lockpicks, toolkits, or other questionable items that could be explained with a probable work use.
- Armor: All armor and modifications.
- Exotic Weapon: No general licenses, per exotic weapon unless they use the same skill (e.g. lasers).
- Pets: All Restricted animals.
- Archery: Crossbows, bows, arrows/bolts, etc.
- Concealed Carry: For carrying guns hidden on your person that are also wireless off/running silent/Wrappered.
Repairing Damaged Gear and Items
Damaged gear (devices, weapons, armor, drones, vehicles, etc.) can be repaired by a qualified professional or the character themselves. The cost for a repair is generally either a percentage of the item's base value (excluding modifications), or a flat fee, whichever is lower.
When repairing Physical damage to cyberware, costs are only incurred if performing the repairs in the middle of a run. Repairs made pre- or post-run are free.
If a character has the appropriate garage to house a vehicle attached to an active lifestyle, that vehicle is repaired instantly at no cost between runs. Drones are counted as vehicles for the purposes of receiving repairs from a Car Garage, and follow the same Body requirements. Additionally, any Vehicle or Drone with a Nanomaintenance System modification (of any rating) may be repaired instantly at no cost between runs.
Professional Repairs
Repairs performed by a professional are simple and quick in the sense that they only require payment of their fee in nuyen, and a bit of waiting. The professional does not need to make a test to perform the repair, and the repairs are completed in the calculated time – though GMs may adjust the length of time for a repair to be completed if it is performed during a run.
Professional repairs do not need to be performed by a contact.
Player characters may also repair their own gear, if they have the appropriate technical skills and tools. This is cheaper, if not necessarily faster, than having a professional perform the repairs, so in all cases except Matrix damage the cost of the repairs is halved. Self-repairing Matrix damage costs no nuyen, merely time, and otherwise follows the rules on CRB228. The relevant portion is copied below:
"If you have a device with Matrix damage, you can repair it with a toolkit, an hour of work, and a Hardware + Logic [Mental]
test. Every hit you get can be used to either remove one box of Matrix damage or cut the time required in half; the first die spent toward time reduces the time to half an hour, the second to 15 minutes, and so on, to a minimum of one Combat Turn (3 seconds). Bricked or not, the device is off-line and unusable during the repair process."
Making repairs is an Extended Test of the relevant technical skill and the relevant attribute, which is generally Logic but can be changed at GM discretion to support "intuitive" repairs (AKA: jury-rigging). Characters may receive modifiers for this test, such as those from the Build/Repair table on CRB145, at GM discretion. If the character fails to repair all damage, they cannot attempt the test again. The character has simply reached the limits of their skill, and the remaining damage will have to be repaired by a professional.
Repair Thresholds, Costs, and Intervals Table
Type of Repair | Physical Damage (e.g. drones, vehicles) | Matrix Damage (e.g. cyberdecks) | Armor Damage (e.g. acid damage) | Damage to Weapons | |||
Accuracy | AP | Reach | |||||
Repairs done by Player Character | Cost | 2% / 500¥ per box of damage repaired | 0¥ | 2.5% / 125¥ per point of armor restored | 7.5% / 75¥ per point of accuracy restored | 12.5% / 125¥ per point of AP restored | 25% / 250¥ per point of reach restored |
Extended Test Threshold | One box of damage repaired per hit | One box of Armor restored per hit | 10 | 12 | 14 | ||
Extended Test Interval | [Boxes of damage at start of repair] x [30 minutes] | 1 hour, optionally reduced by hits on test | [Boxes of lost Armor at start of repair] x [1 hour] | 30 minutes | 1 hour | 2 hours | |
Repairs done by Professional | Cost | 4% / 1000¥ per box of damage repaired | 2% / 500¥ per box of damage repaired | 5% / 250¥ per point of armor restored | 15% / 150¥ per point of accuracy restored | 25% / 250¥ per point of AP restored | 50% / 500¥ per point of Reach restored |
Length of Repair (rounded up) | ([Boxes of damage at start of repair] / 3) x [1 day] | (Boxes of lost Armor at start of repair] / 3) x [1 day] | 2 days |
Bricked or Destroyed Drones
Drones that have been bricked or destroyed can be repaired for twice the normal repair rates: 8%/2k per box for professional repair of Physical damage, 4%/1k per box for professional repair of Matrix damage, 4%/1k per box if self-repairing Physical damage, and free if self-repairing matrix damage. Software present on the drone itself is lost. This is only possible if the drone itself can be recovered after being destroyed/bricked.
Cyber-Implanted Melee Weapons
Cyber-Implanted Melee weapons increase Reach by +1 when used in pairs. This does not increase damage and both hands must be free (not holding anything).
Characters with Cyberimplant Melee Weapons may benefit from chemical seal if the seal is activated after any weapons are readied. The act of readying cyberimplant melee weapons breaks chemical seal. Cyberguns and Bioweapons cannot be used without breaking chemical seal.
Krime-brand Weapons
All weapons manufactured by Krime with a RAW restriction to orks and trolls may be wielded by any character, with a -2 penalty to all dicepools relevant to using the weapon when wielded by a non-trog.
Krime Katalog Weapon notes
- Any Recoil Compensation listed in parenthesis apply to weapons with their integral mods(bipods, folding stocks) deployed. Otherwise their base RC is 0.
- Listed Recoil Compensation values include bonuses from pre-installed mods and accessories.
- This book lists normal Recoil Compensation values as negative numbers. The negative sign can be ignored.
Military and Future Weapons
While these weapons are not available for purchase by characters, they are available for use by GMs as mission focuses.
One / Two Handed Weapons
Unless otherwise stated in the weapon description, all pistols (tasers, holdouts, heavy pistols, machine pistols) and SMGs are one handed weapons. Assault rifles, long arms and heavy weapons are two handed weapons. Using a two-handed weapon with one hand incurs a -2 penalty (-1 for trolls).
Signature Weapons
Despite the name, "Signature Weapons" (p.183, Hard Targets) are not enough to count as a Signature or Distinctive Style quality on their own.
Stun Weapons
When turned off or out of charge, Stun weapons use the damage code of the equivalent weapon. Stun Batons use the damage code of Extendable Batons, The Nemesis Arms Maul Stun Staff uses the staff damage code, the Krime Stun Lance uses the Pole Arm damage code(except stun instead of physical), and the Stun-o-net uses the bayonet damage code(except stun instead of physical)
Underbarrel Weapons
Underbarrel Grenade Launchers may take an Airburst Link as a slot-less accessory. Other underbarrel weapons cannot take modifications or accessories.
All underbarrel weapons benefit from the following list of modifications if they are present on the main weapon:
- Targeting Accessories (Smartgun system, Laser Sight, Imaging Scope, Safe Target System, etc.)
- Stock Slot Modifications/Accessories
- Side Slot Modifications/Accessories (except for Additional Clip/Magazine)
- Underbarrel Modifications/Accessories (except for other Underbarrel Weapons)
- Custom Look
- Ceramic/Plasteel Components
- Extreme Environment Modification
- Melee Hardening
- Personalized Grip
- Slings
Weapon Form Factor
Modifying a commlink or cyberdeck with a weapon form factor still requires the weapon to be purchased, and all associated availability checks must be made.
Specific Weapons
Ares Screech Sonic Rifle
This weapon has no effect on spirits.
Aztechnology Blood Drinker Combat Axe
This weapon's accuracy remains as written; equal to the physical limit of the user and may not be modified through weapon customization. Additionally, this weapon has a reach of 1.
Aztechnology Striker
This weapon may be reloaded and reused. It is disposable in the sense of being cheap, relative to other options.
Barrens Special
Variations on the statline for this gun are at GM discrection, and do not persist beyond the end of a given run.
Cavalier Flash
May be prepared as described in its notes using a Simple action.
Flame Bracer
This weapon uses the Flamethrowers skill. Flametosser ammo is 12F and each round costs ¥10.
Hammerli Gemini
This weapon cannot take additional magazine modifications.
Hold Fast Sprayers
Hold Fast Sprayers have an accuracy of 2. They are disposable and may not be reloaded.
Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com Commlink Weapons
The availability of these items is Restricted. Additionally, for the sake of clarity, these are not functional commlinks without weapon customizations.
Krime Chatter
The Krime Chatter counts as a Machine Pistol.
Krime Confederate
The Krime Confederate counts as an Assault Cannon, and has an availability of 20F.
Krime Ditch Combination Gun
The Krime Ditch Combination Gun takes a simple action to fold and unfold. It counts as a Sporting Rifle when firing the rifle, and as a Shotgun when firing the shotgun.
Krime Escalation
The Krime Escalation counts as a rocket launcher, fires rockets, and includes an R2 Bug Scanner.
Krime Gloves
These gloves refill their charge following the same induction rules as standard shock gloves.
Krime Heater
The Krime Heater counts as a Heavy Pistol.
Krime KAR-97-H
The Krime KAR-97-H counts as an LMG.
Krime Monster
The Krime Monster counts as an HMG.
Krime Saint Nicholas Carbine
An unmodified Krime Saint Nicholas Carbine with the seven-round clip doubles the concealment bonus it receives from any clothing a player is wearing over it.
Krime Soldier
The Krime Soldier counts as a Sniper Rifle.
Krime Stopper-II
The Krime Stopper-II counts as a Shotgun.
Krime T-Shirt Cannon
The Krime T-Shirt Cannon counts as a Assault Cannon, and can only fire T-shirts.
Krime Tradition
he Krime Tradition counts as an SMG.
Krime Varmint Stocked Pistol
The Krime Varmint Stocked Pistol counts as a Heavy Pistol, and comes with folding stock.
Krime Vester
The Krime Vester counts as a Holdout Pistol.
Lemat 2072
Firing the shotgun barrel uses the Pistols skill.
This weapon is rendered inoperable after being fired, and may not be reloaded.
Morrisey Alta
This pistol's availability code is Restricted instead of Forbidden.
Nemesis Arms Praetorian
As the only Pistol in the game that can have a bayonet, it has a Reach stat of "-" rather than the normal "2" that is attributed to Bayonets.
Onotari Arms HL-13
Following the pattern of the XM30, configurations may be changed using an "automatics + logic [mental]" (5, 1 minute) extended test.
Onotari Arms S-3K
May be prepared as described in its notes using a Simple action.
This weapon uses the following statline:
8 | - | 10M | 9R | 300¥ |
Toxin resistance dice pool bonuses from Nephritic Screens and other such 'ware does not grant a benefit to resisting the Painade.
Does not have the Fire damage type.
Ranger Arms Sniper
Following the pattern of the XM30, assembly of this weapon requires a (Longarms + Logic [Mental])
Renraku Red Samurai Katana
Not available to player characters, reflecting their Availability of "N/A".
Shiawase Arms Simoom
This weapon works as a two-part set of forearm guards for both arms. Therefore, it's not possible to use two shooting barrel forearm guards at the same time.
Stinger Pen Gun
This has recoil compensation "-", not that it matters.
Stoner-Ares M-22A1 Vehicle Mounted Heavy Machine Gun
This weapon (Street Lethal, p130) is not used on Runnerhub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items
Ultimax Rainforest Carbine
The stats for this gun read as follows:
5 | 11P | -2 | SA/BF | (1) | 18 (C) | 8R | 2600¥ |
Detecting weaponized yo-yos uses the same rules as instruments of death.
Weapon Modifications
Each category of weapon has a certain subsets of slots they can fill with aftermarket modifications by default. Almost every weapon can take a grip modification - either a Personalized Grip or a Gecko Grip - which provides the appropriate benefits any time the weapon is held in a grasping appendage. In all cases, a firearm can only take a single aftermarket modification in each available slot, along with any number of slotless modifications. Aftermarket modifications are any that are not 'integral', which refers to any modifications that come with the firearm by default. Per RAW, 'integral' modifications do not use any slots, leaving you free to add a Long Barrel to your Ingram Smartgun X aftermarket. Any single, specific weapons that are stated, by RAW, to be unable to take any modifications (or accessories) will be treated as having no slots. Any single, specific weapon that is stated to be unable to take a certain slot of modification is unable to do so even if the below list indicates that it would be able to. You can, however, still add any slotless accessories or modifications to them. Beyond those exceptions, see the below list.
Melee and Thrown
Melee and thrown weapons (except for grenades) may not take any modifications except for a grip modification, "Custom Look", "Overclocked", "Tracker", "Weapon Commlink", " Chameleon Coating", and "Weapon Personality." They can make use of holsters, if the weapon is appropriately sized. Grenades may not take any weapon modifications.
Tasers have access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed.
Holdouts cannot take any modifications that require slots. They are one handed.
Light, Heavy, and Machine Pistols have access to Top, Side, Barrel, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed.
Submachine Guns
SMGs have access to the Top, Side, Barrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are one handed.
Carbines, ARs, Sporting Rifles, Snipers, Shotguns, MGs
Carbines, Assault Rifles, Sporting Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and all categories of Machine Guns have access to all slots by default. They are two handed.
ACs and Launchers
Assault Cannons, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, and Missile Launchers have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed.
Light, Medium, and Heavy crossbows have access to the Top, Side, Stock, and Internal slots. They cannot take Electronic Firing. They are two handed. The Ranger Sliver Pistol Crossbow has access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots. It cannot take Electronic Firing. The Ranger Sliver Pistol Crossbow is one handed, and has a concealability modifier of +0.
Bows, including the Krime Trollbow and the Dynamic Tension Bow, are obligate two handed weapons. They cannot be fired in one hand by taking a penalty. The Krime Trollbow and Dynamic Tension Bow as well as Compound Bows can take an Internal Smartgun System and a grip modification, as well as laser sights. Traditional bows can take a grip modification, laser sights, and their own special breakdown system detailed on Hard Targets P197.
The Winchester Airbow
The Winchester Airbow has the same slots as detailed in RAW. It is two handed and has a concealability of +6.
The Narcoject PEP has the same slots as detailed in RAW. It is one handed and has a concealability of +0.
Excluded Individual Ranged Weapons
The following weapons cannot take any modifications except for grips.
- Any weapon which has a paid essence or capacity cost, typically cyberweapons and bioweapons, are incapable of taking any modifications, grips included, except for those specifically called out in RAW.
- The Tiffani Elegance Shooting Bracers. They are treated as one handed at concealability +0 for spotting it, though they retain the RAW modifier to discern the true function. They cannot benefit from grips, but cannot be disarmed by called shots or similar effects.
- The SA Retiarus Net Gun (Basic and XL.) They are treated as two handed at concealability +6/+8.
- The Mortimer of London "Trafalgar" Gun Cane and Knockoff Gun Cane. They are treated as one handed.
- Bolas (Regular and Monofilament). Bolas are one handed and have a concealability of +0. Additionally, bolas cannot take grips.
- Blowguns. Blowguns are one handed and have a concealability of +2.
- The Ares Giantslayer Slingshot. Slingshots are obligate two-handed weapons - you cannot take a penalty to wield them in one hand, due to their nature - with a concealability of +0.
- The Micro Flare Launcher. Micro Flare Launchers are one handed weapons with a concealability of -2.
- The Modified Spray Pen
- The Pepper Punch Pen
Pistol-sized Individual Ranged Weapons
The following weapons have access to the Top, Side, and Internal slots by default. They are one-handed and count as pistol sized with a concealability of +0. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
- The Parashield Dart Pistol
- The Ares Redline Laser Pistol
- The FN-AAL Gyrojet Pistol - In addition, the Gyrojet pistol has access to the Barrel slot and Electronic Firing, but not Suppressors.
- The Narcoject Gas Gun
- The Narcoject Trackstopper
- The Narcoject Dazzler - Note this only applies to the standalone version, not the weapon modification version.
Submachine Gun-sized Individual Ranged Weapons
The following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are one-handed and count as SMG sized with a concealability of +4. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
- The Ares Lancer MP Laser
- Grapple guns (regular and tactical.)
Assault Rifle-sized Individual Ranged Weapons
The following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed and count as assault rifle sized with a concealability of +6. They cannot take Electronic Firing.
- The Ares S-III Super Squirt
- The Fichetti Pain Inducer
- The Aquadyne Shark-XS Harpoon Gun
- The Standard Harpoon Gun
- The Ares Armatus
- Ares Screech Sonic Rifle
Sniper-sized Individual Ranged Weapons
The following weapons have access to the Top, Side, Underbarrel, Stock, and Internal slots by default. They are two handed and count as rifle-sized with a concealability of +8. Unless otherwise indicated, they cannot take Electronic Firing.
- The Parashield Dart Rifle
- The Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser
- The Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle
The following weapons have access to the Top, Side, and Underbarrel slots by default. They are two handed and count as rifle-sized with a concealability of +8.
- The Halloweener Barbecue Lighter
- The Shiaware Arms Incinerator
- Shiawase Blazer
Melee weapons
The following melee weapons are one handed:
- Knives
- Swords
- Small Axes (Tomahawk Sized)
- Clubs
- Batons
- Maces
- Whips
- Chakram
- Shields
The following melee weapons are two handed:
- Combat Axe
- Polearms
- Large Swords (Katana and bigger)
- Staves
- Garrotes
- Battering Rams
- Chainsaws
Specific Weapon Modifciations
Electronic Firing
This modification occupies the Internal slot.
Explosive Clip
The available grenade types for this modification are HE, Frag and Flashbang. The detonation of an explosive clip is not strong enough to cause cascading shockwaves. Ignore the rules for Blasts in a Confined Space (aka 'Chunky Salsa', p.183, SR5) when using this modification.
Extended Clip
Extended clip can be put on a weapon with a clip (c), drum (d), or belt (belt) weapons. It does not function on internal magazines (m), cylinders (cy), break action (b), muzzle loaders (ml) and cap & ball (cb).
Gas Vent / Silencer Compatibility
Gas vent and Silencers cannot be combined as aftermarket modifications, since they both use the barrel modification slot. The exception to this is when a weapon comes with an integral version of either modification.
Shotgun Suppressors
Shotguns may be modified with Suppressors.
This weapon modification may be used as a Stun Baton when detached from a firearm, with a Reach stat of 0. Attacks with this weapon use the Clubs skill both when attached and detached.
Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
The stats for this gun read as follows:
4 | As Loaded Grenade | As Loaded Grenade | SS | - | 6 (C) | 10F | 3,500¥ |
This weapon may take an Airburst Link as a slot-less accessory. See .
Bipods & Tripods
Characters are required to take a Drop Prone action before deploying to benefit from either a Bipod or Tripod. It is a Complex Action to deploy a Tripod without the Wireless Bonus.
Ares S-III Super Squirt
DMSO Rounds for this weapon have an availability of 2R, and cost 20ny for 10 rounds. Each pack can be loaded with one dose of toxin, purchased separately.
Assault Cannon
Anti-Vehicle Assault Cannon rounds are available with the following statline:
- AV Assault Cannon rounds: DV —, AP Mod –1/–5(–1 for personal, –5 for vehicle armor), Avail 14F, Cost 1000¥ per 10 rounds.
The rating of all arrows is capped at 12.
Depleted Uranium Rounds
DU rounds cannot be utilized with Called Shots specific to other types of ammunition, such as Bulls-Eye Double-Tap/Burst. Remember that carrying DU rounds without proper authorization and legal status is a crime, and that sensor suites can detect them easily due to the fact that they are radioactive.
Gyrojet Ammo
The Gyrojet ammo listed in the Run and Gun errata should be labelled "Gyrojet Taser" For the missing Gyrojet Ammunition use the following stats:
- Gyrojet uses the stats of regular ammo at 40¥ per 10 rounds
- Gyrojet+ uses the stats of explosive ammo at 160¥ per 10 rounds
- Gyrojet Tag uses the stats of Tracker rounds at 300¥ per 10 rounds
Hand Loads
Hand loads are not used on Runnerhub.
Illegal Ammo
If a character purchases a weapon at gen with a unique ammo type which has an availability higher than 12, the character may ignore the availability to purchase the minimum amount necessary to use the weapon. In addition to enough ammunition to fill the weapon, a character may purchase the following; one power clip for the Ares Redline, Armatus, Underbarrel Laser, Screech Rifle, or Ares Thunderstruck, two power clips for the Lancer and Narcoject PEP, and one power satchel for the Ares Archon.
Looper Rounds
Looper Rounds will use the Subsonic Ammunition modifiers for perception; -1 on all perception tests to locate default or -2 when used from a suppressor.
Zapper Rounds
This ammunition type is not used on Runnerhub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items
Please note on your character's sheet what the default setting is for their grenades. If this is neither noted nor stated prior to use, they are assumed to be unarmed and must be set as a Simple Action.
Grenades do not halve the armor value of someone holding them if they are prematurely detonated, a vehicle they hit, etc. Grenades only use the Demolitions rules for Explosives (p. 436, CRB) if they are deliberately placed on a surface in order to increase their penetration by someone trained in Demolitions.
Cancellation of Service Grenades
As per their fluff text, these have a radius of 5 meters.
Douser Grenades
The effect listed from having a FW of 0 is unique to this grenade
Dumdum Grenades
Dum Dum Grenades are not used on Runnerhub. See: Banned Items
Ares Firewatch "Bug Stomper" Custom Armor
This armor ('Street Lethal', p129-130) is not used on Runnerhub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items
Ballistic Mask
May not be worn together with a helmet.
Chameleon Suit
RPC can be applied to this armor as a modification. The RPC bonus is gained in addition to the native bonus of this armor.
A regular Cloak (not Ruthenium Polymer Cloak) can accept the Chemical Protection, Fire Resistance, Insulation, Nonconductivity, Radiation Shielding, and Thermal Dampening armor modifications.
It can have a maximum capacity for armor modifications of 6. Each point of capacity costs 100¥ plus the cost of the modification itself.
Hardened Mil-Spec Battle Armor
This armor (p.66, Run & Gun) is not used on Runnerhub. This includes usage by PCs as well as NPCs. See: Banned Items
PPP Armor Add-Ons
For the purposes of PPP gear, any gear that can be chemically sealed counts as Full Body Armor.
Snake Mesh Socks
Snake Mesh Socks do not provide a permanent armor bonus, only +2 Armor against attacks that specifically target the feet or lower legs. They also do not count towards encumbrance.
Urban Explorer Daedalus and Helmet
The stats given in Street Lethal are replaced by those from 'unofficial errata', and repeated here.
Urban Explorer Daedalus (Wingsuit) | |||
Armor | Capacity | Availability | Cost |
9 | 4 | 8 | 3,200 ¥ |
Urban Explorer Daedalus: Helmet | |||
Armor | Capacity | Availability | Cost |
+2 | 6 | - | 100 ¥ |
Armor Modifications
AR Fashion
The subscription services are tiered, that is, having the designer level service also includes clothes from the previous three levels.
For simplicity, the threshold to make a piece of AR clothing is based on the availability of the tier of clothes you want to make unless the GM rules otherwise.
Armor Add-ons
Legal for use on Runnerhub. Use common sense and don't make RD, CCD, or a GM swat you for misusing them.
Chemical Seal
Chemical Seal is available on any body armor that has a matching, dedicated helmet. For armors other than Full Body Armor, only the Chemical Seal listed on CRB 438 that takes 6 capacity is available.
Distributed Deck
Characters do not need Electronic Part Packs to repair these devices when they take Physical damage. Instead, characters need ten percent of the original base cost of the deck per box of damage.
Gel Packs
This armor customization can only be added to full armor pieces (e.g. armored jacket, armor vest, Berwick suit, etc.) but not armor add-ons and accessories (e.g. helmets, masks, forearm guards, etc.).
Gel Packs count as an armor stack, and thus add to encumbrance.
Shock Frills
Shock Frills do 8S(e)
damage when used as a weapon, but cannot damage an attacker who comes into contact with them like Shock Weave.
YNT Softweave
This armor customization can only be added to full armor pieces (e.g. armored jacket, armor vest, Berwick suit, etc.) but not armor add-ons and accessories (e.g. helmets, masks, forearm guards, etc.).
Upgrading Cyberdecks / RCCs / TacNets
It is possible to upgrade a cyberdeck, RCC, or TacNet to the equivalent of a better (more expensive) model. To do so, characters must succeed on a standard Availability roll for the device they are upgrading to, then pay the price difference between the new and old device. It's also possible to downgrade a device, though characters who do so won't get anything back and still need to succeed at a standard Availability roll for the new device.
Delivery times are the same as buying a brand-new version of the new device.
General Gear
Ares FlaShield
May be used as a weapon with the same stats as the Riot Shield, and requires the Shields exotic weapon specialization in the Clubs skill.
When all six areas of the body (Face, Torso, and Limbs) have Altskin applied, the user is completely immune to contact vector toxins for the duration. Anything less than full coverage provides situational immunity or a dicepool bonus to resistance as per Chrome Flesh, page 152.
EVO/Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement
The Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement does not have hardened armor. When deployed, the Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement has Structure and Barrier ratings of 10 and 10.
Generic Face versions of this item may function as basic Faceless, and Specific Face versions may function as a Generic Face or Basic Faceless. The Specific Face displayed may be changed with 10 minutes of work by anyone with ranks in Computer or Software.
As a simple reminder to GMs, feel free to only have narratively important devices roll against Faceless. This is not a rule, just a helpful reminder.
Genemarked Pheromones
These do not stack with Tailored Pheromones.
Lockpick Set
Lockpick Sets are required to use the Locksmithing skill to open locks, including maglocks. A Locksmithing Toolkit is not required to open maglocks.
When an autonomous medkit rolls Rating x 2 to heal, treat it as if it had First Aid skill equal to it's rating.
Multiprogram Operating System (MOS)
This item does not stack with the Datajack Plus and is limited to running Common and Hacking Cyberprograms. This excludes agent programs from running on the device.
Nixdorf Sekretar
The agent that comes preloaded on Nixdorf Sekretars can only access the Computer skill.
Pantheon Industries Hard Case CCOB
Drones in the micro drone racks of a CCOB are considered inactive until removed or launched.
Portable Chemical Injectors
Use the following stats for the portable chemical injectors (p.176, Chrome Flesh):
Type | Capacity | Availability | Cost |
Wrist | 3 doses | 4 | 500¥ |
Thigh | 5 doses | 6 | 750¥ |
Harness | 10 doses | 10R | 2500¥ |
Press Pass
These are tied to a SIN. How far they will get a character and how closely that character will be watched is entirely up to GM fiat.
Spirit Tuxedo
The conjurer receives one service upon a successful summoning, and the conjurer must continue wearing the outfit in order to command the spirit and to benefit from its services. If the conjurer removes the outfit, the spirit gets upset and will not perform any further services until the conjurer puts the outfit back on and issues a new command.
Self-Destruct Odd Mod
A self-destruct module may be installed in any item with a Device Rating, or enough electronics that it can be assumed to have one, so long as the item is larger than a minigrenade. The module must be integrated into the device it is installed in, and thus under the control of the device's owner.
Any device that could reasonably survive the detonation of a fragmentation grenade, such as a vehicle, soaks the damage instead of simply vanishing. Devices that physically survive the detonation are still rendered inoperable until repaired, regardless of the amount of damage soaked.
Tailored Perfume/Cologne
Tailored Perfumes and Colognes stack with either Tailored Pheromones or Genemarked Pheromones, whichever is applicable.
Yerz Kit
It's a toolkit for self-installing the Yerzed Out mod from Rigger 5. Characters still pay the full price of the modification.
Mercury Alpha Signal Booster
As a clarification, the passive mode provides 4 noise reduction.
PI-TAC Accessories
The Hardcase and Signal Booster accessories, as well as their variants, may be used without a PI-TAC.
Surplus PI-TACs
The maximum discount allowed on the hub is 50%, and replacement parts cost 5% of the normal price per part.
Disguising Gear
Gear can be disguised as something similar for 25% of the base cost. This incurs a -2 penalty against tests to see through the disguise and identify the actual item. If the item is examined for an extended amount of time (more than 10 seconds), this advantage is lost.
Alchemical and Magic Items
Alchemical Tools
This tool requires the Spray Guns skill to be used offensively.
Vault of Ages
This tool can be filled in downtime but cannot use Edge on downtime rolls. The reference to "Magic of Creator" is to be interpreted as "Rating of the Vault".
Vault of Ages are the same size as a medkit of the same rating and can be transported as such.
Astral Bond
Unavailable, also irrelevant due to Core rules.
Baobhan's Tears
Drain Away
Drain Away is banned from use on Runnerhub.
HMHVV II Inhibitor
Unavailable to players under normal circumstances.
Alchemical Preparations
Lightning Blade
Please note that very few modern armors are metal; chainmail and mil-spec are the entirety of the list.
Unless gathered or created by the character using them, all Refined and Radical Reagents will be of the Baseline Quality. GM fiat for quality and tapping out. Remember that anything in the Seattle metroplex will be high competition territory.
Drugs, Addictive Substances, and Toxins
Addiction and Withdrawal tests are only modified by the highest positive relevant modifier (Narcos' +2 when already addicted does not stack with Nephritic Screen).
Toxin resistance dice pool bonuses from Nephritic Screens and other such 'ware does not grant a benefit to resisting the Painade or the Fichetti Pain Inducer.
Drug Grades
If a character has an appropriate contact, they may purchase Street Cooked or Pharmaceutical-grade drugs according to the rules as written in Chrome Flesh, except for Designer-grade drugs, which are not available.
Awakened drugs are not available in Street Cooked or Pharmaceutical grades.
Cooking Drugs
In addition to buying Street, Standard, or Pharmaceutical-grade drugs, characters so inclined may cook their own "shiny good goods" according to CF191, with some changes. Drugs cooked by player characters may only be various grades of existing, RAW-statted drugs. Characters may craft Awakened Drugs and the Magical Compounds listed in Chrome Flesh. Custom Drugs cannot be created by players. A Contact with a Connection of 5 is not required, but a Contact who could conceivably get you the tools and ingredients is required.
To cook drugs, player characters need the proper tools, and are limited by their tools.
- A Chemistry Kit will allow the player to make Street-Cooked drugs.
- A Chemistry Shop allows the player to make up to Standard-grade drugs.
- A Chemistry Facility allows the creation of up to Pharmaceutical-grade drugs.
Ingredients, as RAW, cost 50% of the drug's Standard-grade price. Their Availability is equal to 75% of the drug they create, rounded up. For example, Kami is 4R and the ingredients would be 3R. The ingredients for Cereprax, at 14F, would be merely 11F.
As always, the sale of player-made drugs to other players is banned. Giving out the drugs you've cooked on a run is allowed, but if they are not returned then they are lost.
Weaponized Drug Use
Drugs have no impact on unaware or unwilling subjects except with the express approval of the GM on a per-run basis. GMs should only approve this in a limited capacity, such as slipping a drug into someone's drink, or dosing someone with a drug meant for offensive use, such as Memory Fog, Laés, or Zombie Dust.
Specific Drug and Toxin Rulings
Betel has an Addiction Rating of 6 for the purposes of addiction tests, and overdosing. Characters who use Betel will be automatically addicted at a Mild level, unless they have some form of bonus toxin resistance, in which case they make addiction tests as normal using the addiction threshold of 2
as given in Chrome Flesh pg. 188. Under no circumstances can a Betel addiction exceed the Mild level.
Reminder: The effect of this toxin differs depending on delivery method. If delivered via DMSO, the Resistance test is against Drain, not Toxin, and spirits struck with the coated weapon or capsule round cannot apply the Immune to Normal Weapons wuality to the damage resistance test. Injection is the only delivery method which results in the affected being losing access to the manasphere.
Designer BTLs do not have drug interaction effects and overlap with other drug bonuses, without stacking. Only one BTL can grant mechanical effects at a time.
Consider Deepweed to have an Addiction Rating of 6, and an Addiction Threshold of 2 until official values are released in errata.
These substances are treated as Toxins, and use the stats from pg 188 of Stolen Souls instead of the one from Chrome Flesh.
Neurostun 8-10
Neurostun's damage cannot overflow into physical anymore. Instead, living creatures with a full stun track take 1 point of unresisted Physical damage per minute after the first contact with the toxin.
Psyche reduces the sustaining penalty for Technomancers and Complex Forms, as indicated by the fluff text in RAW.
The ingredients for Psyche are 4R, and the threshold for successfully cooking it is 8.
It takes three doses per day for six weeks to receive the Karma discount. Addiction rolls are required at the beginning of the next session.
This substance is treated as a Toxin, and uses the stats from pg 189 of Stolen Souls instead of the one from Chrome Flesh.
This substance is treated as a Toxin, and uses the following Toxin stats instead of the Drug stats from Chrome Flesh.
Vector | Contact |
Speed | 1 Minute |
Duration | 12-Body hours, minimum 1 |
Power | 8* |
Penetration | 0 |
Effect | Stun Damage, -3 Willpower (minimum 1), -1 Social Limit |
Soothsayer is resisted by Body only. Each dose a character is exposed to reduces the power of future doses by 1 (minimum 0).
Stim Patches
Multiple Stim patches apply overdose effects: [Rating] Stun damage for each patch, resisted with Body + Willpower
In lieu of official errata, use the German values for this drug. This drug has an Availability of 6R, and a Cost of 300¥ per dose. This drug is impossible to become addicted to, having an Addiction Rating and Addiction Threshold of 0.
Drug and Addictive Substance Usage
Using Addictive Substances
Each time you take an addictive substance, you will immediately make an addiction test (Pg 414 SR5 CRB). For psychologically addicting drugs, the test will be [Logic +Willpower +(11 - Drug's Effective Addiction Rating) +(other modifiers)]
. For physiologically addicting drugs, the test will be [Body + Willpower + (11 - Drug's Effective Addiction Rating) + (other modifiers)]
. For drugs that are "Both", the test will be the worse of your two dicepools for the above. Only permanent attribute augmentations apply to the dicepools for this test. If you fail the test, you immediately suffer the effects of a failed addiction test.
On a failed roll, the Addiction worsens by one level (Mild to Moderate, Moderate to Severe, Severe to Burnout), or the character gains the Addiction quality at the Mild level if not yet addicted. Afterwards, the character doesn't have to make any more Addiction tests when taking additional doses of the same drug in that session.
Drug Interactions
When a character takes a dose of a drug while already under the effects of that same drug, or a drug with shared effects (e.g. both drugs increasing the same Attribute), they take Stun damage with a DV equal to the sum of the overlapping drugs' Addiction ratings, resisted with (Body + Willpower)
. Even if a character passes out from the Stun damage, they gain the benefits of both drugs, but the benefits count as coming from the same source for the purposes of bonus stacking - that is, they overlap instead of stacking.
GMs may make players roll drug interactions with toxins if applicable.
Addiction Quality
Characters with the Addiction quality may suffer from the effects of Withdrawal. Depending on their level of addiction, they must make a Withdrawal test (this is a Standard Addiction Test) as shown in the table below. The GM may call for this Withdrawal test at the start of the Run or at any appropriate Thematic moment.
Current Addiction Level | Withdrawal Check Frequency |
Mild | Every Other Run |
Moderate | Every Run |
Severe | Every Run; 2/Run if >1 week |
Burnout | Every day (of active run) |
Remember that if a character takes a dose, they must make another Addiction test to see if the Addiction gets worse (see Using Addictive Substances, above). The dose can be taken at any point during the session. Once the dose has been taken and takes effect, the Withdrawal penalties no longer apply.
Getting Rid of an Addiction
If a character wants to get rid of an Addiction, they must stay clean and suffer through a Withdrawal period. This means they must not use the drug they are Addicted to in any form for a number of real-life weeks equal to the drug's Addiction rating.
During that time, characters are still subject to the Withdrawal checks, as described above. If the character fails this test, they must either use the drug, thus ending the attempted withdrawal, or suffer the withdrawal penalties (see Addiction Quality, above).
Once the character has made it to the end of the withdrawal period, they make a Withdrawal test, however, Edge may not be spent. If the character succeeds on their Withdrawal test, they can buy off one level of the quality (from Burnout to Severe, Severe to Moderate, Moderate to Mild, Mild to no Addiction), spending the appropriate amount of Karma.
If they fail on the Withdrawal Test, the quality remains. In this case, the character can immediately start another withdrawal attempt.
Addiction Test
Sally Street Sam takes Jazz. As Jazz is both Physiological and Psychological, they make a single test - the lowest of either her Body or Logic, in this case her Logic using their [Logic + Willpower]
. Using Jazz's Addiction Rating of 8, the final dice pool calculations come out to [Logic + Willpower + 3]
, and rolls against Jazz's Addiction Threshold (3). Edge may be spent on this test. If either test fails, Sally Street Sam gains the Addiction quality at the Mild level.
Withdrawal Test
Johnny Decker is a Moderate Psyche addict. During every run, a GM may call for a Withdrawal test - this can be before the meet or at any Thematic time in the run, as deemed by the GM.
Psyche is a Psychological addiction with Addiction Rating 6, so Johnny Decker rolls [Logic + Willpower + 5]
plus their highest rating modifier to drug Addiction rolls. They must meet the Addiction Threshold of Psyche (2) or they will suffer withdrawal until they have a fix, taking, for a Moderate Addiction, -4 to all mental-attribute based tests.
Upon taking a dose of Psyche, whether suffering from Withdrawal or not, Johnny Decker must roll an addiction test. Using Psyche's Addiction Rating (6), Johnny Decker calculates his Addiction Test dice pool as [Logic + Willpower + 5]
and rolls it in an attempt to hit the Psyche's psychological Addiction Threshold of 2, potentially increasing the level of their Addiction. As usual, Edge may be spent on this Addiction test.
Drug & Toxin Classification
Use this table for determining immunity with qualities such as Natural Immmunity, as well as any other case where a character needs to know if a drug is natural or synthetic.
Drug or Toxin | Page | Type |
Aconite | HT 192 | Natural |
Atropine | HT 192 | Natural |
Caldwell Lily Extract | SS 188 | Natural |
Chloral Hydrate | SS 188 | Synthetic |
Chloroform | SS 188 | Synthetic |
CS Gas | CRB 409 | Synthetic |
Cypher | BB 21 | Synthetic |
Dread | BB 29 | Natural |
Gamma-Scopolamine | CRB 410 | Natural |
Narcojet | CRB 410 | Synthetic |
Nausea Gas | CRB 410 | Synthetic |
Neuro-Stun | CRB 410 | Synthetic |
Pepper Punch | CRB 410 | Synthetic |
Picrotoxin | BB 20 | Natural |
Retro | BB 20 | Synthetic |
Rocuronium | BB 20 | Synthetic |
Seven-7 | CRB 410 | Synthetic |
Slab | CF 182 | Synthetic |
Tetrodoxin | HT 193 | Natural |
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